Divine Brilliance

: 1040 again met Gongyuan

The mind was drawn back from the soul sea, and Zong Shou heard the first snow and screamed.

The blood-red machete, with a vast cold current, passed through this cloud.

So hundreds of miles of clouds and seas are frozen, and large chunks of land fall to the sea of ​​clouds.

The five black-eyed turtles in the first snow, a scream.

Make countless ice shields condense in the void.

The first thought of the first snow is the security of Zong Shou. With the help of the Blood Moon Knife, this attack has the power of the Holy Land, but it is mostly protected.

There is no cover for itself, and almost all the ice shields are gathered in front of Zongshou.

However, there is a little silver sword light, sharp and sharp, piercing the layers of the ice shields that are strong and comparable to Xianbao, and bringing up the dust of the sky.


Zong Shou’s pupil shrinks, although he does not see anyone, but this god, he is familiar.

Instinctively remembered that this was due to his death. In later generations, even people who can keep pace with the Emperor!

At this time, the sword is coming, it is impossible!

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and was about to shoot. There is a little golden light in the sleeve, it is Xiaojin.

Changed into the appearance of the ‘Zongshou’ of Xiaoyi No.1, holding the sword of the refining sword, and the three thousand feet behind the wing, the more the sky went.

The sound of ‘When’’ was in the silver sword light, breaking through the last layer of ice barrier. Xiaojin’s trumpet refining sword also brought six dragon shadows at the same time.

Xiaojin figure, directly throwing a few miles away. However, the silver Jianguang was also shocked.

Just a must, Xiaojin stabilized the figure. The eyebrows are awe-inspiring, looming a bit of pride.

Zong Shou is also amazed. Wei Xu’s blood to the world is so fast.

Immediately, I realized that it must be Wei Xu itself, and she has refining her life, so that Xiaojin can easily absorb it.

And this sword, at least with his nine-point style!

Almost equal to one, with his 90% strength!

Naturally, it does not count the increase in kingdom martial arts.

Since the birth of the blue fire turtle, you have received countless variants of the beast. After a great evolution. Xiao Jin’s combat power is gradually unable to keep up.

When Zong Shou used this guy, it was very rare. It was not until the devouring of the demon **** Yuan Dan, but also the blood of Wei Xu, the mirror of the way, this moment is considered to exhale and raise the eyebrow.

There is no phase, noification, and mirroring of the three supernatural powers, which makes Xiaojin's simulation ability. Can be increased by nearly double.

Zong Shou chuckled, and his eyes were filled with joy. Xiaojin can have such strength. Even if you can't continue to benefit from the road in the future, it is worth it.

At this time, I saw the sword again. After the collapse, I was forced by the **** knife of the first snow, and I continued to fly in the air.

Repeated desire to get out of the way, are limited by the five elements of the first snow.

"Shenbing soldiers?"

It is a sword that has been sealed, otherwise it will not be supported under the knife of the first snow for so long!

No wonder this palace source, dare to shoot him to assassinate.

Zong Shou did not pay attention to it. God read and spread and spread, looking for the place where the palace source was.

The sword is here, the person of the sword, must be within a thousand miles!

The mind has swept through thousands of miles, even outside the void, and not let go.

After a while, Zong Shou’s eyes. However, it was a bit surprising.

Within a thousand miles, he could not find the trace of that palace source!

The micro-sleeve, and dozens of silver light scattered, flew in all directions.

It is your majesty. Those holy fire soldiers. Each one is equivalent to a fairy monk, and each one can extend the mind of Zongshou to expand six hundred miles away!

At the same time, the number of stars that have increased to 108 small weeks is also scattered.

The code was closed and empty, and after about half an hour, there was an induction.

The eyes are slightly stunned. When the mind was quoted, a sacred fire ant, who was almost slashed by the sword, was recalled to the front.

Once again, the body shape flashed, and it was the moment that the silver ant attacked.

Do not deliberately investigate, Zong Shou directly fell to the refining sword of the level of the sacred soldiers, and fell with the stars of the sky!

Three thousand stars!

Then there was a bang, and here six hundred miles of void, all the matter, all destroyed.

It’s just a figure that exists alone and emerges from nothingness. I was snorted and I didn’t retreat. Suddenly violent, a bright silver sword shadow, once again broke through the void, spurred.

Straight to go straight, but looming, seemingly nothing, giving people a sense of erratic, but it is so fierce!

And the silver sword shadow, and the previous sword, vaguely similar.

"Mother God soldiers!"

It’s the son’s sword. At this time, the source of Gongyuan is the mother sword.

The mother sword is the only one, but the child sword does not know much.

"Come and not be indecent!"

Zong Shou is also a fit with the sword, the sword is one, with a boundless light, a sword hedge!

Being challenged by a sword, he is a swordsman, will he give in?

The entire sky was shrouded in blazing white, and it was hard to see with the naked eye.

It was not until after another screaming, it was settled.

At that time, the chest of the palace source has been stained with blood. And the patriarchal code stands in the void, thoughtfully, looking at his right arm, that is only the wound of the fur.

This sword is against, naturally he wins. It’s just that the sword is so transparent, but it also makes him unable to pursue.

With endless darkness, a little bit of engulfing.

"False and honest!"

Zong Shoumei looked up and his eyes were sharp and persevering: "What do you cultivate is the way of truth and reality?"

Only the sword of the infinite amount, most of the swordsmanship was blurred, and it was empty.

The source of the palace did not answer, and with the help of the soldiers, if they could not strike, they would rise thousands of miles.

"The vengeance of the ruins of the clouds is not to wear the sky. There will be one day in Gongyuan, and you will be under the sword!"

That tone is arrogant, revealing the hatred of the bones.

But at this time, the piece of emptiness, but it is a **** knife violent.

The sound of Gongyuan stopped abruptly, and the sword continued to move for more than a dozen times. This avoids the danger of being killed by the knife. www.wuxiaspot.com~ But when the person flies away, there is also a leg The broken limbs of the ministry were degraded.

The figure of the first snow appeared, looking at the back of Gongyuan, the look of frustration and annoyance.

Just a little bit, you can put this abominable young Taoist under the knife.

Zong Shou is growing up, almost unable to close, and his face is wrong. Look carefully, only to know the reason.

With the illusion of the ‘green 螭’, supported by the five-headed beast, the first snow simulates an extremely realistic avatar, entangled with the sword.

It is silent, and it is sneak. With the help of the sacred word of the **** knife, the body shape is hidden.

Then, when Gongyuan was about to leave, it suddenly broke out.

This knife, the heavy blow to Gongyuan, far exceeds his infinite light magic.

Is this still the first snow? That stupid, let him tease the little girl?

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