Chi May, who came out of the ground, looked down and saw that his lower body was empty, and the most critical thing was cut by Xiao Zhigang.

The most terrible thing was that the wound in that place was still bubbling with a cold demonic qi.

Demonic qi erodes, and wounds can never heal.

That is to say, Akame completely lost that thing.

"Ah!! My baby!!! You cut my baby!! You give me death! Chi

May's mentality collapsed, and he rushed towards Xiao Zhi desperately.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi clasped his hands together and raised them above his head, and a strong silver light shone between Xiao Zhi's hands.

"Attack of the evil wolf!"

A ten-meter-long crescent-shaped silver light swirled and shot towards Akatsuki.

At this time, Chi May had lost his mind.

Everyone in the world of immortal cultivation is known about Chi May's swinging personality, he likes women, and has affairs with many female immortal cultivators.

Even, he didn't even let go of his sister, Chi Li'er.

Now, Xiao Zhi cut his happiness-rod, how can he stay sane.

The attack of the evil wolf is unstoppable, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that this move is extraordinary.

But Chi May did not dodge, and collided with the attack of the evil wolf.

The moment he collided with the attack of the evil wolf, Chi Li'er, who had already extinguished the flames, was shocked.

"Brother, get out of the way."

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The wolf attack sliced through Akamei's body.

Chi May's body was completely divided into two halves.

"Brother!!" Chi Li'er shouted and rushed towards Xiao Zhi.

At this time, Luo Yiyan, who was lying on the ground, finally recovered her combat effectiveness.

She stopped Chi Li'er, used the water sword, and the sword was against Chi Li'er, saying, "Burn goods, your opponent is me!" "

Akamei, whose body is cracked, is not dead.

For immortal cultivators in the Yuan Infant realm, as long as the Yuan Infant does not die, they will not be able to die.

In the sprayed blood, a small baby the size of a bun with a red light flew out.

This baby looks exactly like Akame.

This is the Yuan Baby of Red May.

His body was destroyed and he suffered heavy damage, and Akame finally came to his senses.

He hurriedly controlled the Yuan Infant and flew towards the distance.

As long as Yuan Ying is still there, it will take him hundreds of years to recover to his current realm.

The Yuan baby is gone, don't say do that, even the life is gone.

Which is more important, Chi May himself knows.

However, how could Xiao Zhi let him get his wish.

The black wings fanned, and Xiao Zhi flew towards Chi May's Yuan Baby like an off-string arrow.

"Brother run away!" Chi Li'er was distracted, and Luo Yiyan seized the opportunity, and the hydration sword directly cut off Chi Li'er's scalp.

"Xiao Zhi, he can't become a time, go and help Elder Li Xun." Luo Yiyan shouted to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly stopped flying, glanced back, and found that Li Xun was about to die.

"Hey." Xiao Zhi sighed, and then rushed to Li Xun's side.

At this moment, in the space of the divine beast, the oval-shaped cocoon broke open by itself.

A little guy poked his head out of it.

This is a small snake with a single horn, but unlike the snake, it has four small short legs, colorful scales on its body, and a beard like a loach whisker on its mouth.

As soon as the little guy came out, he immediately drilled out of the divine beast space by himself.

The sudden appearance of such a little guy, Xiao Zhi was also taken aback.

The little guy shook his tail at Xiao Zhi and flew towards Chi May's Yuan Baby.

It can fly!

I saw this little guy twisting his body and flying in the sky, his speed was not inferior to Xiao Zhi, who had a transfiguration black wing.

During the battle, Xiao Zhi didn't have time to think so much.

He just paused and rushed towards the Canghe Sanren.

The means of the Canghe scattered people could not be described as weak, and the dagger he had just pierced directly pierced Li Xun's dantian, and even scratched the Yuan baby.

Li Xun hurriedly retreated to dodge, but no matter how he dodged, he couldn't dodge the dagger.

The Canghe scattered people let go of the dagger, and the dagger was like an eye, chasing Li Xun deadly, and the target was directly to Li Xun's Yuan Baby.

Even if Li Xun wanted to block with the sword in his hand, he couldn't stop the dagger, because the dagger could always find the most suitable angle to attack him.

This dagger is an extremely tricky magic weapon, as long as you target the opponent, you must hit the opponent.

Li Xun was flustered.

At this time, Xiao Zhi came to Li Xun's side.

"Xiao Zhi, go quickly, this guy is very strong, you are not his opponent! Don't give my life in vain! Li Xun shouted at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi did not hesitate and continued to fly.

Hearing Li Xun say this, Canghe scattered people interested.

"Oh, this little guy is interesting, Oh, I like to kill geniuses the most." Saying that, the Canghe scattered people rode the Canghe and rushed towards Xiao Zhi.

"Oblivious, stealthy, interesting." The Canghe Sanren took out a copper mirror from the storage belt.

This is also a magic weapon, which can illuminate the illusion, crack the phantom array, make the evil demon appear, and also deal with the ability to stealth.

The strength of this guy Canghe Sanren comes from the magic weapon in his body.

Hey, who let the sister of the family be the Venerable of the Righteous Path Alliance.

As soon as the copper mirror shone, Xiao Zhi in the stealth state immediately broke away from the ability to stealth.

"How many skills do you still have?" The crane waved that strange glove.

A white light shot out.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly dodged and narrowly avoided this white light.

"You can hide many times, but I only need to hit you once, and you're done." The crane said and waved his gloves again.

At this time, the battle returned to a state of stagnation.

Luo Yiyan and Chi Li'er are equal in strength, and in a short period of time, neither of them can help the other.

Although Zhao Zhengyao couldn't beat Lian Yunzhao, his life was hard, and even Yunzhao couldn't kill him in a short time.

Zhou Yan, who saw hope, became more and more courageous, and faintly suppressed Tao Qinglin.

"Wonderful, wonderful."

"I haven't felt this way for a long time, I haven't seen such a lively battle for a long time."

"This trip didn't come in vain."

"Who is this kid from the Four Xuanzong? What is your name? How is it so tough? Can actually fight against the Yuan Baby with the Jindan realm?

"I don't know, I've never heard of this person before."


While the onlookers were discussing, suddenly, the situation of the battle changed again.

Yang Regeneration manipulated the stone puppet and forcibly intervened in the battle between Zhou Yan and Tao Qinglin.

I saw that the stone puppet slapped Zhou Yan and hit Zhou Yan.

This stone puppet is worthy of being a treasure left by the ancestors of the Four Xuan Sects.

With just one blow, it interrupted Zhou Yan's attack and severely damaged Zhou Yan.

Tao Qinglin took advantage of your illness to kill you, and turned to suppress Zhou Yan.

What's worse is that there is also a stone puppet.

It can kill Zhou Yan at any time.

And, it has the power to change the tide of war at any time.

The treasures of the Four Xuanzong became the biggest threat to the Four Xuanzong at this time.

How ridiculous this is.

"I have to hold on, I can't fall!" Zhou Yan supported his body, he knew that his battle was the most critical.

If he fell, the Four Xuanzong would really have no hope.

In despair, an old and deep voice sounded from the west of the Four Xuanzong.

"If the Four Xuanzong is destroyed, I will naturally be affected. Four Xuanzong, I have come to help you. "

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