Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 956: He is not afraid of dogs!

"Don't worry." Sheng Nanxuan said calmly, "Always investigate clearly and choose someone with innocent wealth, otherwise, what should I do if it brings danger to you and Huzi?"

Gong Mo heard it and nodded hurriedly: "Then you can arrange it. Parents, will they bring some people by themselves?"

"Yes." Sheng Nanxuan kissed her, "You go and change your clothes first. The kitchen hasn't been cleaned up, I'll come as soon as possible."

Gong Mo nodded, not only changed clothes for himself, but also changed clothes for Huzi.

When going out, she was wearing a thick down jacket, wearing a hat, scarf, earmuffs, masks, gloves...fully armed!

Sheng Nanxuan also gave her a hand warmer.

After arriving in the park, Huzi Sahuan went to play.

Gong Mo took out his gloves and stood aside looking at him holding the warmer bag.

Sheng Nanxuan asked, "Is it cold?"

Gong Mo shook his head. The clothes are already thick enough, so I am embarrassed to say cold.

They often play here and know many people. Those people passing by them will greet them. Seeing Gong Mo wrapped tightly, they all asked with concern: "Wear this thick? Are you sick?"

Gong Mo smiled embarrassedly.

"I haven't seen you for a while, have you been sick for a long time?"

Gong Mo nodded.

The other party thought, this disappeared for almost a month, right? Now that the wrap is so thick, is it possible that it is a abortion?

"Don't come out and blow the cold wind when you are sick~" the other party smiled.

Gong Mo glanced at Huzi and said with a smile: "He is going out to play."

"Let your husband take him out. You should rest more at home. A woman's body can't bear the cold."

Gong Mo nodded: "I'll go back later."

"Then let's go first, bye."


Sheng Nanxuan watched the other person go, put his hand into the warm water bag, and held Gong Mo's hand.

The palm of her hand was warm against the hot water bottle, but the back of her hand was almost cold.

"Why is it so cold?" Sheng Nanxuan asked urgently.

Gong Mo looked at him innocently.

"I've said it, Leng will tell me!" Sheng Nanxuan exclaimed angrily, "Are you deliberately making me feel bad?! Your current body--"

"I..." Gong Mo lowered his head and whispered, "I didn't feel very cold... I'm sorry."

Sheng Nanxuan was frustrated with anger in his heart, and said helplessly: "Let's go back!"

He was about to call Huzi when he suddenly heard Huzi's cry.

The two looked over in a panic and saw Huzi sitting on the ground.

"Tiger--" Gong Mo hurried over, almost slipped by the snow.

Sheng Nanxuan pulled her up: "You slow down, I'll go!" After speaking, she ran over there.

Gong Mo kicked the snow on his boots and rushed over.

"Dad!" Hu Zi hugged Sheng Nanxuan and cried.

Gong Mo picked up his gloves that had fallen on the ground, patted the snow on them and put them on him, and asked the people around: "What's the matter?"

"I, I don't know." said a person holding a husky in front.

When Gong Mo saw the huge husky, he was shocked, thinking of the two hungry wolves.

The owner of the husky hurriedly led the dog and explained: "My dog ​​is playing in the snow with my son. It doesn't bite. Your son may be afraid of dogs!"

"He is not afraid of dogs!" Sheng Nanxuan shouted.

Huzi obviously likes dogs, and he will run over to see other people's dogs in the park. It is a dog that may bite people. He and Gong Mo are afraid that he will be injured, so they always hold him.

"I—" the owner of the Husky was anxious, "I really didn't meet him! Don't mess with people!" (to be continued~^~)

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