Divine Brilliance

: 1036 Jianzong visit

The scenes in that world are naturally in sight. In addition to Zong Shou, all of them are looking sad.

Wei Xu smiled slightly and bitterly: "This Zhu Zi seems to be reluctant to give up, but this time it is because of my sacred things, even the tired younger brother."

"The enemy of Confucianism, this is the call for the Confucian scholars from all over the world to attack. This Zhu Zi, a good means."

The code of the family shook his head. The reaction of Zhu Zi was already expected when he was in the palm of his hand. He had already prepared himself.

"No problem, when I returned to the cloud a few years ago, Yaoer said something. If I want to stabilize the central part of the central cloud, I must be righteous with the big business hall, and the battle will be one. This battle will happen sooner or later. It’s just a few days ahead of time.”

Dagan entered the central part of the central cloud and land in the southeast. Although these years have been repeated and repeated, almost all the powerful barbarians there have been leveled. But the big business is not unresponsive. The Yuanchen emperor could not sit down and see the big dry and swallow the southeastern land and become a heartache.

Although they are self-sufficient, they have not found any troubles in these years, and they have provoked life among the various ethnic groups and secretly supported the armor. Sometimes, even soldiers will be sent directly.

It is difficult to calm down this fast-growing land.

After all, it is the central government, and it is extremely prestigious in the southern countries. The appeal and deterrence are not lacking.

If Dagan wants to stand firm, it is necessary to completely destroy the great power of the country. In this way, we can really shake the savage and even enter the Central Plains.

What's more, the 300,000 soldiers of the big business were all degraded by his sword. Today's big dry, not a victory. And the odds are quite large.

As for the Confucian enemy, it is not very concerned. Anyway, it is under the jurisdiction of Dagan. All are barbarians, and Confucianism is really poor.

The people present are not really worried, but they are not too concerned. After all, the big country’s campaign is not a trivial matter. Whether it is victory or defeat, it will surely be a life of charcoal. And Zong Shou is a sinister dilemma, and sacrifice has been extremely great.

At this time, I heard the words of Zong Shou, and I was relieved. However, they all use the same vision. I watched the little dog who was on the shoulders of Zongshou.

Yuan Jing Xuan Shuang two people, even more strange look, eyebrows dance. The Holy King was born, but he was considered a Confucian enemy, the first Sheng Zhuzi, this time it was a stupid thing.

Xiu Guan said: "This war. It is estimated that the sacred sages will not intervene, but they can't help it. Since it is already in the dark, it is already innocent. Then the seven sacred swords do not need to continue to suppress the people. This set of swords can be taken away by you, Wei Xu several people. Also let you deploy. The 50,000-year-old Xuanlongshi, after ten days, will also rush to the land of Nanyi."

Since Zong Shou has already figured out the relationship with Cangsheng Road, then Cangshengdao is directly involved in the war, and naturally it is justified.

Zong Shouqi raised his eyebrows. There are seven swords in the crackdown, and nature is good. It is impossible to intervene in the Holy Spirit to intervene in this battle.

Take the power of the sword. Outside the embarrassing situation, how can you hold back a strong person?

And Wei Xu himself is more of a sacred sage.

I can hear the latter sentence and I feel that something is wrong.

Just want to refuse, but then listened to Wei Xu said: "If I am a big business emperor, before the royal family, I will definitely recruit the domestic private army to fight the war."

Zong Shou stunned, and then he was very sorrowful, and he was neglected by the private army of the country and the family.

In this way, this time the war is afraid that it is far less prosperous than imagined.

Careful calculations, fearing that it is at least six or seven times the force gap. It is the potential of Mount Taishan.

It is mainly a Taoist soldier. At this time, Dagan is in the cloud world, and his strength has also been expanded.

There are only less than 60,000 true fourth-order soldiers.

And the big business, the various towns and towns of the country, even if there are reservations, can mobilize the soldiers, fearing that the number is more than 200,000.

I can't help but sigh. This battle is really not the time.

However, it may be the best time. The big business power is ten times bigger. A few years later, the military did not know how strong it would be. It is not known that the Emperor Yuanshi’s heroic martial arts, or the ability to recover.

In this battle, he was originally planning to open up the field and slowly circulate with the big business. In the land of the South, drag the army of the big business. When the big business is exhausted, the domestic war is frequent.

The south is brutally rebellious, killing millions of people every year, but it is impossible for him to withdraw.

Long pain is worse than short pain. It takes a battle to hurt the big business, so that it can only be retracted and the South will settle down.

But now it seems that I am afraid of taking it for granted.

After this discussion, Zong Shou did not belong to the thoughts, and even more unwilling to pay attention to the discussion of the people in the tower.

It is nothing more than a grateful statement about the dragon shadow, and then the pension of the fallen disciples and the reconstruction of the dilemma.

"The spiritual tide has risen. I was originally prepared to sit and watch the changes in the cloud world. I am waiting for it. But now Yuan Jing Xuan Shuang has been certified to the situation. Wei Xu is also lucky to be robbed today. At the time of its prosperity, it also has the strength to compete. But it will also be watched by the teachers of the various sects. Even if there is no action afterwards, there is no shortage of people to forget the calculations. Today, the reason why Xiuguan tells you these secrets is that In order to make you a place, there is a guardian heart."

Only Xiu Guan’s sentence, Zong Shou is heard in the ear, and the rest don’t care much.

In less than two hours, everyone will be scattered. Zong Shouxin Jiao, anxious to return to dry Tianshan.

In the past few years, I haven’t seen Xuanyuan Yiren and Kong Yao, and after I was born, I haven’t seen a few children. Zong Shou has long missed it.

Ten days after the reunification, he was pressing the sense of urgency. At this time, it is naturally out of control.

However, before the reunification, there were only small dogs that needed to be disposed of.

Since he wanted to enter the sacred sea, he was categorically rejected by Zong Shou, and Xiao Xiao, the little guy, was unhappy. From time to time, he clawed his teeth to show his dissatisfaction.

When I am bored, I will bite his sleeves in a maddening manner~www.wuxiaspot.com~

"Into the white hole law, can you help me?"

"If it is late, will you not be able to fight it in the future? Is that black unicorn? You are not an opponent of it? This is a life-threatening, not vindictive."

"Don't be afraid of the evil spirits around you, the danger of your body? You little guy, I really don't know how to live and die, I don't know how to be good!"

"I want to be clear, after a few dozen years of hard work, Dagan will break the country. At that time, what kind of kingship is there for you to suck? And maybe I will keep it, that is, the most vicious and tyrannical sin in history. —"

That Confucian door has already given him the label of fainting.

In fact, he did not hesitate to hesitate. It was really troubled by this whistling day. Zong Shou simply gave a slap in the face and also brought this little dog into the soul.

It’s just that he hasn’t had time to see the changes in the sea of ​​souls. He listened to a disciple from the world and heard the news.

"Song Zongzhu visit?"

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