Divine Brilliance

: 1053 is the same

"This erect actually writes a book and wants me to strike a big business. It is said that Zong Shou is the prince of the world. When I am a big businessman, I will be defeated."

"Gold does not regret? Is it the one who once connected three chapters, impeaching the local tyrants to go ridiculously, and suggested reforming the imperial examinations and awarding the rules of the prince?"

Focusing on my eyebrows, I feel that it is weird. The medal in the history of the golden prince is always out of place.

No, it is said that the former imperial censor is right, Yin Yu has the meaning of reform. However, in the past few years, the family’s forces have been stupid. Due to the competition for the Lingshi veins in the country, there have been frequent disputes.

In desperation, Yin Yu had to put gold into the idle, and went to the frontier, and ordered a seven-country magistrate.

This is also because of the preservation of Yin Yu, the three memorials, it is really the big family of the big business, all offended to death.

I really didn't expect it. This one refused to raise the shackles in the frontiers. This time, the medal was actually directed at the Emperor Yuanchen.

Is this this, I really thought that only one Hao Xuanzong, can you protect him?

Silently, after the reign of Xuan, I took the chapter from the royal court of Yin Yu.

After watching it for a while, I felt speechless.

This gold is not regretted in the memorial. It is said that the country cannot be bred by anger, nor can it be a war of injustice. It is not appropriate for the first sacred priest to swear by the anger of the first sacred man. Dagan did not have any faults, but he was forced to crusade, which is not the second.

These even he looked at it, and it was ridiculous. However, there is something behind it that can be seen.

It is a rare achievement for a thousand years to say that the Dagan Guojun is a sect. Not only the martial arts are brilliant, but the cloud world is invincible. Both military and political are also top-notch, and it is difficult to beat them on the battlefield.

At this time, Dagan was also developed at the time of the national strength. The water network in southern Xinjiang is densely covered and there are many swamps.

The army of the Dagan is convenient to supply, and it is advantageous. If you are dragging and fighting in the South, you can completely drag down the army of the big merchants.

Even if the big business is really forcing the defending battle, it will be a trap.

In short, there is only one meaning in the text, that is, once they enter the southern Xinjiang, it is to lose the big business. What is to be done now is to settle the country, repair the internal affairs, not give the excuse to invade, and try to open up the foreign domain. Rather than rushing to be an enemy of Dagan.

The combination of the land of the fifty-two states of China and the speed of opening up the outer domain will also be able to surpass the Dagan Xian Dynasty and also transfer domestic contradictions.

It is quite a bit of insight, but it is taken for granted. It is precisely because of the prosperity of the country today that it is necessary to kill in advance and destroy the foundation of the country in the cloud.

At this moment is also the best time - heavy mysteriously shook his head and put the chapter down.

"It is indeed inexplicable. I dare to blame Zhu Zisheng for inverting black and white, holding the king, and harassing the national government. It is really not daring. I just don't know what to do, how to deal with it?"

"The chaos of my army, hehe!"

Yin Yu’s anger is uninterested, and the killing is clear: “Before entering Xinjiang, it’s good to take this banner.”

Saying that Zong Shou is a wise and wise man, then he is in the eyes of Kim, and he will be fainted.

Said that Zhu Zizhen holds the king, and where is he the master?

Originally thought to be a usable minister, so I loved it. At this point, it seems to be a wolf.

Only one glance at Zhong Xuan, I know that Yin Yu has thrown out gold and does not regret, in order to win the meaning of those families and towns. If Kim does not regret it, the relationship between the imperial court and the various towns of the family will certainly ease a lot.

Just then, he thought about it a few years ago. When Zong Shou left the cloud world, he said the words to him.

If there is any accident that Kim does not regret, he will surely revenge in spite of everything!

Don't leave room for it!

At that time, it was Zong Shou who was single-minded and continuously attacked 37 Taoist sects.

"Somewhat wrong! This is the friend of the sect, even if it is to be disposed of, it is best to wait until the end of the war in southern Xinjiang. At that time, he must be taught to be speechless-"

"Zong Shou's best friend? That's **** it!"

In the eyes of Yin Yu, the murder was more prosperous. It was this sect that ruined 300,000 soldiers in the shackles.

Let him work hard, and almost completely lost the reliance of the families of the towns.

The anger is hard to suppress, but it is temporarily suppressed.

"Well, first move into custody, and then go to the prison to squat. After this battle, do it again!"

Coldly snorted, Yin Yu went to take out this other memorial. After a while, he frowned again and his expression gradually became dignified.

The heavy mysterious face is now doubtful, who is this? What is the content within the chapter, so that Majesty pays so much attention?

Waiting for him to ask, Yin Yu has already condensed: "It is Shi Yue, and the book says that the water network in southern Xinjiang is densely covered, and the master of the boat is prosperous. I can't win as a naval master. I can't cut off the water network like a river. Only three million soldiers, but can reach a million troops. Sooner or later, they will be dragged down in southern Xinjiang. They must not be forced to fight before they are forced to do so. Nao Yao is the first-class soldier in the world. The ability to unite the army is also extremely good. It will never be wary when it is unsure, and it must be cautious and cautious.

He is a dumbfounded man. He is well aware of the rising roots of this stone and the rising star of Middle-earth. The Shijia pioneered the foreign domain, and the extraordinary news was also faintly heard.

Use the power of the soldiers, not to be in any world famous.

This one’s opinion, which coincides with Kim’s remorse, is really amazing.

"Shijia -"

Yin Yu unconsciously, holding the wolf's pen firmly, until a few cracks are wrapped around, can not feel.

After a while, it was a slight sigh. Take this one and let it go aside.

Shi Yue is not a gold no regret, can not easily handle, can not be disposed of at random ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ its text is only to remind the court cautious, did not refer to his fault, so this fold can not be issued, he is Next, it is a brow. I saw Yin Yu, the jealousy of the Shi family.

If you say that before, the five gate valves headed by Yang are the needles of Yin Yu and the thorns in the flesh.

At this moment, Shi Shi is the emperor of Yuanchen, the most taboo existence.

The third piece of the song made Yin Yu’s mood better.

In the front, the commander of the 3 million soldiers and horses of the former army, Feiyin, was able to break through the Emerald Gorge.

In other words, after only ten rì, his driving can pass through the Henglian Mountains.

The generals of the generals are printed, but within the big business, they are only five in, and they have experienced thousands of wars and accumulated their achievements. The record is brilliant, and the ability to use the soldiers is the best choice. And this Feiyin is one of them.

"Speaking of this Feiyin, it is also among the five major generals. The only one insists that Kong Yao is a mediocre entry-"

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