Divine Brilliance

: 1061 Victory?

One hundred and six big wins?

Outside the Imperial City, a prisoner is heading for the city gate and is driving slowly.

After entering April, the rain was continuous. Because the emperor of the Yuanchen Emperor’s levy, he had just paved a boulevard of loess, and at this moment it was once again pitted and muddy.

The clouds are not affected, but they are suffering from ordinary carriages.

And just as you entered the ten-mile range of the Imperial City, you can see the two sides of the street, all of them are refugees. Most of them are undressed, yellow and thin, hunger and desperate.

"How come so many more people? How can those big households not come out to porridge?"

On the prisoner's car, the nine-pronged criminal department responsible for escorting the prisoner was patrolling Zhang, and looked at it with sorrow.

As you can see, it is simply **** on earth.

"How else? Almost everyone in the DPRK is saying that today is the world of big business, and the emperor of Yuanchen is the emperor of the ages. At this time, the domestic songs and dances are flattened, and the people live and work in peace. Which one will not open their eyes and run outside the city. Applying porridge? Isn't this ugly on his face? It is a rare governance, but you ran to help these unemployed people. Not afraid of people saying that they intended to speculate? Even if you don’t care, a crime of gathering people’s hearts, These big families are afraid that they can't afford it."

The voice was transmitted from the small cage behind it, and the words were full of sarcasm.

Zhang's muscles on the face were pumped and looked behind him. I saw a fat man, sitting in a prison car. Even the body of the prisoner is still red, and he is sneer.

"German politics does not stop, the people under the rule do not talk about life, but also pleaded guilty to the crime of retrograde application. Can this grain survive? The army of thousands of troops will be conquered in January, and there is no more people in this world who have no way to go!"

The one was listening, but it was a bitter smile. If these words are heard by others, how can they be obtained?

He is only a nine-inspection inspection, and where is the burden?

Have a heart to block this gold-free mouth. However, knowing the background of this person is hard, even if he is embarrassed at this time, it is not that he can offend.

"Golden adult! Please also be cautious!"

However, Kim’s remorse is still unsatisfactory, but he’s still ignorant, and he’s still screaming: “There are millions of refugees in the vicinity of the Ming Dynasty’s capital city, but he’s totally ignorant. It’s not right, it’s not blind, maybe it’s blind, clearly. But pretend not to know --"

"The granary warehouse in the world is often sold out by those bureaucrats. At most, only 20% of the book is left. His Majesty thought that he was still at the beginning of his succession. When he reformed the rule of the rule, he scolded his destiny, he lost his morale and feared the world. It’s messy. But I don’t know the more scruples, the more I lose.”

"The army of the big business nation, a total of 47 million is very strange, but all the mainland soldiers and horses, at least 40% of the vacancies. And this big business conquered southern Xinjiang, the 18 million army, but more from the elite side The army is better than the victory, but if it is defeated, how can this big dynasty be maintained?"

"There is a cloud in the military books. Before the war, you must first consider defeat, and then think about it. So desperate, regardless of the consequences. Is it that I can't understand the gold, or is he crazy?"

"That Zhu Xi can kill! Knowing that the world is swaying, it has reached the end of the crisis. Do not advise the rest to recuperate, to appease the exile, to diligently rest in the internal affairs. Instead, because of personal grievances, screaming the army. Where is this saint -"

"Zong Shou is a young soldier, and there is no way to fight in the battle! Now there is Kong Yao assisted, is it a good match? In the southern Xinjiang is dragging, you can also drag the big business! This battle, defeated, defeated! If the big business wins, then I will dig up my eyes that I don’t regret!"

A sentence of words is a shocking thing. At the prisoner's car, several criminals caught fast, and they all looked pale as paper.

These words, no matter which sentence can be described as a big reversal. If they are known, maybe they will be implicated.

Kim did not regret but suddenly stopped, looking at the top. I saw a sword light, flying from a distance.

"Su Chen brother?"

Above the Jianguang, there is a figure of a green shirt. It was the Hanshanmen Suchen, at this time the brow was locked, and the eyes looked complicated and watched Kim not regret.

Kim did not regret to see a slight smile: "But the Master respects him for you to find me?"

"Your master let me help you to leave, the farther you escape, the better!"

Su Chen sighed slightly: "They are inconvenient, they are not good at shooting, so I have to inform me. Your teacher regrets, saying that when you first saw your **** is the most slippery, it is the most suitable for the officialdom, let you go down the mountain to make a big business, but unexpectedly Finally, this kind of ending. Your sinless temperament is actually so soft and soft."

"I didn't think of it myself!"

Kim did not regret shaking his head slightly, and his face was full of self-deprecation: "Every time I want to turn a blind eye, and then I always think of the teacher of the young age. Although I don't study very much, but the arrogance in this chest is always ruined, what is it?"

"Awe-inspiring? You really will blow yourself."

