Divine Brilliance

: 1047 Hidden dangers

Seeing Zong Shou is still heartless, laughing awful. The lower body is firm, and slowly pushes into her soft muddy place again.

A burst of bloated, crisp and euphoric, suddenly rushed into her heart.

Xuanyuan screamed at the people, and then his heart suddenly moved, like a smile and laughed back: "Fei Jun, have been four days. No one said that you are not close to the female color?"

This guy, the reason why she toss her so much, is definitely to retaliate for the matter before the four days. Mostly, it is prepared to use ‘actual actions’ to crush rumors.

The ruling was furious and caught the energetic little waist and sprinted hard.

At this moment, Xuanyuan relied on people, and his mind suddenly seemed to rush into the top of the sky. The pleasure of that one made her almost coma on the spot.

I only feel that the joy of the world is nothing more than this. I was slowly unable to control it and began to work out.

After a full half hour, Zong Shoucai stopped the action after the extreme pleasure of the two.

Xuanyuan Yi is a breathless, red-faced red. When I think about it, I say in my mouth that the slaves still need to work harder, don’t stop, can’t stand it, and those words that are going to die are just ashamed.

Love with Zong Shou, really want to let go of all the dignity of being a woman.

It took a whole hour to exhaust almost all of her physical strength.

However, I can feel that the lower body of Zong Shou is still strong, like a peerless steel gun. The sharp edge is sharp, even after the fierce battle for four days, it still can't make it weak.

Xuanyuan Yiren was finally a little scared, and rationality finally overpowered the crazy desire.

I didn’t dare to provoke a request, and the beauty of the glory flashed the color of pity, and kept Zong Shou tightly, and conceded and surrendered.

"French, can't come again. If you bully me again, you can't stand it. Is it good next time? What kind of tricks are up to you. But only one person can't do it, or you will accept Cher."

Zong Shouxin is satisfied. I am also worried that if I continue, it will damage the original yuan of Xuanyuan.

Can not help but pity pinch the face of the person in the arms, and use the source of the spirit to force the power to force, into the Xuan Yi Yi people's body, help her to restore physical strength.

According to people, he is a good wife, but in the bed, he is a slut, a slut. It’s really amazing!

Just when I heard the last sentence, I suddenly laughed and laughed.

But what about the little girl? He is definitely going to eat. But it is not now.

When you open the mind, you will only feel a familiar air machine, and you will quietly walk away from the temple. It was the first snow, the face was red, and the secret of the camera was taken away.

With the help of the **** knife, the word "Tibetan" is looming. It doesn't seem to exist in general,

However, I don’t know that the avenues of the sects have already been distributed in this space. The wind is blowing, and the sounds of the ancestors are not.

Zong Shou's lips are slightly picky, like laughing and laughing.

Cher, she did come to the age of being curious about men and women.


After this time, the days of Zong Shou in the palace finally returned to the right track.

But the so-called normal. It’s just that there’s nothing to do on a daily basis.

Still ignoring those cumbersome government affairs, accompanying his wife and children every day.

He is in the cloud world and will not stay too long after all. Therefore, every minute of time is worth cherishing.

Even if Zong Shou’s wish is to be the best of the martial arts. I don’t want to use this time to delve into the heavens and practice my feelings.

Just unintentional, he temporarily put aside everything. Only concentrate on enjoying the joy of having a wife. Martial arts and spiritual practice. Instead, there is no small entry.

Just after the twentieth day, Zong Shouyuan’s soul suddenly grew up. The soul surges.

When Zong Shou explored his mind, he discovered that there were some changes in the avenues of the stars.

Many of the stars have been distracted, and they have completed the shift and found a more suitable position.

It is still like the night sky star map, but these dragons are no longer in accordance with the arrangement before Zongshou, and they have found a more suitable orientation in his soul sea.

And after this structure, the soul power provided is enough to increase the full 30%!

Zong Shou also clearly feels that these horoscopes and the avenues of the roads have all been enhanced.

Even faintly, to extract some of the power of the stars.

Especially at night, the gain is even greater.

"It is rumored that every star in the night sky is a kind of law in this world, so there is infinite power."

This kind of statement, Zong Shou has been seen in many of the explanations of the astrological books. It was the first time that I felt so deeply and confirmed this.

More than just three thousand stars, even on the martial arts, there has been a lot of progress.

By accidentally applying swordsmanship, I realized that the Yuanyi swords that I had evolved had flaws that I could not notice before.

If Zong Shou is aware of it, it cannot be said that there is an entry into the practice, but an ‘correction’ is correct.

In the past, my own nerves were really too tight. I only know how to bravely advance, chase after the second, desperate to climb to the peak.

However, there are many hidden dangers and no awareness. At this time, there are wives and children to accompany, and the state of mind is peaceful.

Many things that have not been noticed before have been exposed.

The way of practice is also to pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and to be tight. I used to be a bit aggressive, and my heart was a little anxious.

If you practice like this, you might want to fall to the end of the game.

With such advantages, Zong Shou is naturally more comfortable, and spends a leisurely day.

The most surprising thing is that just after spending nearly a month with his wife and wife, Dan finally spoke up and stuttered him with a dad.

Zong Shouxi is not self-successful. He only feels that this month has been a breakthrough in progress. It is far from being today. The joy that Daniel gave him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is very sad, knowing that soon after, the child will be sent to Xiuguan.

It may be impossible for decades to meet,

In the dry Tianshan, Zong Shou is not really idle and idle.

The cults attacked everywhere, and even if there was a big dry, the swordsmen and the martyrdom monks were all overwhelmed.

However, from time to time, there are leaks. Officials of Dagan, and even the people, have been attacked by the magic door.

East is better than Huizhou, but Nanfeng Yunlu is the hardest hit.

Fortunately, the few holy steps seem to be restricted, and there are no large-scale deaths and injuries.

But the whole big up and down, for a moment is a heart. In just one month, nearly 30% of the officials resigned.

Or this is dissatisfied with his big dry ‘ stunned king’, suppressing the Confucianism, and causing the first sacred Dongzi to fall. Or to avoid the disaster, do not want to be implicated, encounter the assassination of the magic door.

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