Divine Brilliance

: 1124 斩仙之葫

Zong Shou-face sè slightly changed, and the two catalogues were carefully handed over to Shen Yuexuan.

"You look at this picture first, then talk about how you feel -"

Shen Yuexuan is extremely curious, can make Zong Shou's attitude suddenly change, knowing that it is taking the risk of xìng life, and still promised that this picture of the place where the Rì Xuan is stationed in this place, what kind of mystery is there?

At this time, see Zong Shou handed over, Shen Yuexuan only hesitated a little, still in the hands, carefully watching.

Knowing the things in your hand from the beginning may be extremely extraordinary. But when he was focused on his mind, after a moment of study, his expression was still dignified.

Shen Yuexuan’s array of rumors is much better than Zong Shouqiang. After only a quarter of an hour, I only felt that the scalp was numb and it was cool.

After a long time, I came back to God: "In this world, there can never be such a strange thing! It should be the object of his domain. Can't think of it, the domain outside the domain really exists."

Thoughtfully said: "This is too great for the Taoist martial arts and the Daoqiang in the Capricorn. It should be the prototype of the Yiling 诛 诛 与 and the source 诛 诛 ?? It’s a good life. Chen’s research on this aspect is not deep. I only know that this time, I may be able to break through the limits of the situation. Then there is this too much sacred record, which is recorded as a top sacred treasure. The method of system. If it can be refining, it can be done in half a step, and it is rare to kill the artifact! This picture is not a method of refining the flying knife, but a gourd, a fairy After -"

"You see it the same way?"

When Zongshou’s light is shining, he will be helpless. “It’s a pity. Not only is the embryo difficult to find, but the refining is also difficult. Although there is this picture, the possibility of refining is really small and small.”

"That is not necessarily true. In fact, this picture has already recorded the complete cultivator."

That Shen Yuexuan laughed, and then God sè seriously: "Speak back. His Majesty actually trusts the minister, and shares these strange things with the ministers, and then does not believe in the secrets of the map after the confession?"

In particular, the method of military martial arts can be said to be a fundamental foundation.

Zong Shou shook his head slightly, and his ability was limited. If he was the kind of narrow-minded, secretive and self-respecting person, he was afraid of hundreds of years ago. Can not participate in the picture in this picture. With the strength of the people, and to learn from others' talents, we can shorten the time of mastery as much as possible.

The person in front of him is also worthy of his trust.

Putting a few words behind Shen Yuexuan directly, Zong Shou Shen said: "In other words. The embryo of this object is actually not as precious as I thought?"

"Not right! Power can be equally tyrannical, but the material quality of the embryo is too different. After that, it will be different after the day. In addition, this picture should be able to get rid of this truth. In the dúlì, it is integrated into the device. The artifact is added to enhance the quality of the sword and the gourd. However, it is estimated that it should be done after the completion of the truth.

That Shen Yuexuan said faintly, but his heart was feeling. Anyway, for the sake of this unreserved trust, he needs to do something for Zong Shou.

In addition, it is also a chance to get a chance to see the truth. I know that the structure of this half-step open artifact is inexplicable to the benefits of his refining.

"The court will try to break down the basic part of the array and the cultivator's spirit from the picture. If you encounter a suitable embryo after you squat, you can refine it yourself. It should be extremely simple. In addition, you are also good at flying knives. But after the completion of the Qinhuang Tomb, the court will refine the set of flying knives for the sire."

Zong Shou suddenly had a happy time. He did not hold much hope for the refining of the squash.

However, if Shen Yuexuan can create a set of flying knives for him, it will certainly make his level of power of the six gods knives improve several levels.

It may not be as good as the sword that is contained in the sacred figure, but it must be stronger than the ordinary flying knives.

In addition to this too, the Ming Rì Xuan left the Zong Shou, and there is a jade.

Inside, we have recorded the experience of the practice of Ming Rì Xuan, and the understanding of the law of fate.

Zong Shou only looked at God and did not care much. This thing is precious, but it can't be done for a while.

And inside, it really did not describe the fundamentals of the practice of rì Xuan, but also reduced the role of this jade to him.

After all, it’s just a matter of meeting each other and using each other. It’s impossible to be a master of the mysterious frost. It will be the source of the spirit and everything, and all the meanings of the ‘life’ word will be clearly explained to him. It is also impossible to teach as a dragon shadow.

Putting these things down temporarily, Zong Shou will continue to print part of the spiritual structure in the catalogue into the set of deciduous knives.

In fact, many of them can't understand it themselves. However, when these spiritual patterns are engraved, they are indeed true, which can improve the grade of the flying knife.

I also began to think about the purpose of Mingyue Xuan.

"It’s really weird, that Ming Rì Xuan lays, Ken is so arrogant, wants us to be stationed in this Temple of Heaven. What is it?"