Su Chen laughed, shook his head, and then condensed his voice: "Do you know that you are looking for death? The big business is succumbing to Zhu Zi's fate to the south, and everyone in the world is fighting for this song, praised the emperor of Yuanchen. You are not interested. It’s got a souvenir. Not only is the Yuanchen emperor angry, but even you are the first Confucian scholar, I’m afraid to hate you. What is this?”

Since Su Chen’s arrival, Zhang Li’s several people have been under the pressure of their swords.

At the moment, I heard the words, but they are all in my heart. It’s so explicit and unobtrusive.

The surnamed Jian Xiu, afraid that he did not even think about it, to leave their lives.

"In other words! His Majesty has not regretted my gold, gave birth to killing heart? With my head, to appease the family of the town?"

Kim did not regret the thick eyebrows, no surprises, and the look was indifferent: "Before writing, I have already expected it without regret."

"You know it, then let me go!"

Su Chen said this, but the heart is slightly sinking, there is a very bad premonition.

"More than just your teacher's door, you will even care about your safety when you are a brother." Let me tell you that it is better to get out of business as soon as possible."

“A big mess is coming soon, get out early?”

The gold did not regret the whisper in the mouth, and lost a moment: "He really has the grasp! Since it can be unified in two years, then defeating the 18 million army, it is not difficult to think about it."

Immediately, she sighed and apologized: "Sorry, Su Shixiong. Rong Jin does not regret re-willingness once again, still want to try this. Look at this big business, whether there is room for recovery."

The one who was listening to it was secretly secretive. Listening to the words of these two people, it seems that the big business is already in danger.

But this world, but it is just a little chaotic and uneasy. It doesn't take long for it to be settled. Where are the two people saying so exaggerated?

Su Chen smashed, and then his face sank: "The good birds choose to live in the wood! It is the Yuanchen emperor who took you first, why do you need to be buried for the big business? Even if you want to be an official, go to Dagan It will only be better."

Ten years of ups and downs, he is also the core figure of Jianzong, the future head of Hanshanmen.

Naturally, it is known that the swords are up and down, and they are all ready to rely on the big dry.

Although I don't know the details, I expected the upper level of the Jianzong. It must be what I have.

It is said that the Huaruo real people who are the most skilled in the sects of the sects of the sects are obsessed with the sacred fate of the sects.

His old friend, life must be expensive! Maybe the future is the owner of this god, and maybe it is.

"I am not for big business! It is for this world."

Kim did not regret but shook his head: "If the big business is chaotic, this is the middle of the cloud, I don't know how many people will be displaced, and I don't know how many people will die in the war. Zong Shou is the master of the big dry, can not care. Gold does not regret But don't care!"

Knowing the nature of Zong Shou, as long as the country is safe. The life and death of his people, what is he doing. Unless you take this central cloud, you will also get it.

Su Chen wrinkled his eyebrows and wanted to persuade again. However, the thoughts of the thoughts disappeared.

In just a few moments, it was visible in the direction of the city gate, a group of knights dressed in fresh clothes, guarding dozens of turn-over clouds, and ran out from the door.

Just as he passed by the prisoner, several people in front of the team suddenly stopped.

"Hey~, isn't this a golden man who doesn't regret gold in the royal history? How did he become a prisoner?"

The person who spoke was a Tsing Yi who was riding a lion beast. It was sneer and watched the prisoner.

"No! Now, in the former imperial history, the gold does not regret adults. It was degraded as a county magistrate two years ago. Today, it is deprived of scholarship and is equivalent to the people."

This sentence says that the curtains of those rolling clouds are all opened. Inside, there are actually official robes wearing more than five products, or official niece.

"It turned out to be him!"

"The book should be reduced to the town, and reform the section of the civil service."

"This person is daring, but it is also ridiculous. Actually, the book is blamed on the king, and the ancestors are sacred."

"That said that the big political politics is clear~www.wuxiaspot.com~The national power is prosperous, and if I am a big businessman, I will be defeated."

"It is said that he was a friend of the tyrant in front of the official, so he tried to stop the book."

"The king of food, but he cares about the private feelings, do not think about the effect of the monarch, fell to the end of the present, but also deserved!"

Kim did not regret face and expression, and glanced at the people. Many people, he knows, and the same as the official.

And the person who spoke is the child of the Zhongyang family of the five major gates of the big business.

Because of the impeachment of the Yang family, more than ten people lost their jobs. There are many important members of the job, and it is also appropriate for him to hate it.

"Is this going to the green?"

Kim did not regret shaking his head slightly: "The war in Nanjiang has not been extinguished, there are countless people in the country, and the country is in a difficult situation. Seoul and others still have the mind to go out to play. Can I be unbeaten?"

As soon as this statement is made, everyone is slightly discolored.

"shut up!"

"This - nonsense!"

"You are talking to the Confucian enemy? Big reversal!"

The sound of reprimanding, the green shirt, more cold and laugh: "I am the Emperor Yuanchen Emperor Yingming Shenwu, the rate of tens of millions of troops, to the top of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It doesn't take long for you to win!" (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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