Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 943: I don't want to see you

Gong Mo was silent for a moment: "Then I am very serious."

He paused, looked up at her, lowered his head and continued to massage her.

Gong Mo felt that his movements seemed a lot stiffer.

She wanted to pull her foot back, Sheng Nanxuan grabbed her abruptly, raised her head and shouted: "Observe!"

Gong Mo wept sadly: "Am I going to get better?"

"No, but you will not be a healthy person in the future. You take care of yourself and don't catch cold in the future, you will always be fine."

Sheng Nanxuan originally didn't want to tell her the truth, but was afraid she didn't know the severity like today.

Gong Mo nodded blankly.

After the massage, the water in the basin was already much colder, and Sheng Nanxuan changed the hot water again, "soak a little longer."

Gong Mo nodded and became very obedient.

She didn't want to die early and leave him alone. If so, he would go crazy.

Sheng Nanxuan said: "You look down at it."


"These waters." Sheng Nanxuan sat on the side of the bed and hugged her, "They are hot, different from those cold, so don't be afraid."

Gong Mo looked over and moved his feet lightly, feeling very comfortable. It was indeed different from the bitter cold.

She nodded and leaned on her shoulder: "I am not afraid of you."


In the early morning, the driver parked the car by the side of the road.

Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan sat at the back with the tiger, Gong Mo was wearing a thick down jacket, holding a warm handbag in his hand.

Snow fluttered outside.

Huzi stood up from Sheng Nanxuan's arms, sighed on the glass, and stroked it with his fingers.

"Should we go up?" Gong Mo asked.

"They will come down soon," Sheng Nanxuan said.

This is Yu Qingliu's private apartment. After Owen's death, he let Judy stay here, and let Ding Dang stay with Judy at night.

A few minutes later, three people of different heights walked out of the apartment building.

All three of them were wearing black coats, and Judy was walking in the front. Yu Qingliu walked behind her with Ding Dang holding an umbrella.

Judy is holding a urn wrapped in black cloth.

Gong Mo put down his warm handbag and got out of the car. Sheng Nanxuan was surprised and hurried to follow.

Huzi turned around, just about to follow them, Sheng Nanxuan slammed the door.

Sheng Nanxuan was afraid that Gong Mo would catch a cold, so he wrapped a scarf around her neck.

Judy stopped and looked up at them.

Gong Mo walked over, and she said bitterly: "Get out!"

"Judy!" Yu Qing said.

Judy looked at Gong Mo, gritted her teeth: "I don't want to see you! You go!"

"I'm sorry..." Gong Mo said sadly.

Judy hugged the urn tightly, tears quickly covering his face: "The people who treat me well always disappear quickly, either go or die... Finally, the master said that he would take me for the rest of my life. Why did you kill her?

"It's none of Gong Mo's business!" Yu Qingliu said.

"Then it's your business!" Judy turned to look at him, "Why do you ask Master for help?"

"I..." Yu Qingliu was speechless, and his umbrella hand trembled.

Knowing that he was blaming himself, Ding Dang hurriedly stood in front of him and said to Judy: "Everything is impermanent, you can't blame Qingliu!"

"Why don't I blame it? My master is dead. Why do you tell me not to blame?!" Judy shouted angrily, "If it is your relative who died, can you accept it calmly?"

"Sorry..." Gong Mo lowered his head.

"I don't want to see you again!" Judy held the ashes and strode forward. (To be continued~^~)

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