Seeing his reaction, Yu Xinran was afraid that he would ask himself to beat the child. She repeated nervously: "I'm pregnant."

Gong Bai looked at her blankly, seeing her looking at herself expectantly, blurted out: "Then let's get married!"

Yu Xinran smiled relieved, obviously a little joyful.

Gong Bai was relieved to see her happy, not regretting this decision.

Although the incident happened suddenly and disrupted his original plan, it was the best choice.

Yu Xinran said worriedly: "But I just tested it with a pregnancy test stick just now, and I don't know if I'm sure... I haven't gone to the hospital. I, I dare not go..."

"Then I will accompany you!" he said hastily.

"What if I am really pregnant?"

"Get married!" He smiled, "Didn't you just say it?"

"What if you are not pregnant?"

Gong Bai was stunned for a moment, and said after a moment: "You have to get married if you don't have a baby, but don't be so anxious."

Yu Xinran was inexplicably dissatisfied with this answer, and hoped that he would marry himself immediately anyway!

She knew that she was wrong. He has many things to consider now, everything he does is for her, she shouldn’t be dissatisfied, but she is...

She sighed softly in her heart and asked, "Which hospital shall we go to?"

Gong Bai was taken aback. Knowing that what she asked was whether to go to Wu's hospital.

If you go there, you will be known by Yu Qingliu immediately, and then by the Yu family and even the Wu family.

But if she doesn't go there, she will doubt that he doesn't want to be responsible, right?

He said, "Of course go to your uncle."

Yu Xinran breathed a sigh of relief, and his smile became more sincere.


In the office of the obstetrician and gynecologist, Ding Dang is lying on the bed, and the doctor is doing an ultrasound test for her.

Yu Qingliu sat aside, frowning at the doctor's movements.

The doctor was nervous when he saw it! The other party is the world-renowned Professor Yu, he is afraid of what he did wrong.

Ding Dang asked Yu Qingliu boredly: "How is it? I'm hungry."

"Didn't you just eat lunch?" Yu Qingliu asked.

"It's not that I want to eat!" Ding Dang looked at him innocently.

Yu Qingliu glanced at her belly and said, "Fine, go, get up, and I will take you to eat."

Ding Dang smiled, sat up immediately, got out of bed with his support and put on his shoes.

Walking out of the room, I met a nurse.

The nurse said to Yu Qingliu: "Dean, Miss Yu is here."

"where is it?"

"Uh...pregnancy test over there." The nurse pointed forward.


Yu Qingliu raised his sleeves and walked over there.

Ding Dang called: "You don't want me anymore?"

Yu Qingliu walked back helplessly and dragged her forward: "You go to my office first, I'll take a look over there."

"I'll go with you."

"Then you slow down."

The two walked outside the window where the pregnancy test report was obtained, and they happened to hear the nurse calling Yu Xinran.

Yu Xinran and Gong Bai were standing in front. Gong Bai was about to reach out to take a report. Yu Qingliu rushed over and grabbed it.

"Uncle!" Yu Xinran was startled.

"Positive?" Yu Qingliu looked at the test results and stared at her stomach.

Yu Xinran hid behind Gong Bai.

Yu Qingliu was almost mad at her, gave her a fierce look, and then stared at Gong Bai.

Gong Bai straightened his back, holding his breath.

Yu Qingliu said angrily: "Follow me home!"

"I, I will tell my parents by myself!" Yu Xinran said boldly.

"Waiting for you to tell? What do you do when you drag it until the eight-month child is about to land?"

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