Divine Brilliance

: 1127 The corpse of the corpse


In the mouth of Zong Shou, a trace of blood overflowed. It was not because of the impact of the bone spear, but the method of the final conversion was not mature enough to control it completely.

Half a year ago, in the awkward situation, repelling the Taishi Mojun. The biggest sentiment after the war was the initial conversion.

Unfortunately, even at this time, he was not able to use it freely.

At this moment, among the white holes, one is equally tyrannical, almost smothering with the previous bone spear, and slamming into the bone spear.

All the way, shatter everything! A hundred miles away, the number of corpses of nearly 10,000 people was turned into dust under the violent and violent collision, and there was no resistance.

Until another bone spear, from the emptiness of the air, and entangled with the enthusiasm, this ended.

Then the bang of the bang banged, and the exploding giants hit the square. A full ten miles round, have been flattened. Within this range, all the corpses are gone.

Zong Shou’s expression was calm, and he looked to the other side. I saw a black figure, and I was working on a giant horse that was made by three people. In the direction of the Temple of Heaven, come slowly. The right hand is holding the war, and the left hand is the bone spear. The skeleton spear is actually extended by the bones in the body.

This black armored man is staring at the Temple of Heaven with his cold, gray eyes.

"Resist my emperor, kill!"

With the word 'kill', it rang through the hundred miles. In the sky in the northeast and southwest, four gray spheres were successively raised.

I don't know what treasures are, and there is a lot of dead air. It is very rich, even if it is illuminated by the infinite amount of light, it can't be dispelled for a while.

And the endless darkness is also unable to swallow up some dead air.

Only let the gray fog spread, and once again diffuse into the range of ten miles above the Temple of Heaven.

And those corpses are blessed by these dead bodies. It will not be melted in a short time, and once again, the red flag gold flame array will be surrounded.

"It is the dead spirit Wang Yu!"

Shen Yuexuan was well informed, and at first glance he recognized the four gray spheres. What is it? It’s all shocking.

"In the tomb of the Qin Emperor, these strange treasures have already been born -"

This is no longer a rare treasure, not within the four ranks of heaven and earth, but within the scope of the gods!

If the way in itself is a sacred monk related to ‘death’, the four dead spirits, Wang Yu, can be swallowed up directly. Cast to the road base!

The code is helpless. It is not his infinite magical power, but his own cultivation is too low, which limits the power of this supernatural power.

If you have the power of the gods, or the black and white unicorn. The level has been improved. Then even the four dead spirits Wang Yu. He can also suppress it!

Sneaking a sneak peek at the direction of the black hole, Zong Shou could not help but frown.

Can not fight these dead air, but also this black unicorn is reluctant to resist, and is unwilling to cause the cause of death.

Even if it was erased by Xiuguan, all the memories were pure and paper-like. However, because of the battle of half a year ago, the evil spirit of this beast was almost instinctive. Not because of the loss of memory. And how much is reduced. Because of the gap in cultivation, Zong Shou has never been able to completely tame it.

At the time of the initial conversion, he was slightly injured. This black unicorn is actually a great success.

Take a look. Zong Shou shook his head slightly and stopped paying attention. In fact, he never expected it. Just relying on this infinite magical power, the millions of corpses can be swept away.

Anyway, there are black and white unicorns on his behalf. This infinite amount of final law, but also can not afford him too much mind.

Just this black and white hole. Still hanging in the air. You can hold the opposite side, at least four corpses close to the strength of the Holy Land, and the four innate gods!

In the ten miles around the Temple of Heaven, the infinite light still has the lethal power that the corpses can't resist!

Those zombies were stopped outside the red flag gold flame array, and when they were close, they would be burned by the golden flame, and the infinite light would strike.

Even the zombies close to the fifth-order strength often turn into bone powder in a flash.

Lin Xuanzang looked at it and couldn't help but sighed: "Sure enough, it is the most superb power of the 13th level. You have this method, even if the billions of corpses are shocked, you should be able to withstand it. But if you can repair it again, Higher, save more today."

Infinite light, why not be pure and dead. However, they can expel the corpse and purify them. It can be said that they are restrained by these dead bodies.

In addition to those flames and blazing brilliance, dozens of gold and silver light and shadow, also flashing within the flag array.

It was Xiao Jin who developed his figure and cooperated with the cockroaches and dozens of sacred fire ants to clean up the powerful corpses that rushed into the flag.

Light and shadow are like shuttles, they are all very fast. Wherever they go, even the zombies with spiritual or even fairy power can't stop them from hitting them.

It is often the glory of passing through, and those tyrannical corpses will turn into dust.

The entire red flag gold flame array, under the impact of the tide, did not move.

At this time, there were even six people on the Temple of Heaven who had not even started.

It may also be known that such an impact, except for the consumption of the dead people in the city, is useless, and it is not allowed to use this flag array.

