Divine Brilliance

Chapter 854: Method of creation

In addition to the Star Dragon, there is also a dragon tooth sword that has never been made, hanging around Zongshou. []

Distraction is used, and it is also smelted by burning inflammation. Then, with the mind of the gods, the swords are condensed, and the carvings are carefully cut on the dragon's teeth.

Not only need to resist the condensation but not the Longwei, but also need to take the mind and force into the hard and incomparable material.

Even if it has been burned and burned by the burning of the inflammation, it is still difficult.

Need to be on the unformed sword body, outline a mysterious spirit, can not have the slightest mistake.

Since the loss of the method of instantaneous air movement can not be reduced.

And at this time, he only has to try his best to increase his own mana limit and expand the soul sea.

At this time, almost every star road is agglomerated, and the soul sea space can grow by a small margin.

Even if he only adds a little bit, it will make him a better chance.

The refining of the Imperial Road Dragon Sword is to make him really fascinated and re-into.

The control of one's own strength, using every effort, is also used to the extreme, and it can also greatly reduce the loss.

"The twenty-eighth Royal Road Dragon Sword!"

With the side of the side, there was a soft bang.

On the Zongshou face, suddenly a flash of joy.

The achievements of this sword, his ten annihilation of the martial arts, finally got the number of twenty-eight.

The power of the sword array can also rise to a level!

The whole set of swords is finally forming.

With a sleeve, the mind is drawn, so that the flying sword hovered in front of you.

Zong Shou gathers strength and looks at it. Then there was a little smile on the other side.

Perfect! This sword not only has a good shape, but also has a sword-body structure and a spiritual array in it. It is also perfect, and there are almost no defects.

During these three months, Lu Wushuang was chasing after all the time. When Zong Shou has a peaceful time.

In many cases, it is not allowed to move in the blink of an eye. While refining the stars of the stars, we refine the royal road.

However, for this reason, in these dozens of days, it seems that he has opened a gap in his body. [WWw.YZUU point m]

Zong Shou’s control over his own power, almost every other day and a half, there will be no small growth,

Fusion Longdan. The sacrifice of the Dragon Sword is getting more and more handy and approaching perfection.

And the seven turns of Xuan Tong into the micro-ban, the **** to him, is getting weaker.

"Now the swords and leaves have been formed, and the next is the backbone -"

The twenty-eight-sword sword that was previously produced, in the concept of Zongshou, is really only the branch of the sword array.

The way to integrate is the last law. It is the derivation of some methods of avenue origin.

Like the sect of the eighteen kinds of banned spirits, the universe, yin and yang. Life and death, fate, thunder, cause and so on.

These bans have not been incorporated into the two hundred sacred swords.

It is necessary to wait for him to enter a certain realm, and carry it with the holy tooth dragon tooth, in order to truly show its power.

The fairy swords are really unworthy.

"If you want to sacrifice the flying sword again, you need to use the instant dragon tooth of the peak of the immortal order. I will use my current cultivation as a rumor. I am afraid that it is not enough. It is best to find a fire source to help one day. it is good--"

Zong Shou smashed his eyebrows. If thirty-six swords were made, he could try to rob and attack the wonderland.

Just there is Lu Wushuang in the back, where will give him the opportunity to find the source of fire?

Even if it is found. I am afraid that the person’s intentions against him should also be speculated and fall into a passive situation.

At this time, the ten annihilation swords, even if they add dozens more, are useless.

There is no suppression of the main sword. Centered scheduling. The entire sword array will only be extremely cumbersome.

Not only can it not improve the power of the sword, but it will make him mana, doing unnecessary loss.

Frowning contemplation, just a moment, Zong Shou has a bright look, revealing a few points.

"It's a bit stupid! If you want to assist the refiner, there is no ready-made thing? Although it is not a source of fire in the sky, it is only stronger than any fire in this world. It is said that the white hole of the world, There is infinite light, endless heat. By its power, it is not appropriate."

When thinking about it here, Zong Shou’s heart is still moving. Ambition breeds, a desire to rush, rise from the chest, burning. [WWw.YZUU point m]

If it is there, not only the fairy tooth, but also the smelting. It is the **** level, and that is not a bad thing!

Can be the soul of the soul, to refine the real sword! And he is in harmony with his god, life is related.

It happened that he was on the road, avoiding the unparalleled pursuit of the world, and also rushed to the world to go.

It is not far from there at this time.

In the chest, I was a little bit eager to move, and I couldn’t wait to get up.

Zong Shou shook his head and forced himself to suppress these distractions.

Even if you are on your way, there are still dozens of days, not in a hurry.

At the moment, it is imperative to open the distance and open the distance.

When I think about it, my heart is gradually quiet.

If you can’t fight for ten days and a half, you’re afraid that it’s hard to do so.

