"Immortal Evil Wolves, they are now on the Tianming Continent, the distance is very far away, but their breath has not shown faint signs, there should be no danger." Xiaoxia said.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi probed his divine sense into the space of the divine beast.

In the space of the divine beast, there was a dead silence.

In the dark forest, there is no trace of the black feather.

On the towering hill, there is no breath of toothknife.

In the beautiful countryside, you can't see the figure of croaking.

Only the Medicine Turtle lurks in the medicine field.

And the volcano of the rat and mouse has been completely erased from the space of the divine beast.

Not even a single thought was left for Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhileng was stunned, recalling the appearance when he first met the rat and mouse.

The rat and mouse were Xiao Zhi's first divine beast.

Its significance to Xiao Zhi is far better than that of tooth knives.

Xiao Xia flashed light, flew in the space of the divine beast, and said to Xiao Zhi: "During this time when you were in a coma, the traveling frog had already gone out. "

I know." Xiao Zhi had just responded, and a soul-tearing ice cold forced Xiao Zhi's consciousness out of the divine beast space.

Xiao Zhi fell to the ground, covered his head, and his whole body exuded cold air, and even his skin turned ice blue.

"Ah!!" Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and forced himself to shut up and prevent himself from shouting.

But this soul-tearing cold made him worse than dead.

This is the curse that Mo Qingwu left for Xiao Zhi.

When Mo Qingwu was forced away by several demon lords, she released a cold light.

This cold light is Mo Qingwu's housekeeping skill, called the Ice Soul Suppression Spell, which is an extremely insidious spell, which can take root in the soul, constantly torture the soul, and is difficult to remove, even if it is a Demon Venerable level figure, as long as it is hit by this move, it will be better to live than to die.

Seeing Xiao Zhi like this, the little girl was frightened.

Ye Gongzi heard the movement and rushed over, and he saw the problem at a glance.

"The Ice Soul Calming Curse, it's a bit difficult." Yegongzi shook his head and walked to Xiao Zhi's side.

"Hey, let's use the foxy seal to help you ease it first." Yegongzi raised his hand, chanted the incantation, and then pointed at Xiao Zhi's forehead.

In an instant, a pitch-black flame was imprinted in Xiao Zhi's eyebrows.

The flames were mighty and domineering, suppressing the cold, and Xiao Zhi instantly eased up.

"This foxy seal can only last for three days, after three days, you can figure it out yourself, I will leave the Star Evil Horn in these two days, you are good to yourself." Without waiting for Xiao Zhi to thank him, Ye Gongzi threw a word and left here.

Xiao Zhi covered his head and said to himself: "Damn Mo Qingwu, so vicious, when I can defeat you, I will definitely eat your flesh alive and drink your blood alive, I will let you die without a place to be buried!"

Xiao Zhi was so frightened that the little girl curled up in the corner of the wall, shivering.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was occupied by anger and hatred, and did not notice the existence of the little girl at all, he got up and walked out of the house.

The sky on the horn of the stars is cloudy all year round.

On the gloomy sky, patches of dark clouds hung in the sky like dirty rags stained with water, covering the warm sun and blocking the gentle wind.

As far as the eye can see, the land of the Star Evil Horn is blank.

The soil under the feet has long been soaked with blood, turning black and red, stepping on it, extremely soft, and oozing fishy blood.

This is the battlefield where the Righteous Path Alliance and the Demon Dao have been entangled for ten thousand years.

For ten thousand years, countless immortal cultivators have been buried here.

This is where their glory ends and their flesh rots.

When the cold wind blows through the pale dry bones, there will be a whining sound in the gaps in the bones, like their weeping, like their wailing and unwillingness.

Xiao Zhi was walking on a land without any life, and the smelly cold wind brushed his cheeks and blew his freshly grown hair.

Unconsciously, Xiao Zhi walked to the coast south of the Star Evil Horn.

This coast, there are no sandy beaches.

Some are just corpses that float with the ebb and flow.

Xiao Zhi sat on a reef and looked into the distance.

At this moment, he was very confused.

He doesn't know what tomorrow will look like.

Don't know what to do?

He wants revenge.

However, Mo Qingwu's power was too strong, and Xiao Zhi had no confidence at all that he could raise his strength to the level that could defeat Mo Qingwu in a short period of time.

What's more, tooth knives are not around.

The treasures that Xiao Zhi obtained were all gone.

The sea breeze blew through, and the faint smell of sea fish blew away the bloody smell that lingered in Xiao Zhi's nose.

A handsome young man who looked like a woman suddenly appeared next to Xiao Zhi.

He turned his back and looked at the sinking sea, silent for a long time.

Xiao Zhi did not care about his existence either.

Now Xiao Zhi is very annoyed and annoyed in his heart.

In this way, the two were on the beach, silent.

I don't know how long it took, the man suddenly spoke: "Xiao Zhi, you are very strong, but unfortunately your life is not good."

Xiao Zhi frowned, turned his head, and looked at the man.

"Did you lose something?" The man said with a smile.

"What?" Xiao Zhi's tone was very bad.

"A wolf, a bird, and a small snake, well, in addition to these, a knife, a fan, a painting, and some ring bracelets." The man said.

Hearing these words, Xiao Zhi was instantly not calm.

"Who are you! What do you want? Xiao Zhi released his demonic energy and was wary of the man.

"I'm the one who came to deliver you something." The man said, shaking his sleeves.

Suddenly, a cage flew out of the sleeve.

In that cage were the tooth knife, the black feather, and the dragon.

After the cage fell, the magic knife, the Nether Blood Sea Fan, the Illusory Trail Map, and Xiao Zhi's storage ring and storage bracelet all flew out of their sleeves.

After doing this, the man shakes his cuffs and smiles.

This trick of his is a trick in the sleeve, which can store all things, even living things, which is a great power.

Before Xiao Zhi could be surprised, the man opened the cage and released the tooth knife.

Getting out of the cage, the tooth knife hurriedly ran to Xiao Zhi's side, wagging his tail constantly.

"I've delivered something." The man said.

"Tell me, who are you? Why help me? Xiao Zhi hurriedly asked.

The man put his hands behind his back and said slowly: "It doesn't matter who I am, you don't need to know my name, just remember my face." As for why I would help you, hehe, I just want you to owe me a favor. "

Human favor..." Xiao Zhi frowned.

"You have Mo Qingwu's Ice Soul Calming Curse in your body, I'll help you lift it." The man's body was strange, like a ghost, came to Xiao Zhi's side, he forcibly broke the night prince's cunning mark, and then stretched out his index finger and pointed at Xiao Zhi's forehead.

Visible to the naked eye, the man's fingers turned ice blue.

And the chill in Xiao Zhi's soul was also being removed little by little.

A moment later, the man withdrew his hand, and the Ice Soul Calming Spell in Xiao Zhi's body was completely eliminated.

"You don't have to thank me, you just have to promise me that you owe me a favor." As for how to repay this favor, you don't have to worry, that day will come soon. The man said, turned into a breeze, and disappeared into the vast sea.

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