Also apologized: "A few moments later, it may be dangerous. This time, Zong Shou is tired of you."

The ‘dear’ he said only refers to Shen Yuexuan and the original without injury, not including Su Xiaoxiao.

The latter licked his lips, his eyes waved, and he looked at Zong Shou with a grudge: "What kind of plot can it be? Let us be the target in the bright spot, attract those who practice the spirits and the corpse! Then I will act in secret." ”

Zong Shou smiled dumbly, and Su Xiaoxiao’s words were basically similar to him.

If there is no injury, then I will express my feelings: "What are you talking about? I haven’t gotten the benefits from the guy. In fact, what I am most surprised now is what the blind man was in this temple. thing?"

When it comes to the last few sentences, the original no harm directly looked at the Temple of Heaven zhōngyāng.

It was a giant tripod with a hundred feet, but it was turned over at this time.

Thousands of pounds of ceremonial objects, three feet in the sky, pressed down on the Temple of Heaven.

The forbidden line is connected with the entire Temple of Heaven. It is simple and simple. However, even in the eyes of Shen Yuxuan, such as the top sect, there is no gap and no way to break.

The result of forcible breaking must be to make the ban in this Temple of Heaven, and it will collapse. It’s impossible to counter the two-in-one big dragon--

It is estimated that Ming Rì Xuan and those refiners, can not force the cause of this tripod.

Zong Shoufang only tried this, and this ban should be based on the induction of the Xuanming Gold Book.

As long as it is listed in the gold book, and within the top 30, you can unblock the shackles and take out the remains of the scorpion inside.

However, Zong Shou did not collect it immediately, but waited and waited for a person.

After the shackles, I saw a woman dressed in grace and walked from a distance.

"Ming rì Xuan, the master of the past, once had a heritage device that was seized by Daqin and buried in the Afang Palace. It should be one of the keys to the resurrection of the emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Although this person has already entered this Xianyang City, Xu Fu However, he was very strict and never gave him a chance. Therefore, the Tiantan was triggered in advance, and it was decided that this place would cause me to wait for several people to come."

It’s just that the people who live in the dream are scattered Lin Xuanxuan. Just a few short sentences, they solved the doubts of the Zongshou.

Among the eyebrows, there is a hint of yīn cold and unpleasant.

"He is also destined, we can't keep it here!"

Zong Shou looked out of the Temple of Heaven and saw the second large array of cores out of the scorpion. The erosion of the two ceremonies was getting more and more serious.

If this continues, even if Xu Fu is reluctant, he must respond.

Even if your body can't come, you will do your best.

In the heart of the doubts, Zong Shou still asked: "Uncle Shi, that piece of inheritance, how important is that to the Ming Rì Xuan? And the uncle Shi knows that the scorpion master in this Qin emperor's tomb, in the end What is the intention?"

Respectful, do not dare to be rude. Lin Xuanzhen is the youngest of the sisters of Yuan Jing Xuan Shuang, regardless of the accumulation of cultivation or talent, not before the latter two. More often, I was exposed to the scorpion's ear, and after Yuan Jing San and Lin Xuan Shuang were gradually entering the country. At this time, Lin Xuanzang has been carrying the expectations of the entire Cangsheng. After Wei Xu, the most promising one is long-lived.

However, Lin Xuanzhao himself is not in a hurry, there are still three thousand years of life, with the strength of Cangsheng Road, and indeed do not need anxiety.

The effect of the mysterious gold book is here, and double the life expectancy has increased countless possibilities.

Although it is not a killer, it can be a half-step open artifact, but it is a real name.

"That piece of inheritance can increase his life. Even increase his gas and reduce the number of days. How important is it?"

The people who have the number of jīng, the talents will also be high. It is not difficult to practice, the only obstacle is that this world cannot be tolerated.

That Lin Xuanzang looked at the giant Ding: "As for why the scorpion entered the Qin Emperor's Tomb, I did not talk to a few of my brothers and sisters in the past. But I guess, it should be with that one hidden in the cloud world. I don’t know what the **** artifact is about ~www.wuxiaspot.com~."

When he spoke, Lin Xuan’s show was already in the direction of the giant tripod. Not too hard, I will open the big tripod.

The objects in the interior are unexpectedly dazzling, and they are filled with the anger that is incompatible with this Xianyang city. They are full of incredible. Even a few of them can almost match the piece of the nine-year-old stone.

There are fine wines, medicinal herbs, various kinds of spiritual materials, and a few treasures.

Without exception, there is a huge amount of force in the birth of the yuan.浑 The same body, can not be divided.

"It turns out!"

Zong Shou only thought about it and understood it.

In this small world, the death is too strong! However, the world itself is balanced. Yīn yang is born, life and death are opposite, such a law is constant.

If there is death, there will be life. Even if these two instruments are distorted by the law, they cannot erase the existence of 'angry.'

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