Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 947: Sheng Nanxuan and Yu Jia are angry

After getting in the car, she asked Sheng Nanxuan: "What should Huzi do after school? Send someone by his side?"


"That's not good, right?"

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

Gong Mo believed that he would not put himself and Huzi in danger again, and nodded.

After arriving at Yu's house, Huzi ran to Wu Surong happily: "Grandma--"

"Hey—" Wu Surong laughed and caught him, "My tiger seems to grow taller~"

"Really?" Huzi asked happily.

Gong Mo walked in with a warm handbag, and Yu Xinran was surprised when she saw her.

When Gong Mo came last week, he hadn't worn that thick. Besides, there are air-conditioning in the house and in the car, so it will be colder in the two minutes when you go out and get out of the car. An extra coat is enough. How can you wrap it up like this and hold your warm handbag?

"Gong Mo, are you sick?" Yu Xinran asked concerned.

Gong Mo nodded embarrassedly.

Wu Surong hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Is it serious? Wasn't it okay last week?"

"Just two days ago..." Gong Mo said.

"The medicine is bitter!" Huzi said disgustedly with his tongue out.

Wu Surong was surprised: "Are you taking medicine too?"

Huzi nodded.

Min Ling asked, "You all have a cold?"

Gong Mo nodded.

"Qingliu knows?" Wu Surong frowned, "I didn't tell us either!"

Sheng Nanxuan said, "Uncle doesn't want you to worry."

When Yu Qingliu was not there, Wu Surong had no chance to talk about him. She pursed her lips and asked, "I think Huzi is in good spirits, is he alright?"

"He just finished his medicine at noon." Gong Mo said.

"Then you be careful, don't let him get sick again."

Gong Mo was taken aback, nodded, his hands clenched into fists in the warmer bag. It turns out that in the eyes of grandma, the tiger is more important...

Yeah, what is she? In the eyes of the Yu family, Sheng Nanxuan and Huzi are the treasures, and they are only incidental. What are their shortcomings, Wu Surong will blame herself for being normal.

Sheng Nanxuan lowered his voice and said displeasedly: "It was not Gong Mo who made the tiger sick! Gong Mo was also sick because of the tiger!"

Hearing his bad tone, Gong Mo hurriedly stopped: "Nanxuan!"

She looked at Wu Surong in a panic, for fear that Wu Surong would be angry.

As a result, the Yu family were shocked, and Hu Zi was also shocked, and hurriedly hid behind Wu Surong.

Wu Surong suddenly felt very hurt, and looked at Sheng Nanxuan incredulously.

She, she just cares about tigers! How can he...

She is his grandmother, he actually talked to himself like this for a woman!

"Dad!" Huzi suddenly jumped off the sofa, ran to Sheng Nanxuan, and whispered, "Not angry."

Sheng Nanxuan smiled at him: "Dad is not angry." After speaking, he hugged him and sat on the sofa.

Huzi turned and put his hand into Gong Mo's hand warmer, Gong Mo smiled and held his hand in it.

He deliberately pulled away, then stretched back, smiling and playing hide-and-seek with Gong Mo.

Sheng Nanxuan looked at them with a gentle face.

Wu Surong, Min Ling, and Yu Xinran's faces are not very good, especially Wu Surong.

Yu Xinran got up and sat next to Wu Surong, reaching out to massage her shoulders.

Huzi played with Gong Mo for a while, turned his head, and shouted to Wu Surong: "Too grandma."

Wu Surong's injured heart was healed a bit.

Huzi pulled his hand from the warmer bag and wanted to jump off the sofa to go to her. Sheng Nanxuan hugged him: "Where to go?"


"It's here." Sheng Nanxuan said. (To be continued~^~)

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