On the first day, Zhou Yan imparted knowledge about cultivation and gave Xiao Zhi two fire essence fruits.

The next day, Li Xun taught Xiao Zhi the basics of meditation, meditation, and inner vision.

On the third day, Luo Yiyan taught Xiao Zhiqing the Heart Technique, as well as some special cultivation techniques.

On the fourth day, Zhao Zhengyao taught Xiao Zhi the knowledge of setting up arrays and manipulating magic weapons, and let Xiao Zhi control the golden turtle flipping seal captured from Chen Changhe at will.

Day 5............

Unconsciously, Xiao Zhi had been in the Four Xuanzong for ten days.

The rat followed Xiao Zhi, eating enough every day, and now even if he is not in a combat state, his body size is fatter than ordinary mice.

Ya Ya also went out again, I don't know what good things it can bring to Xiao Zhi this time back.

As for the tooth knife, it still happily goes to Shuixuan Mountain every day, and brings some "good things" every time. So much so that it was reprimanded by Xiao Zhixue's ears every day.

Fortunately, the toothknife returned the "good things" every time.

I just don't know if it really went back.

On the tenth day, several Zhenshan's elders did not come, not even Wang Changqing.

Xiao Zhi is also ready to fill the new cultivation position.

In order to find the right animal, he was ready to leave the sect and go to the mountains and forests near the sect.

With a tooth knife and a rat and mouse, Xiao Zhi came to the mountain gate.

At this time, the boy was outside the mountain gate, chatting with Dalong and Erhu.

"Xiaowa, you said that you are working hard every day, going out every day to get dew, you see your thin arms and legs, it is really hard for you." Dalong said.

Tong Zi held a jar of dew and said with a grin: "It is my blessing to serve the Sect Master, I feel very happy, and it is not hard at all." "

When he said this, Tong Tzu's heart was scolding: Two fools with developed limbs and simple minds, what happened to Lao Tzu's thin arms, and when my sect invaded the Four Xuan Sect in the future, Lao Tzu had to use Lao Tzu's thin arms to break your limbs!"

"Come inside." Erhu said with a smile.

Tong Zi took two steps back and watched as the Great Dragon and Erhu opened the Guardian Sect Array.

At the moment when the Guardian Sect Array showed its form, Tong Zi's heart quickly calculated.

Oriental wood, three shocks, eight jia, decugin, three red array stones, cyan array stones..................

Their aura rotated in the opposite direction, hooking the earth qi, and triggered the fifteen formations in the east, the order was...

The Guardian Sect Array opened, and Tong Zi was still stunned on the spot.

Er Hu pointed at Tong Zi and mocked: "This little baby, the courage is also small, every time we open the big array, he is too scared to move."

The dragon laughed along with him.

Where did they think that Tong Zi was not afraid of the Great Array of Guardian Sects, but wanted to crack the opening method of the Great Array.

Stunned for a while, Tong Zi deliberately pretended to be scared and entered the Four Xuanzong.

After entering the Four Xuanzong, Tong Zi returned to normal, thinking: Hmph, I have cracked the order of the eastern formation, and when I crack the north, the Four Xuanzong, you will wait for death!

Just thinking about it, Tong Zi met Xiao Zhi who was preparing to go out with a tooth knife and a rat.

The two looked at each other.

Tong Zi's eyes were cold, and he wondered in his heart: Is this kid really Lu Wenyuan's nephew? Impossible, absolutely impossible, his identity is not ordinary, I must investigate his identity. If he is special, then I will kill him, and I must not leave behind the consequences!"

Xiao Zhi saw Tongzi, for some reason, there were always some thoughts in his heart that he wanted to bully him and bully him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi had a plan and looked down at the tooth knife.

With just one look, the tooth knife understood what Xiao Zhi meant.

I saw the tooth knife showing its fangs sharply, with a fierce face, and then jumped sharply and pounced on the boy.

Xiao Zhi pretended to be very nervous and shouted: "Oh, tooth knife, what are you doing, don't bite you!" When

Tong Zi saw the tooth knife that was coming, he wanted to resist, but he was afraid that his identity would be exposed, so he could only run away as much as possible with the jar filled with dew.

The toothknife is also bad, and with its speed, it is easy to catch up with the boy under the disguise.

But it just deliberately couldn't catch up, it followed closely behind the boy, its mouth was only a foot away from the boy, deliberately scaring the boy.

Xiao Zhi was not too big, followed behind the tooth knife, and pretended to reprimand the tooth knife while running.

At this moment, Tongzi's heart is completely a volcano that is about to erupt.

Damn it! This dog! If you really dare to bite me, I will not let you go in the future!" I will crush you to ashes and cut you by a thousand cuts!"

Gradually, the boy ran into the territory of Feng Xuan Mountain.

Many disciples are practicing in the morning.

With so many people present, the boy couldn't cast his spells.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Feng Xuan Mountain all stopped their morning exercises and laughed instead.

The road to cultivating immortals is extremely boring, and this kind of scene is rare.

In order to hide his identity, for the sake of his plan, the poor boy could only break his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

I endure, I endure, I endure!

How you bully me today, how you mock me, I will return it ten thousand times in the future!

The boy's heart roared and roared.

Hatred filled his heart like a wave.

Finally, the tooth knife got tired of playing and directly pounced on the boy with one paw.

Clicking on the boy's ass is a mouthful.

In order to hide his identity, the boy could only wail in frustration.

Xiao Zhi also rushed over.

He deliberately twisted the ears of the toothknife and gently hit the toothknife with his hand.

"Dogs are bad, dogs are bad..." Xiao Zhi's voice attracted a burst of laughter from the disciples of Feng Xuan Mountain.

"Kid, is your ass okay? I've already beaten dogs, don't cry." Xiao Zhiqi was not worth it, this sentence made the boy's blood pressure soar, his spiritual power was disordered, and he almost made a move.

Tong Zi did not speak, and he had cursed Xiao Zhi ten thousand times in his heart.

When Xiao Zhi walked away, he hammered on the ground with a fist, lowered his voice, and said fiercely: "You wait for me, I must kill you!! After

bullying Tongzi, Xiao Zhi felt relaxed.

"That kid's heart is very bad, it was he who deliberately provoked Lu Wenyuan, so I had a fight with Lu Wenyuan, and I should bully him." Xiao Zhi said to the tooth knife.

In a short time, Xiao Zhi left the mountain gate, left the Four Xuanzong, and plunged into the vast mountains.

Around the Four Xuanzong, there are deep mountains and old forests, among which there are countless fierce beasts and poisonous insects, and ordinary people dare not set foot in it easily.

Even when the disciples of the Four Xuan Sect went out to practice, they had to flock in groups.

Half a day later, Xiao Zhi leaned against a big tree, scratched his head, and muttered, "What kind of animal do you want to catch?" I am now in this vacant cultivation position, and I must not be sloppy.

Unconsciously, Xiao Zhi's gaze followed the canopy of the tree and saw the broken sky under the canopy.

"I really want to fly."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi's spirit flashed and he had a goal.

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