"Apprentice, I know you are here, show up quickly, show up quickly." Wang Changqing shouted.

Xiao Zhi knew that he could not meet Wang Changqing now, so he reluctantly left Xuanqi Pavilion.

Subsequently, Xiao Zhi went to the four peaks one by one.

On Huoxuan Mountain, Zhou Yan sat on the top of the mountain, looking up at the starry sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

On Shuixuan Mountain, Luo Yiyan was pillowing his arm, under the candlelight, his posture was beautiful, but Xiao Zhi did not see that Luo Yiyan had been in a daze with his wanted warrant.

On Feng Xuan Mountain, Li Xun soaked in the potion to heal his injuries, and in this battle, he was the most miserable, losing an arm and leg. He does not have the fearful recovery ability of Xiao Zhi, and he can only recover his limbs by slowly healing his injuries.

On the Dixuan Mountain, Zhao Zhengyao was sitting cross-legged and cultivating.

After walking around the Four Xuanzong, Xiao Zhi did not see Lu Wenyuan either.

When he was about to leave the Four Xuanzong, he saw a new tomb on the back mountain of the Four Xuanzong.

In front of the new grave stands a tombstone.

Fourteen large characters are carved on the tombstone.

The tomb of Lu Wenyuan, the nineteenth generation patriarch of the Four Xuanzong Sect.

In the north of the Four Xuanzong, in the mausoleum, Xiao Zhi stood in front of Lu Wenyuan's tombstone and was silent for a long time.

When he first saw Lu Wenyuan, Xiao Zhi did not have a good time with him, and they had a fight when they met.

Just as the so-called do not fight and do not know, after meeting Lu Wenyuan, Xiao Zhi found that he was not bad.

After that, there was another belly pocket incident that shocked the Four Xuanzong, and Lu Wenyuan became a pot man very miserably, and Xiao Zhi has always been very guilty about this.

At this time, a little raindrop fell down, fell on Xiao Zhi's body, and landed on Lu Wenyuan's new grave.

"Sect Master, I will definitely make the Chiyun Sect pay." Xiao Zhi clenched his fists and his face turned ruthless.

The rain grew heavier, and Xiao Zhi quietly left, leaving his footprints in front of the grave.

When the rain clears, the sky is already light.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was lurking in the mountains and forests near the Chiyun Sect, preparing to launch a surprise attack on the Chiyun Sect at night.

Although, for immortal cultivators, there was no difference between day and night at all.

But Xiao Zhi still felt that this kind of thing should be done at night.

A bonfire rose in the mountain forest, and Xiao Zhi was holding a branch and skewering a bunch of meat, setting up a fire to roast meat.

In fact, for Xiao Zhi in the Jindan realm, he already has the ability to clear the valley, and he is fine if he doesn't eat for several months.

But he still likes to eat something to satisfy his appetite.

Next to Xiao Zhi, the rat and mouse also held a small branch, skewered meat, learned Xiao Zhi's appearance, and roasted meat on the side.

As for the tooth knife and the black feather, the two of them each occupy a wild deer, drinking blood and eating zhenghuan.

Suddenly, Xiaoxia's voice sounded.

"Master, the Medicine Turtle senses the existence of an elixir nearby, and it comes up with it." Xiaoxia said.

"Then it will come out." Xiao Zhiman said nonchalantly.

"It must pass your call to leave the Divine Beast Space." Xiaoxia said.

"Huh? Why don't they use this with dragons and croaks? I see that they can enter and exit as much as they want, without my consent. Xiao Zhi said.

"One of them is the top divine beast, and the other is a mutated divine beast, which cannot be treated with common sense. Although the Medicine Turtle is an S-grade quality, it still has to follow the rules. Xiaoxia said.

"Okay, I'll let it out." Xiao Zhi released the Medicine King Turtle.

As soon as the Medicine King Turtle came out, a strong medicinal fragrance immediately emanated.

Smelling this smell, the toothknife was instantly excited.

It ran to Xiao Zhi, wagging its tail, looking at Xiao Zhi for a while, and the Medicine King Turtle for a while, and its mouth was hesitant, as if it wanted to say something.

"Xiaoxia, what's wrong with the tooth knife?" Xiao Zhi really didn't understand the meaning of the tooth knife, so he asked Xiaoxia.

