Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 993: What should I do if something goes wrong?

"What?!" Gong Mo's expression changed, "What are they here to add to the chaos? I feel that the family is on fire! To discuss the wedding, the uncle and the uncle are here, what are the three uncles and the third aunts having fun together? It’s okay to wait until the wedding, and now it’s noisy. What if there is a fire in the Yu family and you don’t get married?"

"I said the same. But the eldest aunt said that sister Xinran is pregnant and she won't not get married. I really don't know where she is confident!"

Gong Mo also laughed angrily.

Tian Cheng said irritably: "I don't think I can tell her clearly, and I don't bother to fight with her! But the three uncles and three aunts said that they didn't go for this matter, they were going to travel, and take a look at my little cousin."

"Then go to Yu's house to sit down and participate in the marriage discussion." Gong Mo was so angry, "Gong Bai got married is not easy, we must not let them cause trouble! By the way, are you busy now?"

"Ah... I'm not busy, I'm always at home, sometimes I go out to do a part-time job or something, and I usually cook for my mother." Actually, I stay in front of the computer every day.

"So..." Gong Mo was a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Tian Cheng asked suspiciously.

"I mean, if you are free, you can come over, so that you can help cousin watch a little bit, otherwise, what should I do if something goes wrong?"

"That's all right!" Tian Cheng readily agreed, "I'll go and tell my mother, buy the nearest ticket to go back."

Gong Mo asked awkwardly, "Isn't that no one is cooking for your mother?"

"She will do it herself, I just show love." Tian Cheng smiled.


After talking with Tian Cheng, Gong Mo called Gong Bai again, and found that he couldn't get through. He remembered that Sheng Nanxuan was just picking up Gong Bai's call. Isn't it over?

She walked out of the room and saw Sheng Nanxuan still talking on the phone.

"Is it a cousin?" she walked over and asked.

Sheng Nanxuan clutched the microphone, "What's the matter?"

"You use the speakerphone, I have something to tell him."

Sheng Nanxuan pressed the speakerphone, and Gong Mo shouted: "Cousin."

Gong Bai paused, "What's the matter?"

"Just now Tian Cheng called me and said that San Shu and San Aunt would also come to the capital with your parents. Do you know this?"

Before Gong Bai told her that Uncle Gong and Hu Yinghong were coming, but did not mention the three uncles and three aunts, she guessed he didn't know.

Sure enough, Gong Bai stayed for two seconds and said, "I don't know!"

"Um... Then you know now." Gong Mo said.

"I'll hang up first, and talk to you another day!" Gong Bai took a low breath and hung up the phone hurriedly.

Sheng Nanxuan put away his mobile phone and said to Gong Mo, "I think Gong Bai is fine, Yu Xinran is fine, and Yu's family is fine, but—"

"The Gong family has a big problem." Gong Mo said depressed.

She watched Gong Bai and Yu Xinran walk all the way, now that Yu Xinran is pregnant, she naturally hopes they will be well.

The group of Gong family actually cut first and then played, and they didn't know what to toss about. Do they know the severity of the matter?

"Okay. Gong Bai will take care of this by himself, it is not your turn to worry about it." Sheng Nanxuan comforted.

Gong Mo sighed and asked him, "What did the cousin just say to you?"

"Borrow money."

"Ah..." Gong Mo stunned, "Didn't I ask you to help him trade stocks?"

"He thinks it's a good idea to borrow it directly."

"Oh!" Gong Mo said annoyedly, "he is really so, why are you polite?"

"He doesn't borrow much. After he gets married, Yu Xinran will definitely help him pay it back. Even if he doesn't know, he will pay it back in a few years. And... he seems to have forgotten the gift of getting married." Sheng Nanxuan frowned and said. (To be continued~^~)

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