Divine Beast Creator

Chapter 1113: Fierce battle

"This is, all transformed into entities?"

Feng Yuan was a little surprised to look at the surging waves. Under normal circumstances, the tricks are composed of pure energy. Although no one will recover the energy of attacking tricks, there will definitely be energy loss in the process of transforming the entity, so generally Under circumstances, spirit beasts will not use these entity-based attacks.

"Avoid that thing itself has the ability to erase energy."

Gita Rein whispered, and at this moment it also had some doubts, was it because the previous attack did not work because of the energy erasure? But it didn't seem to be right, the previous attack did cause damage to that thing, but it was not a big deal.

"It's possible, but even if it does, it shouldn't be strong."

Looking at the direction of the Colossus of Flesh, Feng Yuan said, Veronia said thoughtfully

"Is it because doing so will interfere with your attack?"

If you think about it carefully, you can understand that while erasing the energy, you will also be isolated from the surrounding energy. In this case, you want to use a trick? It seems unlikely that unless the opponent only has the ability to fight in close quarters, the impact will be slightly smaller, but it will also lose the ability to use tricks to enhance their own attacks.

"Almost, but the main thing is that the thing itself is gathered by energy. Although it has undergone physical transformation, its actions still need to rely on energy to take effect. If the energy is erased, I am afraid that it will not have to disintegrate by itself."

Shrugging Feng Yuan casually explained that this thing is not a creature, it is just a distortion of the abyss, how can it be free from energy action, just look at the twisted will inside that thing, without hands, Feng Yuan can guess, if the energy disappears What will happen.

As for letting Gita Rain and the others erase the energy inside that flesh and blood colossus to achieve alternative destruction? Feng Yuan can only say that he thinks too much about this. No matter what, it is also the power of the abyss. Gita Rain and the others do not have the ability to erase it. He can, but he has no plans to fight the abyss in such a place. One.

The huge waves continuously bombarded the flesh and blood colossus, and the unknown materials on the surface of the statue gradually fell under the scouring of the huge waves. Seeing this, Feng Yuan sighed and said

"It seems there is still no way to avoid it..."

After the shell of the stone statue is peeled off, you can guess what will happen without thinking about it, but it seems that there is no good way to deal with that thing when he can't make a move.

Guo Huai remembered what was whispering in the ears of the big cat. Feng Yuan glanced at Guo Huai and stopped paying attention to him. After all, the primary purpose now is to get rid of this stuff first. As for what Guo Huai wants to do? He can't betray the world anyway, let him go.

"Transition stage?"

Seeing the weird flesh and blood creatures exposed after the outer shell of the colossus was peeled off, Veronia said with a look of disgust, that thing was so ugly and weird, it felt uncomfortable to look at it. On those flesh-like objects, there were almost countless Unclear eyeballs of various sizes continued to turn, and as the shell of the last stone statue peeled off, those eyeballs suddenly turned to the direction where everyone was.

Deronta felt a trance, the next moment those huge waves slowly dissipated, staring at the weird multi-eyed creature, Deronta was a little angry, it was interrupted!

"This method is a little weird."

Veronia glanced at the weird multi-eyed creature holding the umbrella and turned her head, Feng Yuan covered Xiao Ji’s eyes and said

"Don't stare at it all the time, as long as you look at it, you will gradually be polluted by it."

The sound was not loud, but it awakened Guo Huai and the others. At this time, Guo Huai quickly turned his back in a cold sweat. He just glanced at the multi-eyed creature, and he felt his mind was empty and could not remember anything. The same goes for the big cat. In the action, Lorna raised a blue rune ring before her eyes and said

"Mental pollution monster? Very troublesome existence."

Standing up, Lorna just stood on Feng Yuan’s head, making special gestures with her hand, a special force gradually enveloped the multi-eyed creature, Agunas glanced at Lorna in surprise, the other hand, it may not be It is weaker than it, and it can detect that Lorna is preparing to erase the monster from the time level, but that power has no special effect even though it envelopes the multi-eyed creature.

"It's useless. This thing has no place or return. The time trick is useless to it."

Feng Yuan said helplessly, this thing is sheltered by the abyss, and innately does not eat time-based tricks. Lorna's gesture changed, and the power instantly changed, turning into a long river of time between the crowd and the multi-eyed creature. .

At this time, one after another transparent swimming fish crashed into the long river and began to dissipate gradually, Gitarain narrowed his eyes.

"Its attack can't be observed?"

"It's not like that, it's just mixed in this space, it's hard to detect."

Shrugging Feng Yuan explained, Gita Raine let out a long howl, and a spatial ripple spread in all directions, except for Feng Yuan, everyone was surprised by the dense transparent fish-like objects.

"Damn it!"

With a wave of Agunas's paw, the storm blew in this space. Although the time storm was ineffective against the multi-eyed creatures, the transparent fish-like creatures could not resist the time storm.

"What exactly is that thing used for?"

Veronia waved her hand, and a golden crystal ball instantly condensed and crashed into the transparent fish-like creature that was blown by the storm of time, and hit the golden crystal ball. The transparent fish-like creature was like a broken water ball. The explosion turned into scattered water droplets.

There was no explosion, but this made Veronia even more worried. This thing was obviously the opponent's attack method, but this thing didn't have the normal attack ability. Could it be its special purpose?

"Corruption and control, that thing can ignore barriers other than the entity, and it will be corroded and controlled by the abyss when it touches it. The effect is that with your strength, at most three points will lose your mind."

After thinking about Feng Yuan’s explanation, after all, he had studied the abyss for a period of time. He naturally knew the other party’s methods. Hearing Feng Yuan’s explanation, Veronia froze and looked at the transparent fish-like creature outside. , Although the time storm of Agunas has controlled them at this time, but if there is an accident...

"It's really troublesome, no wonder you didn't do it!"

Gitarain yelled and curled up. A azure blue hexagonal crystal wall was spherical to envelop everyone in it and slowly expanded. Those transparent fish-like creatures hit the azure blue crystal wall and splashed flowers. .

"Can't look directly at how to deal with that thing."

Turning his back, Deronta said with a headache. Although Gita Raine propped up the physical crystal wall, he was always passively beaten. They had to fight back and annihilate each other. It was just that the thing couldn't be looked directly at all the time. After a while, it felt that it was in a trance, staring for a while, it doubted whether it would lose its sanity.

"We will lend our power to you, do you attack?"

Agunas looked at Feng Yuan and said, looked at Agunas, Feng Yuan shook his head and said

"No, my breath will trigger its counterattack. If you lend me your power and let me do it, it will also be contaminated with my breath. It was already troublesome enough, and then trigger a stronger counterattack. It’s even more difficult to drive this thing out of this world."

"What about now?"

Veronia looked at Feng Yuan and asked, Lorna sitting on Feng Yuan said

"The thing's current defensive power does not seem to be better than before. The shell limits its ability and also protects it."

It noticed that before the opponent interrupted Deronta’s attack, it had already been hurt, but it was not obvious because of the short time. If it could do it again, maybe...

"The strength of the trick cannot be too low. Although its defensive ability has declined, it is still strong."

Lorna thought for a while and wanted to remind that if it weren’t for the powerful magical beast skill, it would be difficult to cause fatal damage to that thing. However, it takes time to accumulate power, not to mention whether it will be interrupted, how to ensure that when aiming at the opponent Not being controlled by corruption becomes a big problem.

"You can try this."

Guo Huai said aloud, a azure blue light curtain opened in front of the crowd, Feng Yuan looked at the screen for a moment, looked at Guo Huai in surprise.

"Yes, this can be done by you."

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