After a bleak horn, the zombies around the line have all retreated. Rolled up like a tide, and retreat like a tide.

And just a moment later, a rigorous corpse army was displayed in front of the six people.

The number is only a million people, but the momentum is even more magnificent. In particular, the 100,000 black armor rides are more suffocating.

Zong Shou is also a calm look, knowing that this is the beginning. The real danger is not until this time.

The 100,000-large Qin Iron Ride can be at least equivalent to ten peaks of the Holy Land. Even if there are two nearby ceremonies in the vicinity, even if there is a red flag gold flame array support, there is a half-step such as Lin Xuanzang to sit in the town. The scene in front of you. It is still scary.

However, the first thing that started the disaster was not the dead army that was slowly being pressed in the distance. But in the air that day, hundreds of savage birds of divine power, under the command of several sacred poultry kings, swooped down.

There are countless iron feathers, like a support arrow, covering the entire temple. A gray flame filled the sky. Like hundreds of meteors, it is full of momentum.

Shen Yuexuan’s two hundred arrows smashed the red bow and arrow at the first time, and the corpses were coming.

Lin Xuanzang also raised his hand and his eyes were dignified. Obviously, these fierce birds are also taboo.

However, they have not taken them to deal with them, and they saw the direction of the corpses falling in the sky and suddenly deviated. It fell into a position twenty miles away. Not only did it not hurt the Tiantan, but it was a mess of several tens of thousands of corpses.

When everyone turned around, they found out that Su Xiaoxiao had shot. The demon woman will put a piece of blue jade piece that is as thin as paper and full of spirits, and posted it on her own eyebrows.

There are ten identical blue jade flakes around the knees, which form an irregular ring.

It turned out that within this Temple of Heaven, he arranged a small spiritual array to greatly enhance the soul. Then with the magic of the seven spirits, the hundreds of murderous birds are all offset from their original goals.

Lin Xuanyuan put away his hand, even if he had no good impression of Su Xiaoxiao. At this time, it was not appreciated by the eye, and I saw Su Xiaoxiao.

"Good job! Continue -"

Although this woman is disgusted with her, this element is full of magical feelings, but it is real.

Distorting seven emotions and six desires, even affecting six senses. Only this one, Su Xiaoxiao, can cope with the impact of these fierce birds.

If you look closely, this woman is born in the magic road, the legend has countless face-to-face. However, the eyes are pure and innocent, and they are still the virgins. These are not human.

Lin Xuanzang’s impression of this woman suddenly changed. However, this woman is obsessed with the sect, and should be her rival. A magical demon girl, after all, is not reliable -

Thinking about it, I immediately thought about what I was thinking about? Zong Shou’s business does not require her to set it.

Picking up the mood, Lin Xuanzhen continued to look to the front.

I only heard the sound of the ironclad slamming, and the 100,000 iron riders in the distance finally got the action.

A dozen of the black knights who were slightly less than the previous ones who took the martial arts were also marching out of the iron squad.

They all ran slowly, carrying the 100,000 iron rides, and the tide surged forward. The rest of the Tianzhu stepping army is also steadily advancing. The formation is rigorous and surrounded by all directions.

To the fifteen miles from the Temple of Heaven, 400,000 days, the Red Knight stopped first. Then a full 400,000 red feather arrows were scattered across the sky.

And the dozens of big Qin corpses will condense the momentum of the army, and dozens of huge knives in succession will come to the direction of the Temple of Heaven.

Even the red gold flame array immediately opened a golden film. The second nucleus in the Temple of Heaven also promptly led the star power in the sky, and the heavy magnetic force covered more than 20 miles.

There are still a few flags that are still inevitable, and they are cut off by the knife!

And 400,000 feather arrows ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is even more impressive. The entire Temple of Heaven was almost inundated.

Even if Zong Shou's infinite magical powers can't be swallowed up. In the end, there was no injury, and a word of 'explosion' was spit in the mouth.

Hundreds of millions of psionics burst open, and a mushroom cloud was formed at a height of three hundred feet. As strong as a wall, it is lined up in all directions. Also hit those arrows, all in one.

There was a gap in the red flames of the Red Flag, and the golden flame inside was obviously weakened.

The 100,000 Shiqin Iron Rider is still traveling outside, not eager to attack the Temple of Heaven. Those Scorpio swordsmen, but hesitated without hesitation, stepped into the battle.

This time, all the zombies were connected with each other, so that all the Scorpio swords were covered with a layer of black suffocation.

Even if it is burned by the red flame at the same time, it is safe and sound. Only the infinite light can ignore this anger. Make these corpses, and instantly kill and kill nearly 10,000!

Zong Shou looked, but his brow was wrinkled. At this time, there is an hour from the time he agreed with him. At this time, he really didn't know how many of his own people could survive.

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