Even if you find it there, then Lu is unparalleled and can accommodate himself and refine his sword.

Miscellaneous thoughts went, and Zong Shou once again focused on the instant dragon in front of him.

This Dan has been sacrificed by him for ten days. At this time, it has arrived, and when it is integrated into the soul of the sea,

However, this kind of star is different, but it is quite different.

It’s just the way that Dan’s thoughts are, it’s a ‘御’ word.

In March, Zong Shou has been dozens of times in a row, trying to fight with Lu Wushuang.

Without exception, they are fleeing.

However, it is not without gains. It is one of the tempering of its own martial arts.

The silver gun is like a heavy hammer. Every time you play, you can help him to forge himself.

The mastery of each other, the understanding of all kinds of martial arts and laws, is the second.

The most progressing is not the kind of martial arts that Zong Shou is good at.

On the contrary, it is the fundamental method of Lu Wushuang. Every time he plays, he can make him understand.

For this new star class, Zong Shou is also looking forward to deep.

The imperial word method, although not involved in the source of the world, can be partial to control the law.

With his ‘dao’ character, Shi Yue’s ‘law’ word has the same effect.

"This is a true character, in addition to controlling the imperial, there is also the meaning of resistance. This person's shooting, invincible. However, stronger, but it must be its guardian ability! Never look down -"

"This law can be used as a supplement to my avenue. But I don't know how this kind of change will happen after the dragon dragon is integrated into the soul sea.

The fundamental method of his sect is the ‘dao’ itself.

But this word can control 100,000 laws and 3,000 channels. However, it is also a kind of ‘dao’.

Zong Shou is scheduled. If this law can be integrated into his void law, it will definitely benefit him.

"Besides one of the royal laws, there are two methods of controlling the law. But it is more pure than the former, but it is the same root and root." I used it as a way of doing things, but with the technique of supplementing it. Try one or two in the future -"

The mind is gathering, with this dragon, and the heart is like the star in the sky. Gradually become one.

The whole soul is empty, and suddenly it is a storm.

Hundreds of stars, blasting one by one. Spread out completely.

Then he was dragged by a different force and returned again.

This time, it is similar to the stars.

As the periphery of the soul sea expands, more stars appear.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and showed the total number of forty-nine stars in his body, and then silently sensed.

"The soul power has not increased much, it is similar to before. This is also expected. But -"

With the Zongshou mind, the stars around them are all flashing.

A force of law that begins to affect the periphery.

Actually, the time and space storm within the surrounding ten feet, the power of illusion. They are all settled by birth.

It is like a world, created from him.

Zong Shou looked in his eyes, suddenly stunned and completely stunned.

After the shackles, when you are self-powerful. In an instant, when people went to the building, they woke up and stopped.

How can this be?

Forty-nine avenues and stars together, it seems to be truly in the world of creation.

Although it is incomplete, but at that moment, Zong Shou can sense, the real method of creation, the source of the beginning -

"How is it so easy?"

A few breaths to restore your strength. Zong Shou was thoughtful and looked at himself.

The control of these stars is as strong as his previous period.

However, at this time, Zong Shou is more concerned about it, but it is the moment of the moment.

Confused with meditation, it will not be solved for a long time.

Zong Shou only shook his head and temporarily put the matter down. To study its mystery, I can talk about it later.

"This magic word and one method is really good for me. The manifestation of the mind and the empty space, but the mana used is reduced by 20% than in the past!"

This method can also be used in the ten-supreme swordsmanship, which can be one of the core swords.

After joining this sword, it will surely make the sword array more controllable.

"So, maybe it’s unparalleled, it’s more suitable than this one."

Zong Shou imagined in his heart, and Lu was unparalleled in driving this set of ten annihilation swords.

Can not help but scalp numbness, fortunately this set of sacred rituals repaired the sword array, never fell in this person's hands.

If so, he will have no bones!

Then I took a hand and took a dragon, a dragon tooth, in front of me.

But this time, Zong Shou still has a future to start, it is frowning.

It’s really weird~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just thought about this person. This one has already arrived.

Even if it is this illusory sea, it can't stop the blood of burning that is gradually boiling again.

Zong Shou body week, a group of white flames ignited.

The next must, is a silver gun, piercing.

The response of Zong Shou is not slow. In the first time, I will call the blue fire turtle in front of me.

The turtle looks awkward and the response is extremely sensitive. Without hesitation, he took the two sides of the basaltic purple shield and drove it in front of him.

Xuanwu Yuan’s arrogance was just full of force, and he listened to it and shouted heavily.

The gunshot was bounced back and hard, and the eyesight of the blue fire turtle also revealed a faint color.

The shield is not damaged, but it has a pair of forearms, but the bones are cracked! (To be continued) RQ

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