Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 954: It's okay not to give birth

Sheng Nanxuan walked to the door and switched on the intercom. It was Gong Bai and Yu Xinran who came outside. He put the two up, and they saw a few bodyguards along the way, and they discussed in the elevator whether they were new big people.

When I walked out of the elevator and found that it was also at the door of my house, I knew: Where is the new move? It is obviously...

The two of them walked into the living room, saw Gong Mo dressed thickly, and asked worriedly: "Is it serious?"

"It's okay." Gong Mo has put down his sweater stitches, holding the hand warmer to keep warm.

Seeing her doing this, Sheng Nanxuan silently locked the wool and sweater needles into the storage room.

"You really... didn't say it long ago." Yu Xinran scolded, "Grandma's words yesterday weren't intentional, he was just anxious."

Gong Mo nodded: "I understand. What she said is common sense. It is easy for adults to get sick and to live with children. Nan Xuan cares about me too much, but he doesn't mean it."

"We all understand." Yu Xinran smiled, "He loves you so badly!"

Gong Mo blushed.

Gong Bai asked: "What's going on at your door?"

"Uh... Nan Xuan arranged it, I don't know him, he is always unreasonably worried." Gong Mo pushed everything to Sheng Nanxuan.

Gong Bai said: "He always does things for a reason. Since there are so many people outside the house, you should usually be careful."

Gong Mo nodded.


Gong Mo drank ginseng soup for dinner, and said to Sheng Nanxuan before going to bed: "I feel a little hot..."

"It seems that ginseng has the effect, so eat more in the future. I will use all the rare medicinal materials for you, I don't believe that the conditioning is not good!" Sheng Nanxuan said fiercely.

Gong Mo smiled: "I'm not in a hurry. Mom still has Simon in her forties, but I will give you a second child later."

"Why do you always worry about the second child? It's okay not to have a baby."

Gong Mo's face collapsed: "What do you mean?"

"I am conditioning your body, I hope you are healthy, not for the second child."

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought I was going to get better, and you were hiding it from me."

Sheng Nanxuan was speechless, "Even without this incident, I would not let you have a second child easily. You lost half your life when you gave birth to a tiger last time. The second child depends on the situation and cannot guarantee your safety. I don't want it. ."

"You said you want a daughter..." Gong Mo muttered dissatisfiedly, let him say all the good and bad things.

"..." He really wanted his daughter. He coughed slightly, "Then you obediently give me medicine!"

Gong Mo snorted, "So as expected, I still want it."

"..." So do you want me to want it or not?


Gong Mo dresses thickly every time he plays videos with Shan Rong, which finally arouses Shan Rong's suspicion.

Gambino knew that Shan Rong was not someone who could not bear it, so he simply told her, so Shan Rong decided to return to China.

At lunch, Gong Mo asked, "My parents have already boarded the plane?"

Sheng Nanxuan nodded: "It is estimated that it will arrive at two o'clock in the evening, and you will go to bed first."

"Are you going to pick them up?"

"Pick up downstairs."

"This is not so good..."

"Can't leave you and Huzi at home."

"Then... we can go to the airport together."

"It was two o'clock in the morning!"

Gong Mo pouted.

Sheng Nanxuan gave her a glance, without discussing: "The weather is so cold, I won't let you go during the day, let alone at night?"

"Nor during the day!" Gong Mo was dissatisfied.

"It's alright, you have to eat! The airport boss is so far away, there are so many people around Dad, there is no need for us to pick up, so please relax." (to be continued~^~)

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