Divine Brilliance

: 1018 God bless you!

The seven-sword swords are scattered and scattered. The rest of the six swords are okay. The sword body that refines the pseudo-sword of the gods has produced fissures and numerous iron filings have collapsed.

When Lin Xuanzhao and Ming Yu and other six figures, they all fell from the air like a broken kite. In the dilemma, more than 100,000 cultivators, the blood is fading.

Before the 〖Xing〗 Fen, the period has disappeared without a trace, leaving only despair and grief.

It’s clear again, what is the meaning of this sword collapse?

Inheriting thousands of years, the disciples of hundreds of thousands of disciples, this is not the case, just died?

With the heavens and the earth that the seven swords gathered together, they all dissipated. The nine sacred sacred sages that distributed the thirty-two heavens were obviously under pressure, and they all exposed the cold.

Among them, Qing Xuan, even from the beginning to the end, did not look at the sky seven swords in the air.

But looking at the gathering of the blue light, Wei Xudu robbed. After a while, Qing Xuan’s eyes were slightly raised: “This Wei Xu is really deep. His core avenue is really a big illusion, but another illusion –”

"It should be mirroring the truth!"

It was the Tai Huang Zhenjun who took the call. When the Taishi Mojun was on the 31st Tianlong and changed to the Sanskrit, the Seven Swords were also broken.

It seems that this Wan Xian thirty-three days, he can no longer limit him.

At this moment, it is a breeze, and it is also on the same day as the thirty-one parallel Jade Qingjing, standing side by side with Qing Xuan.

"This road does not involve too much of the core of the domain, and can't ask for truth with your own strength. It can be seen by me, but it is also very horrible! It can simulate the true law of the billions of avenues, but also the mirror 10,000 billion spirits, and if there is a device to open the sky, it can also have a few points of true energy. It really makes him to the end, there are such people as Xiu Guan, let it be mirrored, then half again This show is really deep, and I don’t know where his big rì is, from where he printed it."

There are quite a few sacred places based on ‘big rì’. In the Buddhism, there is a big rì. Even within the gate, there is also a big rì sage.

Between several people, the battle is fierce. And it is possible for Wei Xu to completely mirror his own method, and his friendship will be extremely deep.

However, it is meaningless to pursue this matter.

"It is indeed a natural talent, only under the scorpion and the show! The thunder of the border, under the **** knife, can actually support. Just how this, after this, rì, are gray."

That is the ultimate demon Li Bie Xue, and now back to the thirty-first floor. Slightly raised eyebrows, look is quite a bit surprised.

"I am even more curious now. This is the **** of the burning of the Lujia, how did you borrow the Qingxuan Dao brother? I heard that the monarch who had made good relations with the Cangsheng Road was the first emperor of the Lujia-- ”

Qing Xuan laughed and did not answer, in fact, because of this, he can easily borrow this knife.

If there is such a joint, he will borrow the treasure, but I am afraid it will take some effort.

The lord of the great lord is a lord of Lu. However, within the Lujiazhi, there is no shortage of people, yù cut its wings and branches, and cut off its arms.

Cangsheng is naturally one of them, and Zongshou’s teacher is the second.

Thinking about it here, his look is leisurely, and his eyes are fixed on the dragon shadow in the twenty-three towers, and the murder is hidden.

One of the conditions for exchange is that the dragon shadow swordsman is not allowed to escape from this battle.

Naturally, there is the animal, and I don’t know how to be good.

These after-effects are also resolved from the same time.

When a few people talked, this whole world of dilemma, there was a burst of 咔嚓 般 般 咔嚓 , , , , , , , , , , 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓 咔嚓The thickest is almost a thousand feet wide and stretches all four times.

The thirty-two heavy golden pagodas eventually produced cracks in the filaments, showing a tendency to collapse.

At this time, Lin Xuan-shuang, once again spit out a blood. The dragon shadow Yuan Jing is also pale, and it is maintained in the power, but it is unsustainable, and it can't stop the collapse of the Jinta.

Zhu Xi was unimpeded, and he also boarded the 31st Heaven.

Seeing his feet, he had already shattered most of the 'small film', but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then the look in the eyes, but it is extremely complicated, and it is extremely incomparable to scan the dilemma of this broken.

"Six thousand years of wish, finally got paid for it. Not to be the first hope of my generation, this rì can do all these Confucian rebellious, destroy the heresy -"

Killing sorrow, but his eyes are not happy, but slightly sad. The battle of today's rì can also be regarded as Confucian infighting.

In the same year, the same people with Xunzi, and the people who created the sacred roads, are mostly from the Confucianism.

If you don't split, if you are one of those who have been among the many, you have entered the evil path.

Or at this time, the cloud world has already wiped out the demon atmosphere, and the cloud world has been restored to the ancient three generations. Eliminate war, everyone knows the ceremony, live and work in peace.

Then the singularity of the world is seen in the eyes, but it is a slight understanding of its mood, but a sneak peek: "Do your best to rebel? Eliminate evil thoughts? Desperate!"

Not to mention that there are many disciples outside the Cangsheng Road, and did not return to the cloud.

It is the doctrine of the sacred, not so easy to die.