"Not destroying the evil wolf means..." Xiao Xia was a little hesitant, so it can be seen that Xiao Xia also has emotions.

"But it doesn't hurt to say." Xiao Zhi said.

"It said it felt this only ... Wang Ba is so fragrant, it wants to eat this Wang Ba. Xiaoxia said.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he immediately gave the tooth knife a brain crush.

"You boy, how can you do things day by day! The medicine god is my divine beast, just like you, don't move its mind, if you dare to move its mind, I will eat you. Xiao Zhi reprimanded the tooth knife, and the tooth knife immediately became honest.

The Medicine Turtle did not stop, and immediately walked towards the deeper part of the mountain forest.

Xiao Zhi stood up and followed the Medicine Turtle.

He wanted to see what the Medicine Turtle wanted to do.

The Medicine Turtle walked slowly, and soon found a clearing without trees.

A small purple flower grows in the clearing, and the small flower exudes a clear fragrance.

The Medicine Turtle lowered its head and nibbled on the small purple flowers.

Xiao Zhi squatted on the ground and looked at it with his pupils of identification.

Purple flowers and a leaf of green, spirit grass, can be used to refine elixirs.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi remembered the ability of the Medicine Master Turtle, so he said: "Anyway, it's still early, let me see your ability." In

less than a moment, the Medicine Turtle had eaten all the purple flowers.

Subsequently, the Medicine Turtle found more spiritual herbs and elixirs in the mountain forest, and all of them were eaten into their stomachs.

Half a day later, the Medicine Turtle stopped, lay on the ground, and shrunk its limbs and head into the turtle shell.

Then, I saw that the turtle shell of the Medicine Turtle was raised high and bulging, expanding more and more like a balloon, and in the blink of an eye, it expanded three times.

"Lying groove, it won't explode." Xiao Zhi took two steps back.

This state lasted for a while, and the body of the Medicine Turtle began to tremble.

The holes in its shell began to erupt with white mist, like a pressure cooker decompressing, with a buzzing whistle.

This scene attracted them all.

In the white mist, the turtle shell of the Medicine Turtle suddenly cracked a gap from the top top.

Then I heard a bang, and a large number of pills like glass marbles were sprayed out, and the strong medicinal fragrance was intoxicating.

Crackling, pills were scattered all over the place.

Xiao Zhi picked up a pill and looked at it with his pupil of identification.

Primary Spirit Yuan Pill, the ultimate first-order spirit pill, has the effect of improving the realm and replenishing spiritual power.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed, and he roughly counted at least eighty or ninety such pills on the ground.

Moreover, each one is a top-grade first-order elixir.

In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, the level of spirit pills is divided into one to nine levels, and each level is divided into four grades of middle and upper poles.

Among them, the best pills can be encountered but not sought.

Even the top alchemy masters did not dare to guarantee that they would succeed in every potion of elixir, let alone refine the ultimate quality elixir.

In the same order, there are vastly different differences between pills of different quality.

An extremely high-quality first-order elixir is enough to be worth several top-quality first-order pills.

The Medicine Turtle can produce the ultimate elixir in quantity, and this ability can no longer be described as terrifying.

It can be said that as long as the Pharmacist Turtle has enough spirit grass, it can mass-produce the ultimate elixir without limit.

"It's worthy of being an S-quality divine beast, it's really powerful, I won't lack pills in the future, hahahaha, it's easier to become stronger." Xiao Zhi laughed, walked to the side of the Medicine Master Turtle, stretched out his hand, and touched the Medicine Master Turtle's... Head.

Looking at the elixir on the ground, the rat and the tooth knife couldn't wait.

Xiao Zhi waved his hand and said, "Little guys, eat, these are for you!" Hearing

Xiao Zhi's words, the rat and the tooth knife could no longer hold back, picking up the elixir that had fallen on the ground.

As for the black feather, he didn't expect much, just took two casually and swallowed them.

This is because Black Feather is full of demonic qi in its body, and it only likes things with a cold aura, although the Spirit Yuan Pill also has some effects on it, but it is not very useful.

If the spiritual power in this elixir was purer, it would be highly toxic to Black Feather.

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