Huge pressure, suddenly enveloped in the temple,

The insider’s supervisor, Gao Ruo’s body, shuddered, knowing that the Yuanchen emperor at this time was already angry and even had the meaning of anger.

With the prince as a tiger, even if the confidant is like him, he feels guilty.

I dare not answer, if Gao is careful, hand a jade to the royal case.

Yin Yu looked at him coldly and grabbed it. After a while, it was a tiger. Hold the hand in your hand and crush it!

Among the jade slips, it was the 300,000 soldiers who were smashed by the sword of Heaven.

At this moment, Yin Yu, the neck is almost more than nearly thick. The wind of the king is gone, but it seems to be a wounded lion.

After a long time, only a little calm down, Yin Yu took a deep breath, screaming at the Hanlin Academy direct scholar Zuo Xin.

"A few days ago, Qing once said this battle, nothing?"

The left letter is as gray as it is, and the face is cold and sweaty. After a long period of indifference, until Yin Yu was intolerant, this again opened the door: "I teach the first Sheng Dongzi, and this battle was also killed by the savage seven swords. This is another 8,000 years later, my famous teaching The robbery. No one had thought beforehand that after thirty-three days of completeness, there was such a god-like power. It was never expected that the seven swords of the sacred rumors were as rumors that they could be killed.

Before the war, no one really really cares about the seven swords that the blind man left.

It is true that no one expected that the seven swords of the seven generations will be almost perfect.

Even the tyrannical characters of Taishi are helpless.

Yin Yu snorted and then looked at Xuan: "In the past, the National Teacher once said that if there is no change in this battle, then it will win?"

That heavy mysterious smile, his first name, can be described as dying.

A few years ago, I lost the gambling with Kong Rui, and I was wrong. To make this cloud industry's leading talent, the future pillar of the sky, deviated from the big business. Achievements in the southeast of the industry.

This time, it is still a mistake. This mistake is to bury the 300,000 elite soldiers who have been hard-working.

"This is the fault of the court! It should be that there is a high-tech master who will stop the calculation of the sky and cannot measure the fierce. I did not expect the sect to be a variable."

The trick is that even if you are a monk, you can't be good at it.

It’s natural to be cherished by the sky. Walking this road is basically a long-lived hope.

Even before the nine thousand years ago, he had left the ‘Life’ character in the dojos of Lingyunzong, the talent of the high, and the people who alerted the world. At this time, I am still struggling and unable to gain the avenue.

Therefore, all the sacred sacred sacred, although occasionally can also see the heavens, is expected to calculate the past. This can be avoided.

Not can't, but don't dare, don't want it!

In fact, before the war, he also noticed the same. But then how can we think that the nine-place sacred sage, the five sacred gods, and the power of an artifact still fall into the fiasco?

"Gao Ming Master? I have never heard of people in this place."

Yin Yu frowned, suddenly thought of one person: "But that Kong Rui?"

The only dagger that is hard to bite in the mouth.

Within the cloud world, the Gaoming Master standing next to Zongshou can only be this one!

In just a few years, I don’t care about this person’s practice in terms of calculations. Can unknowingly pass through his method of calculation.

According to his estimation, this person may not be expected to win the sacred road, but to disrupt the future and become chaotic.

Even if you only do this, it is extremely brilliant.

This kind of cultivation is just like entering the country.

Heaven help?

In the heart of Zhong Xuan’s heart, he borrowed the Dashang State to practice and eliminate the disaster. This Kong Rui is the master of the big cadre, and the most trusted master of Zong Shou can do the same.

But it can't be like this fast method -

What is the reason?

"Reverse thief!"

Yin Yu snorted and slammed the table corner. The front of the imperial case, almost collapsed.

"Transmission of the purpose! Where the Kong family, all deprived of the official body, into the prison of death. Under the age of ten, give me the North Wild Army, let it be self-destructive. Do not be embarrassed, can not return!"

It’s a hateful thing for Confucius. It is also to punish Kong’s up and down and suppress Kong Rui’s.

There are such amazing talents, but they cannot be known to him and cannot be used for him!

There is also a Kong Yao, what disaster star is in the world, unknown people. If he can have this player, what is the worry now? Can be a party!

What about **** disasters? That is the disaster of other countries, the fortunes of big business.

hateful! Can be annoying! Can also kill!

The high side of the side is like a big man, and he hurriedly called the Chinese scholars who are waiting outside the temple.

Yin Yu still feels that it is hard to hate, but at this time, more is the meaning of fear, and it is cold.

The 300,000-strong soldier is his authority, and it is also the biggest card to contain many domestic families.

At this time, the whole army was wiped out. How should he suppress the country?

Today's central cloud land, although the surface is peaceful. There are countless people, countless sects, in the new Lingshi veins. Even for this reason, deliberately provoke fools to mess.

And the major families, as well as those who are in charge of one party, are not guilty of speculation, secretly peek into the big business throne.

At this moment, the big business, clearly has been stormy, how should he be good?

The more faint in the brain, Yin Yu only feels that the blood is flowing backwards and is cold.

However, I listened to the left letter and said: "Your Majesty does not need to worry! This time, although this defeat, my Confucianism, Zhu Zixian, is still effective for the Confucius, but it is still effective. Your Majesty is Wan Gu Mingjun, but this time I am waiting for it. After that, I will be grateful to my Confucianism."

Yin Yu’s spirit is slightly shaken, but for the words of Zuo Xin, it is not okay.

Confucianism can be the pillar of big business, but it can't be left.

If it really depends on its power and is controlled by it, most of the big businessmen are not far from the country of death.

At this time, Yin Yu and several people in the temple raised their heads. I saw a vast golden light and rushed.

"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master education is the enemy of my Confucianism!"

Confucian enemy?

In the midst of it, Yin Yu saw that the golden light broke down and went to his hall.

The manuscript was reduced to two feet and floated in front of him.

The text inside is different from what is said in Fang Caisheng.

"Do you send troops to work?"

Yin Yu instinctively scalp swells, a suffocating stagnation in the chest.

At this time, how can he still have the heart to conquer? Even if you have the heart, it is powerless.

Does this domestic chaos ignore it?

Zuo Xin glanced at the golden instrument, but it was a slight joy: "This is a happy event, and the minister asks his majesty to recruit all the soldiers and horses to get together!" (To be continued)

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