Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 937: You promised not to hypnotize me again

"Those people have me, and you are not familiar with them, so you don't need to do it again." Sheng Nanxuan interrupted her.

Gong Mo suffocated and wiped away his tears: "Then Sister Li and Zeng Shuai, do I know each other?"

Yu Qingliu moved for a while, as if he understood what they were making.

Gong Mo suddenly looked at him and sat up from the bed.

Sheng Nanxuan angrily took the quilt and wrapped her upper body.

She looked at Yu Qingliu: "Uncle——"

"What's wrong?" Yu Qingliu felt uncomfortable thinking of Owen.

"I'm sorry...I killed your friend." Gong Mo cried with a low headache.

"Don't take the responsibility on yourself. You are not wrong, you are also a victim!"

Yu Qingliu is a doctor. Although he is not a psychologist, the patients he came into contact with during the MSF years had psychological trauma.

He knows that psychological intervention is indispensable after people experience changes. No one is a cold-blooded metamorphosis, who will always be affected by things. Now Gong Mo is affected.

He said: "You are in poor health now. The important thing is to raise your body first. If you are depressed and unable to get out of your psychological shadow, let Nanxuan hypnotize you and forget about it first."

"Okay, I agree." Sheng Nanxuan said hurriedly.

"Dare you!" Gong Mo shouted, staring at him.

"You will blame yourself, this is a normal phenomenon. But if you continue to blame yourself, excessive self-blame, it will not be good for your body, and it may cause depression." Yu Qingliu said, "If you can't adjust yourself, go to the psychology Doctor. Don’t think it’s not a disease. Your current physical condition simply can’t bear the torture. It’s really not good. You can only let Nan Xuan hypnotize you."

Gong Mo looked at Sheng Nanxuan in horror, and Sheng Nanxuan looked at her coldly.

It seems that he is serious.

"I...I will adjust it well." Gong Mo said scaredly.

She doesn't want to forget anything! The feeling of being empty in my mind makes people doubt the world.

Yu Qingliu nodded in satisfaction, and said to Sheng Nanxuan: "You can be tougher, don't let her think about it."

Gong Mo looked depressed: Is this your attitude towards patients?

After Yu Qingliu left, Sheng Nanxuan looked at her coldly: "Do you understand what Uncle said?"

Gong Mo complained: "You promised me that you won't hypnotize me again!"

"Last time was to save you, and if there is one, the next time is the same. If you are unhappy, I will find a way to make you happy. Anyway, after you are hypnotized, you don't know."

"You--" Gong Mo suffocated, "You didn't hypnotize me again, did you?"

If this is the case, she doesn't know!

"I promised you that I will do it, provided you do it well." His voice was full of threats and warnings.

Huzi suddenly sat up and reached out and gave him a push.

He looked at Huzi, Huzi snorted, lay back on the bed and hugged Gong Mo.

Sheng Nanxuan said to Gong Mo: "Look, my son is standing by your side, and you are still fighting with me."

Gong Mo blamed himself and was depressed, unable to speak.

"Mom." Huzi whispered in her ear, "ignore him."

Gong Mo looked at him and couldn't help being amused: "He is a father."

"Huh~" Hu Zi twisted and began. Even if you are a father, you can't bully your mother!

Sheng Nanxuan got up to sort out the clothes that Gong Mo and Huzi would wear when they were discharged from the hospital.

Huzi brought some of his toys. He carried one behind him and walked to the bed. (To be continued~^~)

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