Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 968: Let's make up the wedding too

Yu Qingliu and Yu Xinzhuo: "..." seems to be scolding them.

Yu Xinran licked sunflower seeds silently. This is none of her business. If she gets married and has children, she must spend the New Year at her husband's house.

"Then I will be born next year?" Yu Qingliu asked.

Wu Surong glared at him: "The wedding is still three months away. Be careful yourself! If you do something wrong, you will lose this shop if you miss this village!"

"Yes..." Yu Qingliu nodded hurriedly.

Wu Surong paused, then smiled suddenly: "But if time is hurry, I can really hold my grandson next year."

"Didn't you never hug your grandson! So hurry up? The wedding is so tiring, what should I do if I have a miscarriage at this time?"

Wu Surong picked up an orange and smashed it on his head: "Can you speak? I don't know if it's auspicious?"

"Then I am pregnant with twins? Is it lucky enough?"

"You came to **** me off!" Wu Surong got up angrily and said to Yu Zhengming, "I'm going to bed!"

"I'll go too." Yu Zhengming quickly followed.

Back in the room, Wu Surong complained: "I'm so angry! Last year they went abroad to celebrate the New Year. I didn't say anything. I thought that they would keep the New Year together this year. As a result... How can I celebrate the New Year with my husband and wife?!"

"What's weird about this? Isn't that Grandma Huzi?" Yu Zhengming disagreed.

"I'm still Nan Xuan's grandmother!" Wu Surong shouted.

Yu Zhengming reasoned with her: "If you want your grandson to spend the New Year with you, Shan Rong must want it too!"

"Hey! I said, you old man, why are you always facing outsiders?" Wu Surong refused to reason with him.

"I...I'm trying to persuade you." Yu Zhengming said helplessly, "It's fine if the old couple doesn't return to China. After returning, you can't ask Nan Xuan and Gong Mo to leave them alone, right?"

Wu Surong suffocated, and hummed: "I'm just afraid that Old Man Zhang will come to show off with me again, saying that his grandson will come back to accompany him for the New Year!"

"Bo Yu didn't come back."

"Why didn't he come back?" Wu Surong was curious. Sun Boyu has no relatives abroad. It is a good time and place to come back to accompany Old Man Zhang for the New Year! It's weird not to come back!

"You care about him." Yu Zhengming said, "It's good if you don't come back. Otherwise, he will chase Gong Mo again and destroy the relationship between Nan Xuan and Gong Mo. Nan Xuan must be blamed on us, let alone come. I count on you!"

"Yes, yes... I don't want to come back!" Wu Surong said hurriedly, "Huh~ You told Old Man Zhang, if his family dares to ruin my family's affairs, I will cut off contact with him!"

"Yes, yes!" Yu Zhengming listened to his wife for a lifetime, and he was naturally obedient when he was old.


Shan Rong and Gambino returned to Italy after the Lantern Festival. The two decided to make up the wedding on Simon's first birthday, and now they have to go back to prepare.

Sheng Nanxuan said to Gong Mo: "Then we will do it again next year."

Gong Mo wanted to say no, but he knew he was for her. If he refused, he would be sad. She also regretted not wearing a wedding dress.

She nodded: "You have the final say, anyway, I am now controlled by you~"

Sheng Nanxuan gave her a glance: "What are you talking about?"

Gong Mo smiled and leaned on his back and asked, "Then which day shall we hold it? Uncle, they are going to have a wedding on May 20th~520, I love you, how meaningful it is! How about we choose this day? ?"

Sheng Nanxuan was speechless: "Why choose someone else's wedding anniversary if you hold your own wedding?" (to be continued~^~)

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