Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 977: Your mother's weight in her heart is not as good as meat

Gong Mo walked to the door and turned around and said, "I'll make him porridge tomorrow."

"He thinks the meat in the porridge is too small!" Sheng Nanxuan said.

As soon as the voice fell, the door closed.

He turned his head and saw Gong Mo left.

He sighed in frustration and poked Huzi in the face: "Mom doesn't want us anymore."

Huzi was in a daze, turned his head and took a look, his mother was gone!

"Wow--" Tiger cried loudly.

Sheng Nanxuan has a black line: "I'm kidding... Well, you eat first."

He picked up the vegetable porridge and took a spoonful to Huzi's mouth.

Huzi shook his head, crying out of breath: "Meat——"

Sheng Nanxuan was speechless for a while: "Do you want mother or meat?"


"It's over! Your mother's weight in her heart is not as good as meat!"


Gong Mo and Yu Xinran plan to go to the movies first. They can just have lunch after watching the movie, and they can go home after lunch and shopping.

To be happy, the two chose a comedy.

However, the film was not made very well, and the smile was blunt. Not only could it not be laughed, but it was also embarrassing.

No one was watching the morning session, and only one person was laughing occasionally in the entire theater. In the end, the only one smiled embarrassedly.

Gong Mo didn't smile when he heard Yu Xinran next to him, turned his head to look over, and wanted to ask her if she wanted to leave.

Yu Xinran propped his head and frowned, seeming a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?" Gong Mo asked in a low voice.

Yu Xinran sat upright and yawned: "It's a bit bored... uncomfortable."

"Then let's go out, I don't think it looks good."

Yu Xinran nodded, stood up with her bag, and carefully left the seat with her.

After leaving, Yu Xinran let out a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to press his chest, "I'm going to buy a glass of water, it's too stuffy."

"Then you go there and wait for me, I'll buy it for you."

"Then I will trouble you." Yu Xinran felt tired, did not argue with her, went to the rest area to wait.

Gong Mo bought two bottles of mineral water and walked over. Seeing her resting with her eyes closed, he whispered, "Heart?"

Yu Xinran opened his eyes and was startled: "Are you here?"

Gong Mo was taken aback. It looked like she was going to fall asleep. How long was this?

She handed the water over and asked suspiciously, "Did you not sleep last night?" Wouldn't you fight Gong Bai too late?

"No..." Yu Xinran frowned and took a sip of water. "It's been like this for the past two days... It's estimated that the weather is too hot and I don't have any appetite to eat. Let's go, the air here is not good."

Gong Mo was taken aback for a moment and suddenly pulled her.

She asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Are you pregnant?" Gong Mo asked in a low voice.

Yu Xinran was dumbfounded, and suddenly remembered that on the day Shan Rong and Gambino had their wedding, she and Gong Bai had broken their minds and reached a consensus. They were a little excited, as if...have done it many times.

And her relatives don't seem to be here!

Her face changed, and she stammered: "No, no?"

"Are you not paying attention yourself?" Gong Mo took her out, "If you have an X life, it is possible. Pay attention to it at ordinary times! Are your menstrual periods normal?"

"It used to be normal." Yu Xinran was completely stupid.

pregnancy? No way?

She can't get pregnant! Gong Bai is not ready yet!

"What about the recent?" Gong Mo asked.

Yu Xinran thought for a while, and said irritably, "I don't know."

"Let's buy a pregnancy test first," Gong Mo said helplessly.

Yu Xinran said in shock: "Now?!" (to be continued~^~)

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