Divine Brilliance

Chapter 850: Too embarrassed

At this time, if there is enough time, Zong Shou can reintegrate more than four instant dragons in one month!

Just a year or so, you can step into the fairy steps!

You don't even need that book to accelerate -

"That's the case, just use this one to be the stone of my sword!"

After a defeat, Zong Shou’s warfare did not diminish, but it was even more high.

It is not regarded as suffering, but it is a rare temper for him.

Only under strong pressure will the potential of this body erupt.

It is said that the master is lonely, Zong Shou does not feel this. With his cultivation at this time, it is far from being invincible.

However, in recent years, it has been unprofitable. Even if they are like the original, they are not able to win him.

In the same stage, almost no suitable opponent can be found. Except for the battle with Daomen, there has been almost no real hardship.

It seems that the only one is the perfect stone of the sword.

Can torture the heart, confirm the sword, and stimulate the will.

The Zongshou thoughts were moved, so that the Star Dragon was used before, and it was slightly shifted.

He also worked hard to run seven turns of Xuan Tong into the micro-ban, suppressing the blood flow.

The blood in the body rushes, and the infiltration of the drug is completely removed, scattered in the limbs.

In this moment, before Zong Shou’s eyebrows. It was also a silver-and-white gunshot, and it was almost slammed.

The voice of the young man with the gun also rang again.

"Where do you want to escape?"

When this piece of emptiness, after a turmoil, the silence is restored again.

The figure of Zong Shou has already been an hour. And the young man with the gun did not show up.

It is unwilling to have a half-time break and delay, and continue to trace the traces of Zong Shou.

Idle speed is also extremely fast. Although it is not as good as Zong Shou, it is directly moved by the law of the dragon and the dragon.

But often in a few moments, you can find it.

It is almost impossible for Zong Shou to adjust his interest and stay in a breathing time. It is necessary to convert the orientation.

“Fucking time and space, driving all the light mines—”

Several times easy to change, Zong Shou's heart is slightly. This person's martial arts, no matter what kind of things, and what kind of techniques, can control the imperial.

The speed of idling is really unseen.

This goes on, though not afraid of consumption. But it is not the way. Exhausted to cope, where is the time to heal, to gain the gains in this battle?

At this time, what he needs most is time, but this one is not willing to give him.

"A little bit of spare power is not left, it is too unscrupulous -"

If you want peace, you can't make this person, no fear!

Zong Shou's eyes are micro-jawed, and there seems to be flashing electric light in the scorpion.

Only a battle. He still has a lot of cards hidden, but he has to use it.

Also want to see, the real strength of that. In the end, how will it respond?

Another flash, appeared in another void.

This is his instant dragon, the farthest possible. Fang Yi appeared here, and the ten annihilation of the martial law, once again unfolded.

Forty species of stars in the distance, also through some invisible silk.

Infused with all kinds of psionic powers, forty kinds of laws that are related to each other and completely different. It is almost one with the sword array.

Only this one moment, Zong Shou will once again gather the power of the whole body.

Light and shadow shine, and another sword is cut!

The light of Yuan Yijian!

This sword, straight out of the void three hundred interest rate idling.

Blood resonance is called the feeling, not just that person. Can clearly sense his position.

Zong Shou is also the same, you can know this person, what is the moment?

Jianguang went, like the time and space around this, they were forcibly split.

The speed of the sword is extremely high. It also makes time almost stagnant.

Forty stars, twenty-four Yudao dragon teeth swords, one in the sword.

The man walks with the sword and shuttles in the void. With a splendid light and shadow, only one thousandth of a finger. The nameless sword is already in front of the young man with the gun.

Looking at the eyes, the sect is clearly visible, the color of this person's mistakes.

It seems that I have never thought that in these circumstances, Zong Shou actually has the strength to fight back.

In a hurry, the guns are smashed, such as the tide of the sky, as well as the wall.

But still being forced into this by the sword. The figure of the latter two was quickly intertwined.

The next moment, Zong Shou's figure disappeared again in this space.

The young man with the gun squinted and set himself in the void.

This time, he did not continue to pursue, but then he stroked his neck.

The skin that was intact, suddenly burst into a snow mist.

A three-inch long blood mark is now on the shoulder of his neck.

If it is not timely, it will also resist. This sword should have cut off his head.

Press hard again and again, and push inside and outside. Suddenly, they were forced to press out.

Even after the count, this remnant sword has already experienced the power of his body. At the time of the outbreak, it was still possible to stabilize the virtual structure in the vicinity, and it was turbulent and almost shattered.

The young man looked at the dripping blood in his hand, his eyes were cloudy, and then he made a fist.

