Divine Beast Creator

Chapter 232: Core

"If you don't look at the weird appearance, the internal structure of Erhuaji Temple is exactly the same as part of the Forgotten Tower in Hagi City."

"If you didn't guess wrong, the place where the reward is placed in the Forgotten Tower should be the core."

Team Yang explained while leading everyone forward, Feng Yuan recalled

"I remember the space inside the Forgotten Tower is huge? Would it be such a coincidence..."

Knowing what Feng Yuan meant, Elder Li said while paying attention to the surroundings

"You might be underestimating him, but he has thoroughly explored the inner space of the Forgotten Tower when he was a student. It can be said that he has been to most of the discovered spaces more than once."

"It seems that the little mouse who sneaked in is quite clever~ Then... how do you choose to destroy the Ehua Temple and rescue those people~"

"What do you want to do!"

Hearing the weird female voice, Team Yang yelled a little bit of anger, and sensed that the surrounding forces were agitated. Feng Yuan looked at Agunas and nodded to Feng Yuan. Agunas opened the dark ancient book in his hand and put in at any time. The appearance of the battle. At this time, the people I met before were besieging the three people from all directions with red eyes. Elder Li continued to command his spirit beasts to use non-lethal tricks to chase them through the barrier. The person who came up pushed away.

"It seems that you are very concerned about the life and death of those people~ Then this way~"

"Damn it!"

Seeing those people start to attack each other, Elder Li and Team Yang cursed secretly, holding down Xiao Ji who wanted to jump out of his arms, Feng Yuan looked around and said loudly.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't think you will do meaningless things."

"Cut! Didn't you say something was discovered..."

Glancing at Agunas, I saw that Agunas didn't know when his little hand was placed on the dark ancient book. The text on the dark ancient book exuded a faint golden light seemed to jump out of the book at any time.

"It's really impossible to give up on them. If this goes on, there is no way to move forward."

There were more and more people around. Elder Li and Team Yang were busy instructing the spirit beasts to separate those who fought with each other, and the speed of their advancement became slower and slower, until they finally stopped their advancement and sighed. Yuan looked at Agunas and said

"Let me do it..."

Agunas glanced at Feng Yuan with some worry, shook his head, glanced at Team Yang, and Feng Yuan whispered

"If you leave it alone, he will probably feel guilty. Anyway, with you and Xiao Ji, it shouldn't be a big problem."

After hesitating, Agunas hesitantly handed the dark ancient book in his hand to Feng Yuan. Feeling the power infused by Agunas, Feng Yuan glanced at the two who were still busy separating the people and whispered.

"Every time I get so tired... It's really... Xiao Ji, I'll leave it to you for the next safety~"

Flicking the dark ancient book in his hand at the dark ancient book that became larger and floating in the air after opening, Feng Yuan recites in a low voice, Xiao Ji and Agunas looked around warily, the baby sleeping dragon on Feng Yuan's shoulder Suddenly he was pulled aside, and turned his head angrily to find that it was Nagya. Baby Mianlong yelled in confusion, pointing to Feng Yuan Nagya and shook his head at Baby Mianlong while watching the surroundings alertly.

Seeing sweat beads appearing on Feng Yuan’s face, Nagya thought for a while, danced a mysterious dance and sang a beautiful song in his mouth, feeling that the power of himself and the spirit beasts suddenly skyrocketed, Elder Li and Team Yang couldn’t help but look towards The source of the sound. At this time, he noticed Feng Yuan’s movements and Yang team shouted

"Feng Yuan! What are you doing!"

"Stop it for me!"

After shouting a few times and found that Feng Yuan ignored him, Team Yang cursed secretly and prepared to rush to stop Feng Yuan. At this moment, Feng Yuan turned around and said with a tired smile to Team Yang.

"It's up to you next~"

A simple and complicated giant clock face phantom appeared behind Feng Yuan, and the two only felt a strange force brushing over them, and everything around them came to a halt.


Team Yang cursed and rushed in front of Feng Yuan to help Feng Yuan directly use his spirit beast power to rudely investigate Feng Yuan's physical condition, and found that Feng Yuan was only a little out of force, and looked at Feng Yuan with a sigh of relief. After a few words, Team Yang sighed after seeing Feng Yuan’s tired look

"How long can it last?"

"According to the normal passage of time, it can last up to six hours, but after two hours, more power must be used to maintain the time and space seal."

After sighing, Team Yang didn’t know what to say. He called Baimao to help Feng Yuanyang and nodded to Elder Li. Elder Li glanced at Feng Yuan and sighed and commanded the spirit beast to guard the three of them. He saw Feng Yuan. Unable to keep up with the advancement of the two in front of him, Bai Mao thought about putting away the long knife and involuntarily said that he carried Feng Yuan directly on his back.

"This is the first time I was carried by a spirit beast~"

Feng Yuan said a little funny, his hand touched the long hair behind the white hair unconsciously, Xiao Ji sat on Feng Yuan's head and looked around warily, Agunas and Mianlong baby floating beside Feng Yuan, Najib Ya didn't know when to climb up on Feng Yuan's shoulders, turned to look at Feng Yuan from time to time, and watched the surroundings vigilantly after finding that Feng Yuan had nothing wrong.

"The front is the reward hall, everyone, pay attention!"

Team Yang saw the door in front of him stopped and shouted at the two behind him. Seeing that Elder Li was ready, Team Yang glanced at the white hair carrying Feng Yuan on his back and motioned to him to move closer to Elder Li and then opened the door.

"The action is very fast~ It seems that there is a big guy in your team helping you~"

I saw a nebula space behind the door, a crystal corridor stretched from the door all the way to the distance, and heard the weird female voice sounded the Yang team again.

"What is your purpose!"

"What do you want to do!"

After shouting a few times and found that the other party did not respond, Team Yang did not rush forward but whispered

"The other party doesn't seem to know what's happening here."

"It should not be judged based on energy intensity, indicating that the other party may only be able to obtain simple location information."

After taking a look at Elder Feng Yuanli’s analysis, Team Yang glanced at the space behind the door and said

"Although the guess is probably right, it cannot be ruled out that the other party pretended to be deliberate."

Elder Li looked at Alan on his shoulders and nodded knowingly. Alan flew into the air and flapped his wings. A sea-blue enchantment with a rune ring protected the three of them. Team Yang nodded to Baimao, Baimao made a hand. Holding Feng Yuan behind his back, he pulled out the rules of order and stroked in the air. A golden spherical barrier surrounded Baimao and Feng Yuan. He glanced at the little Jiyang team who had jumped to the ground and said

"Put your little chick on your head, the next battle may be very dangerous."


Feeling that Team Yang seemed to be underestimating himself, Xiao Ji screamed angrily and rushed back to Feng Yuan's head with a dissatisfaction. After preparation, Elder Li took the lead and the three set foot on the Crystal Corridor.

"White Mao! Take care to protect him!"

Not long after stepping on the Crystal Corridor, countless humanoid shadow monsters appeared out of thin air, using various ghost tricks to attack the three.


Discovering that the shadows were only elite-level strength, Elder Li said in a low voice, Alan flapped his wings, a terrifying ice storm swept the entire space, and the shadows were all frozen.


Seeing that the shadow was frozen in ice, Elder Li did not intend to kill him, but greeted everyone to move forward. All the dangers along the way were easily solved by Elder Li, Feng Yuan smiled and said

"It's better to follow the big guys~ You don't need to do anything except control~"

Baby Mianlong and Xiao Ji couldn't understand what Feng Yuan meant. Nagya, who had been taking care of the big cat, understood Feng Yuan's meaning a little, and gave Feng Yuan a speechless look.

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