Divine Brilliance

: 1055 斩你人头

In front of the Jade Gorge, Zong Shou was floating in the air, looking cold and looking opposite. .\\\\

The original green valley, like the emerald valley, has been a great force, and it has been completely flattened in the beard.

The narrow mountain road turned into a flat place. The valley was widened, and the gorge, which was originally only accessible to hundreds of people, was no problem at this time.

At this time, in the barracks of the Dagan Army, all the soldiers were stunned and looked at everything in front of them.

The earth swayed, and the several holy people on the opposite side were still unscrupulously revealing the tyrannical mind, and the power was overbearing.

With a sigh of relief, the sword of the refining sword screamed, and with the figure of Zongshou, rushed into the sky.

It is easy to get used to, and I have already contacted the six swords that have been lurking nearby.

When the infinite number of auras are in the void, such as a ribbon, it is usually surrounded by seven swords. The will of the day was also crushed here.


In the two military camps, almost all the monks of the seventh or higher ranks were frightened and stumbled.

On the contrary, people below the seventh order can't touch the heavens and the heavens and minds.

God read the distant people who locked the mountains in the distance, is a vast sword, swept the past.

Never mercy, smash everything!

"You are bold!"

With a scorn, I saw four big hands and suddenly sneak out of the air, and slammed into the sky with the sword.

Suddenly shaking in the sky, the sword is overflowing.

Jianguang was the first to hold on and broke. And the four big hands. They have also collapsed.

"Zhu Xi?"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows, and the opposite was clearly the three gods of Confucianism, as well as Zhu Zi himself.

At this time, it can sense the empty space, the idea of ​​the situation, criss-crossing outside the domain.

Xiu Guanzheng is suppressing Qing Xuan and Tai Huang with the power of oneself, and the three gods of Confucianism and Demon.

And the three shadows of Dragon Shadow and Yuan Jing Lin Xuan Shuang are in the same circle as the Supreme Yuanmo Li Bie Xue. The latter is still in a war, and it still seems to be calm.

The opposite of the holy steps. Still the momentum is fierce and arrogant.

Even if it was suppressed by the heavenly swords of the seven swords, it was not half-pointed to fear, but instead spread the soul and tried to confront the patriarch.

"Fait! Don't just let it go, you die!"

"Iping the Emerald Gorge is a heavenly!"

"Yellow mouth children, you dare to say good to my Confucianism!"

"The sky must be!"

The idea was passed to the sect. It is getting colder and colder. The first sword is not scattered, and the second sword has already emerged from the sword array.

Jianmang just arrived halfway. On the slight tremor, there was a bit of purple inside the blade.

Zong Shou suddenly knew that this was Wei Xu’s shot. And it is directly the mirror Ying Xiu Guan Shen Tong, which proves the eternal way.

At this moment, the figure of Zhu Zi was also displayed in the air in the distance of 100,000 feet.

The eight-footed body, standing on top of the clouds, looks unusually stalwart.

The three gods, at this time, each turned into a thirty-three layer of aura. Laminated behind the brain of Zhu Zi.

Gently point out and fight again with the sword of Heaven.

Immediately, it was a soft bang of the phon, and the face of Zhu Zi clearly showed a certain amount of tidal color, and the body leaned back slightly.

However, it is obviously a skill, and the boundless power is being led out from his feet.

So everything, including the surrounding mountains. They are all annihilated into powder.

The entire gorge was expanded again. The hundreds of nearby peaks disappeared in this moment.

And that Zhu Xi. I also looked over and looked at the sneer.

"Wang Shi hangs the sins and condemns the demon, may you be blocked by you here?"

Zong Shou’s brow wrinkled again. Sure enough, with the power of the people, it is still too reluctant to fight against the three sects of the cloud.

But there is no fear, continue to mobilize the sword array. Since pure power is not enough to crush opponents. Then only the pursuit of changes in the sword array, to increase the sword.

Even if the opponent is a blessing with three gods, it is comparable to the grace of the show, and he will not be afraid of it. Do your best, the battle is one!

It ignites the spirit of the Quartet and the heavens and the earth. The power of the majestic king, through the nose of the nose, transferred over.

The sacred spirit of Zong Shou’s hands is constantly climbing. The level of the seven-sword sword is also slowly increasing.

At this time, a young man with a length of 12,000 feet, a blue shirt, and a large sleeve fluttering, suddenly fell from the void.

A bang of the dust is a sword to the place where Zhu Zi is.

"Tai Qing Shenzun!"

In the opposite mountains, they all made a few exclamations.

Zhu Xi was slightly surprised and threw a roll of jade slips. After the unfolding, a piece of golden text appears to burn, and the sword light that is gathered by the power is firmly blocked.

Then there was a slight smear in the middle of the shack: "Jian Zong? Er, etc. seems to be really involved?"

In the void, there is also a clear laughter: "The matter of not being able to intervene in the cloud world is a covenant before the 10,000-year-old. If you have forgotten it, then I will not have to obey the sword." Dagan is an ally. In these years, he has enjoyed a good cooperation and is in the same breath. How can he sit and watch at this time-"

When the voice was heard, the laughter became more and more pleasant: "It seems that I am planning to get involved in this battle today, not just my Jianzong family."