"You can remember! Zong Shou, today I am undoubtedly swearing by this blood. Even if I go to the ground, even if I am sacred, even if the spirit is forever, I must make you take this gun!"

The sound is cold, as if it is from the depths of nine. The sound is transmitted thousands of miles, and the sound of the river is trembled in the void of the river for a long time.

Zong Shou is in the distance, and he hears a slight eyebrow.

This person, was originally called Lu Wushuang? This man’s martial arts is not the name of his unparalleled

Immediately shaking his head again, this kind of feeling is still less.

At this time, it is imperative to raise your own injuries.

It’s just a blow, but it’s almost a bit, and the landless man’s head is fallen.

But on his body, he is also not hurt. The legs and legs were wiped by the guns.

Bring a large piece of flesh and blood, faintly visible Sensen bone.

It is a pity that such a price is ultimately a failure. Under such circumstances, this person can still spare no effort to counterattack. Sure enough, he is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

The best time at the moment has already been lost.

Missed this time, this Lu Wushuang will definitely be more vigilant.

It’s impossible to be as good as it is, just desperate. The same technique is inevitably useless.

Lingshen remote sensing. I only feel that the air machine in the distance is still being pursued. However, the speed, but not so long ago, weakened a full 20%!

Zong Shou suddenly smiled and continued to move the void.

If you can't fight, you can only run. This battle with this person will surely last for a long time. Within a year and a half, I am afraid that it is difficult to end.

There are blood entanglements. Unless it is this Lu Wushuang initiative to retreat.

Otherwise, there will be only one person between them, and they will survive!


"It’s been a day, how can he still not come back from his brother?"

Next to the misty pavilion, Shi Ruolan stood by the bar, looking at Liu Mei's distant view, the void in front.

In fact, I can't see anything, but in the eyes of the girl, it is still full of hope.

That day before the war. Although she did not directly participate in the battle of Yuanlian. Can be in the outer domain, but it is even more dangerous.

There are only six empty ships, and it is necessary to resist more than 30 ships from Jiudu Xianting and Tianfang. The pressure is not small.

Fight once in the outer boundary river and use the complicated Linghe branch. In the First World War, not only did the two ships, but also captured a complete empty ship.

Let the other party not dare to rush to fight, but also always keep these 30 ships firmly outside the void, and cannot enter the Yuanlian world.

This road is the reward and appreciation of Zong Shou after this return.

However, after the return, it was a whole day. I don’t see the traces.

There was a bit of worry in my heart, but what happened?

Beside her, it is weak water. It is also normal. It was only returned from the East China Sea not long ago. At this moment, there is no longer lazy in the past.

It is a condensate look. Fall into deep thought. After a long while, the dagger was slightly shaken.

"It may be that I have had some trouble, but I should be able to cope with it."

In these few months, Zong Shou was almost retreating. All the time, no one is refining Feijian.

It is clear that it is to open up the foreign domain. At the most critical moment, it is all right.

After only arranging the grass, it will return to the quiet room.

Since a year ago, Dragon Shadow has entered the world and can really cover up everything. Zong Shou is no longer concealing them from the book of the Zhou Dynasty.

She and Ruolan can go to Zongshou's quiet room at any time and use the time of the book to speed up the practice.

Every time I go, I see Zong Shou in my heart. Or to savour Longdan, or to refine the Royal Road Dragon Sword, there is no moment to stop.

It seems that there is something that is urging him.

Since there is any disaster, it should have been expected, and it will be prepared in the past few months.

And most of the time, there is enough confidence to be able to cope with this robbery.

Otherwise, you will never leave a few words before you leave.

Just like this, the weak water will see the top, and a golden mangling will fall. Straight down to the Yuanjing Palace, the direction of the main hall.


The weak water is in vain, and he looks at it with Shi Ruolan. Then they are all in the same direction, go to the direction and go empty.

Yuanjing Palace after the war is still deserted.

This time, the Swordsman of the Second Sword of Buddha and Buddha ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all outside.

The 300,000-strong army is also stationed everywhere. At this time, the Yuan Jing Palace, only the royal family and nobles, sent home. They are all closed-door and self-defense, and they still don’t know the news that they have already made a decision. They dare not come out easily.

There is also a disciple who has been newly received by each of the various factions. But they are also honest.

So that nowhere is this road passing by. In the vast Yuanjing Palace, there is no such thing as a big win.

When the two went to the main hall, they found that someone took them one step.

I have been sitting in the Cifang in Yuanjing Palace, and I have been here again.

Beside a symbol, stand quietly and thoughtfully.

When the weak water sees it, he asks directly: "But on the king, there is already news back? What did you say?"

The Cifang turned back, but shook his head: "Within this sign, there is a ban. The meaning of the monarch is that I can wait until I get together." (To be continued)

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