For example, the Mohist family, although it has been destroyed, but many of the classics left behind, but still widely spread, is believed by many people in the cloud.

Cangsheng seeks the equality of the people, the world is not rich, there is no difference between the nobles and the equal rights.

This kind of confusing learning is most difficult to put out.

Zhu Ziwen said that he didn't care, but next to it, it sounded another old voice: "It's really hard! But after this rì, there is no scorpion in all the annals of the cloud world, no more show, no No more people -"

The eyes of the evil spirits suddenly shrank, and the side looked at the past. I saw Dong Zhongshu, and at the same time, he was also on the road to the 31st.

This one has never paid attention to the evil spirits, but laughed at Qing Xuan: "I don't know Qingxuan Daojun, how do you think?"

That Qing Xuan seems to have been expected, no point, no hesitation of the slightest dagger: "This is my wish, I dare not please. Since you Confucianism wants to modify the history of the dynasties, I can not stand by." Within the bounds, all the book travels and even the wild history that should be my door must be no longer the name of the sacred, no scorpion, no show--"

Hearing here, the evil spirits are already stunned. First, the intuition is full of chill, and then there is 〖 Xing〗 to get up.

This hand, but not the original Qin emperor burned books and pits Confucianism, but also poisoned some.

The two teams have really had the possibility of completely blocking the sacred road.

But before he could speak out, Li Bixue had already said faintly: "Yes! I am in this way, and I will not fall behind."

Although the Magic Road does not abide by the ritual law, it acts like a sacred act. However, like the sacred way of life, the doctrine of pursuing equality for all is still annihilating. At this time, nine people, such as Qing Xuan, have stood on the 31st heaven. Nine of the sacred sages have a tacit understanding, according to each party.

In terms of talks, it has been completely ignored by Xiuguan Longying.

Tai Shi is not a person in the cloud world. I don’t care about these things. I have long been listening to the intolerance. A dissatisfied coldness: "What is it? Since it has arrived, you can pull him down! It is just that it is easy to make this person dead, and the seal is difficult-"

"This matter is not too hard to worry about!"

That Qing Xuan smiled, there is a scorpion in front, seal the show, naturally handy.

This person has the soul of immortality, and masters the eternal way, it is really difficult.

But if there is no complete preparation, how can he instigate this war?

It’s just to be clear-cut, and once again look at the show, then it’s just awkward.

At this time, the tens of thousands of disciples in the territory of Cangsheng were not able to give up the idea of ​​resistance. Some are closed-eyed, some are whispering the verses of the sacred verses, while others are stunned and waiting to die.

But the only show, not only does not have half of the frustration, and does not see a little bit of sadness. There is no response to the words of the people who completely banned the people.

Just looking at the focus, decided to look under the thirty-two golden pagoda.

At this time, this show is even more brilliant, all unpredictable smiles.

"Unfortunately, you waited a little late! This rì this battle is winning!"

This sentence is said to be heard in the ears of nine people, but it is like a thunder.

A little late? This rì this battle, is Xiu Guan won?

What is this? Could it be that the first person in the cloud industry could not accept the reality and lose heart?

In this situation, what can be the means of this show, flip the defeat?

The star evil is subconscious, and y laughs. Then I took it again, and I also looked at the bottom.

The line of sight first passed the dragon shadow above the twenty-three golden pagoda, followed by the twenty-two heavy Lin Xuan.

Although the two were injured and slightly weak, they were all excited at the moment.

Then, it is Lin Xuanjing who is in twenty-one. This Yuan Jing Sanren, at the moment, somehow, regardless of his own body, is like a crazy laughter.

"It's become! It's like this! It turns out that it is. It is God blessing me and my life is endless! Brother Xunzi, you idiot-"

The laughter was unscrupulous and endless joy.

When the star is evil, it sinks directly to the bottom. Then I saw a young boy who was not outstanding, standing in front of a purple blood sword. The look is condensed, and the handle is tight.

This sub-repair, he actually could not see the truth. What secret technique should be used to master the power of the Holy Land. And it is cultivated in itself, when it is between the wonderland and the gods.

And at the moment, somehow, this young boy, the arrogance of the arrogance, let him have a sense of fear.

"Refining the sword? Talking about autumn?"

Although I did not see the real refining sword ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xingxie still looked at the first sight, I recognized it.

And this talks about autumn, before ten, he even impressed him.

But what exactly is this in the end? The ceremonial ceremonies of Xiu Guan are this boy.

The next moment, but heard a clear, resounding.

"Although not the ruler of the people, but knowing that the water can overturn the boat can also carry the boat. Therefore, the people are empowered by the people, and they are ruled by the arch. Under the rule of the orphan, there are differences between the rich and the poor, and there are strong and weak points, but absolutely There is no distinction between nobles and nobles. With the rule of law, we will not bully, the king and the people, and the law will be embarrassed-"

The voice did not contain the power, but somehow, but at this time it penetrated the clouds. It can also be heard thousands of miles away.

At this time, the whole world was trembled. The six tyrannical swords that have been broken up have suddenly risen to the sky.

That disappeared the power of the heavens and the earth, and once again forced into the dilemma!

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