His voice fell, and the colorful glow was on the side of the day, and a Buddha sounded.

“Yuanshi Ancient Buddha!”

It was also a figure of one thousand two thousand feet, stepping on the twelve leaves of golden lotus, coming down from the air.

Instead of shooting to Zhu Zi, he held up a nine-story stupa and suppressed it.

The shock between heaven and earth immediately stopped. The Buddha's light is splendid, and it is a blessing on the sacred sword array.

The face of Zhu Zi is even more sturdy. The gods in front of him are the embodiment of Amitabha Buddha in the cloud.

"Well, it’s very good! You Buddhism is helping you, is it because you want to go through another catastrophe?"

"The donor said this!"

A golden figure, coming to the air. The treasure is solemn. All the scorpions are angry, it is the Sangha Buddha.

The Buddha is also angry, and Zhu Xi’s words touched the scales.

When he was in the catastrophe of Bumen in the cloud world, he also experienced it personally and felt deeply. Buddhism is certainly wrong, and I don’t know how to converge. However, several major sects in the cloud industry have contributed to this, which is also a cause.

"I don't want to talk about whether he is a monarch or not. Even if you are really going to destroy my Buddhist door, you need to be better than the big business."

Zhu Zi did not have a heart to answer. The vastness of the vastness of the sword, once again into the mountains, swept away.

Zhu Zi is no longer empty, but he is holding a wolf and writing it.

"The husband and the musician, the first thing to do is to do things, to follow the heavens, to take the five virtues, to be natural. Then to adjust the four times, too and everything!"

This moment. It seems that the whole world has fallen into the hands of Zhu Zi, under the nib.

A point out, but also with the majestic will of heaven!

When Zong Shouguang was condensed, he calmed down again.

Then, let’s take a look at the way he is guarding the scorpion and the scorpion. It is still the opposite of this Zhu Zi’s ‘reason’, which is even more dependent on God’s will.


There was no sound at the confrontation, and the wolf in the hands of Zhu Zi was a big deal. But it splits from it.

On that day, the swordsmanship was also instantaneously scattered. The third time I played, it seems to be equally divided.

However, when the Jianguang was scattered, it was divided into dozens of shares, and it was attacked by several nearby Confucian sects. It was so fast that it was difficult to trace.

Zhu Zi is even more angry. The pen in your hand must be restored as it was at the beginning.

"The human beings are also the ones who destroy the heavens and the poor people. So there is a rebellious swindle, and there is obscenity and chaos. The human heart is selfish, so dangerous. The heart is heavenly, so subtle. Desperate desire is heavenly!"

After a stroke, hundreds of swordsmanships were directly defeated and dissipated invisible.

There are several stocks. Qifeng is outstanding. Under the traction of the sword array, not only has it not been defeated, but the sharp edge is more obvious, and it is strong and strong.

The few holy places, the momentary momentum collapsed, tried to retreat with all strength, exhausted all kinds of magical means, constantly obscuring dodge.

And Zhu Zi, it is even more savvy.

"What is heavenlyness? Righteousness, righteousness, ritual, wisdom, and faith! The likes and dislikes are not in the inside, the temptation is in the place, the temptation is not to be blasphemy, the heavens are annihilated. The influx of the things is infinite, and the human beings are innocent, and the things are It’s also human.”

The temptation of matter to man is endless, and the pursuit of material love and dislike is also unrestrained. If there is no end to the use of matter to satisfy the desire, then there is no difference between man and matter.

Zong Shou sneered, his heart was silent, and there was no distraction. Only concentrate on manipulating this seven swords and transforming the sword array to the extreme.

The faint consciousness, this sacred sword array, not only extracts the artifacts that control the will of the heavens, but also implies the way of the blind!

Everyone has a desire, where can it be destroyed?

Because of the pursuit of desire, the human race can step by step to today. Although there is such a kind of filth, there is also a brilliant civilization. Created countless things -


Zong Shouyi, he always thought that the creation of the scorpion was derived from the beginning of the world.

It was only until today that I finally understood it, just as Xiu Guan’s decision was made with Xuan Huang, and the certificate was eternal. Xunzi is also the way to walk the humanity, the card to create the road!

No wonder, the scorpion will build this sacred road~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will run for the people of this world, even in the cloud world.

It has to be this, and it is also the belief in his heart -

That's it! That's it!

Mind Mingda was unblocked, and Zong Shou suddenly laughed. That is the seven swords, the mysterious and innumerable spirits, and this is a sudden realization.

That Zhu Zi was slightly strange, but ignored it, still swearing his own avenue.

"The heart is in danger, the heart is only the slightest, but the only one is the only one, and it is allowed to be in the middle. Therefore, the sages speak a thousand words, but they teach people to understand tomorrow and destroy their desires! Go to the temperament of the temperament, the material desire to cover, to restore its nature, to do its best!"

The voice did not fall, but when he saw the magical and infinite turn of Jianguang, he completely took out his control. Two **** lights flashed in the distance, and the two human heads flew up.

"You can flatter the Emerald Gorge, and you can naturally wait for you to wait for the head! I am faint, just waiting for the knife and axe to add!"

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