Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 963: Really thick-skinned!

As soon as Gong Fei walked over, he sat in the empty seat close to Shan Rong, and shouted to Shan Rong: "Second Aunt~"

Shan Rong's face changed and she looked over.

The others also looked over and frowned.

Gong Fei was stiff. There was a Gambino between her and Shan Rong, and she was a little scared when she thought of the way Gambino drew his gun.

But she couldn't stand up, otherwise it would be too noticeable.

She took the courage and smiled at Shan Rong: "I didn't expect my second aunt and uncle to return to China. When did you come back? I don't know."

Shan Rong coldly watched her silently, she laughed dryly: "Hehe..."

Shan Rong couldn't think she could still laugh, she was really thick-skinned!

Shan Rong said unceremoniously, "I don't want you to know, you naturally don't know."

Gong Fei's face turned pale, and he glanced at the other people on the table in confusion.

Unexpectedly, Shan Rong actually didn't give a bit of face, making her faceless in front of everyone!

She paused and continued to maintain a perfect smile, because her position was facing Wu Spring, and she couldn't let Wu Huang see it!

"I haven't seen my cousin for a long time~ I heard that tomorrow is Hu Zi’s birthday?"

"No!" Shan Rong said.


Shan Rong turned his head and looked at the stage: "It's about to start. Where did you come from? Go back."

Gong Fei bit his lip, stood up slowly, and went back with a smile on his face.

Wu Huang hurriedly asked, "What did your second aunt say?"

Gong Feiqiang smiled: "Just a few homely."


The next day was Hu Zi’s birthday and the day when the group established by Sheng Nanxuan was unveiled. Aimo News also chose to open its station on this day.

The morning is the unveiling ceremony of the group, and the afternoon is Huzi’s birthday banquet.

The unveiling ceremony was held in the hotel, which happened to be the hotel where Qingyu Media hosted the charity dinner.

Sheng Nanxuan invited many celebrities and powerful people to come to help out. Many people attended the charity dinner last night, which is tantamount to a change of clothes.

Sheng Nanxuan refused to let Gong Mo go to the charity dinner, but he had to attend the unveiling ceremony of his company. He stuck time to take her there, lest she waited too long to catch a cold.

Gong Mo wore a thick white skirt with thick base socks and a dark red coat over the outside.

The two went to the door of the hall, and the waiters standing on both sides pushed open the door——

Sheng Nanxuan led her into the room, crushing people in darkness.

Gong Mo was a little nervous, grabbing Sheng Nanxuan's hand, almost unable to walk.

Everyone stood up from their seats, raised their hands and applauded, thunderous applause broke out in the hall.

Gong Mo smiled, trying to show a calm and calm look.

She followed Sheng Nanxuan to the speaking platform and walked to the frontmost position. Sheng Nanxuan helped her sit down on the side seat.

"Wait for me," he whispered.

Gong Mo nodded and found that Shan Rong and Gambino were sitting next to them, and they were holding Huzi and Simon.

"Mom~" Huzi whispered and reached out to hug her.

Shan Rong patted his buttocks lightly: "Don't stain mom's clothes."

Gong Mo put on makeup today, Huzi stared at her for a while, nodded solemnly: "Pretty!"

Gong Mo couldn't help smiling, this kid had learned from Sheng Nanxuan.

She squeezed his face and asked him to face the podium: "Listen to Dad."

Standing in front of the microphone, Sheng Nanxuan confidently began to speak, describing the company's entrepreneurial philosophy.

After speaking, he stretched his hand to Gong Mo. (To be continued~^~)

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