Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 987: Did he break up with Yu Xinran?

"It's okay. Where are you going?" Gong Bai asked.

"Thinking of the weekend, come to see you for dinner~" Gong Fei glanced at the direction where Gong Mo and his car left. "Did my cousin bring you back? What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

"It's okay." Gong Bai turned around, "You can go eat by yourself, I won't go."

Gong Fei was taken aback and asked, "Aren't you dating sister Xinran?"

Gong Bai paused, and then went on.

Gong Fei took off the sunglasses on top of his head and put on them, and said thoughtfully to Gong Jin, "Did he break up with Yu Xinran?"

Gong Jin shouted: "No way?!"

They can't hold Gong Mo's thigh anymore. If Gong Bai breaks up with Yu Xinran again, it's not that all hope is gone!

"I think it's a bit like~" Gong Fei turned into the car.

Gong Jin asked while driving, "Then how do you explain the injury on his face?"

"And his clothes..." Gong Fei was puzzled, "That's a high-level custom, almost one hundred thousand pieces. Oh! No matter what, I will call Wu Huang and find him at night!"

Gong Jin glanced at her: "Are you really dating Wu Fang?"

Gong Fei suffocated: "Of course it is true!"

However, Wu Huang's willingness to associate with her is also based on her being Gong Mo's cousin! If she knew that her relationship with Gong Mo and Yu Xinran was not very good at all, she would definitely kick him! He has started to doubt now!

Oh shit! Have to think of a way!

"I heard that Wu Huang is not a serious young master of the Wu family, and he has no future." Gong Jin said.

"Of course I know!" Gong Fei said grimly. But those serious, how can she be in favor? She hasn't tried it!

Although Wu Huang is nothing, it has something to do with the Wu family and the Yu family, and is better than the other names and names!

And Wu Lao's patriarchal patriarchal patriarch, will definitely leave everything to Wu Huang in the future. No money in the house of Wu Lao Er, the camel is bigger than a horse!

She can hug Wu Chun as soon as she can, but she can't hug... just find another one!


Gong Mo returned home and said with emotion to Sheng Nanxuan: "I originally thought that the marriage between my cousin and Xin Ran would go well..."

"Don't worry, you will definitely accept it in the end." Sheng Nanxuan said confidently.

Gong Mo thought for a while and asked, "Do they look down on cousin?"

"It's not looking down. It's just that people who are not in the world will definitely be prepared."

"Beware of men, but look down on women." Gong Mo felt a little angry, "I'm so lucky to marry you early, otherwise they will definitely object after you and the Yu family agree!"

"I marry my person, who would dare to object?" Sheng Nanxuan frowned, "I live freely without them. I think they are not letting them point fingers at me!"

"Okay, okay~" Seeing his bad tone, Gong Mo hurriedly consoled him, "Didn't they keep telling you? I'm just hypothetical, what are you anxious for?"

"Assume about you, you can't make assumptions!"

If he hadn't been strong all along, who knows if they would point fingers? Therefore, it is good for him to have nothing to do with the Yu family. If something happens, he will turn his face immediately.

Gong Mo blushed and said, "Do you know that you are good to me?"

Sheng Nanxuan glanced at him: "Then how are you going to repay me?"

"Listen to you, let you do everything, I do nothing, okay?"

"Yeah." Sheng Nanxuan nodded in satisfaction, "But...I did everything by myself, including you." (To be continued~^~)

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