Divine Brilliance

Chapter 858: Flame robbery

The sound of dragons snarls and shakes the sky. [] An illusory dragon shadow appears on the sword.

Struggling to scream, Long Wei scattered, seemingly want to fly out of the blade. Finally, with the sword inside the spirits, slowly running. However, there was a scream of sorrow, and the whole body collapsed and turned into a silky aura, which was re-into the sword.

"It is!"

Zong Shou’s heart was loose, and he insisted on a whole day and night. This sword is finally made.

Almost exhausted all his energy, only the heart is exhausted.

Just in the moment, what he fears the most is to quit halfway. The power of a few days is destroyed.

This Yudao Longfang sword is automatically added to the sword array.

Let the rest of the thirty-six swords, all of them send out a burst of humming.

Sword gas surges, a few are not controlled, and the thorns keep the skin hurt.

There is no spiritual knowledge in the distinct swords, but it is a tyrannical idea, and it is crushed to the Quartet. Full of avenue breath, overbearing and arrogant.

Zong Shou has a feeling, this set of swords. Even without his control, he can run on his own and defend his body.

Only at this time, he has no thoughts. To test the sword array after this completion, what is the power.

Almost the first time, I used the only remaining ideas to control the blue fire turtle and retreat to the rear.

Leaving a distance of 10 billion miles, he escaped from the white hole and could not reach it, and then carefully examined the body.

"It’s really the blood of Lujia’s burning, burning the blood!”

Endless potential, erupting in the body. [] The power of the blood is able to grow wildly.

When the sect keeps breathing. It was actually spewing a white flame and burning the void.

The ultimate pain also made him hate the energy of his body for the first time.

I can't wait for my will, and then a little weaker. It is best to be able to stun on the spot.

Even the next moment, it is the power of the blood that is out of control and the white flame. Completely burned to ashes!

At the moment, the most stunned Zong Shou, but not the changes in the body, but the familiar. He has locked his position, and it is the air machine that rushed to the speed.

"it hurts!"

Zong Shouqiang was patient, and there was only a trace of blood on his lips. But then it was evaporated by the flame.

Preserving the last sense of reason, thinking constantly.

"You must get away from here!"

Although he is interested in this, he never hopes that Lu Wushuang can also discover the world.

The benefits to the repairers here are too great.

The existence of the black and white two holes is also very easy to be seen through his fundamentals.

Therefore, before the election, Zong Shou was in any case unwilling to be discovered by others.

And in the meantime, he has no advantage with Lu.

Only the chaotic sea of ​​emptiness. [] is it possible to make him escape from the unparalleled pursuit.

Without hesitation, Zong Shoujian, from the world.

Once again, I entered the Void Sea, but my body shape was swaying. Don't say that it is to control the gods and gods, and even maintain their own wisdom. It is also extremely difficult.

Zong Shou is also subconscious, and wants to take his own escorts out of his sleeves.

This is also one of his unsold cards, whether it is Xiaojin or Yan, the strength is enough to compete with the fairy.

And Xiao Xiao, is the killer-like existence in his hands.

Not only is it a natural car. A few months ago, it was followed by the blue fire turtle, and stepped into the realm of fairy level.

The four beasts together, even if they won't win, they can resist a while and help him through this difficult time.

It’s just that when the sect keeps this idea, it’s a burst of trouble.

Including the weakest Thunder pterosaur, the four-headed guardian spirit beast has already fallen into a deep sleep.

Zongshou's wisdom was already pure, and he was slightly lost. It was only after a moment that he finally thought about the reason.

The four-headed beast is a natural escort, and he is intimate with each other.

Today, because of this ruthless blood, it has been burned countlessly about the empty system, the nine-tailed Xuanhu, the Thunder and the water unicorn.

The impact on these four-headed escorts is also not small.

At this time, they all fell asleep. On the one hand, they were resisting, on the other hand, they were diligently digesting this income.

It should be a good thing. If you can support it, you will definitely increase your strength.

At the moment, it is not the time.

"Ordinary spiritual masters are all incapable of seeking a god-like beast-level escort. I am a guardian, but this time I have to carry it on this--|

There are five heads of escorts, and only the blue fire turtles are available at this time.

However, its idle speed in the imaginary sea, although fast, is not as good as the devil.

And that person, the distance is getting closer and closer.

“What else can I get rid of?”

Zong Shou has a kind of hunch. If you can survive this disaster, the fairy steps are just a few steps away.

However, at this time, no matter how you think, you will die.

"Right, willingness -"

Zong Shou’s eyes are slightly brighter, revealing a few points of precision.

Others will kill and decide, and this is the time of life and death.

At this moment, I don’t think about it anymore. I’ve pushed all the willingness to accumulate in my body, and I’m trying to suppress the blood.

It’s just an instant, so that the body is up and down, and it’s a lot more peaceful.

Not only the feeling between the Lu and the unparalleled, but gradually turned thin.

Even within the mind, it was clear.

However, I know that this is only temporary. The willingness to save in the body will be consumed sooner or later.

And the most, only half a day.

He needs more willingness to suppress the blood. It is also necessary to completely remove Lu Wushuang. Nowadays, it is really powerless to compete with this person.

"That's it! The only vitality is that before, it keeps calling me. There are two billion infinite worlds of Buddhas."

After the mind was set, the blue fire turtle, immediately stretched the twelve pairs of ice wings, went in that direction, and went empty.

It can be at the beginning, but it is consumed with the willingness to save. The gas machine that had disappeared was once again chasing it.

Strong cross-gun shadow, far from the pressure, so that the blue fire turtle also panic.

In the end, it seems that it is finally chasing, and a brilliance of brilliance. Everyway through the eight hundred interest rate fairy tales, wear the air.

With a loud voice 哐啷 哐啷 ~ ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that the giant shield in front of the Bixiu Xuan turtle, can not resist. Was forcibly shaken to the side, the forefoot of the mysterious turtle, but also flesh and blood.

Zong Shou is a faint hope, his eyes are calm, and his heart is filled with bitterness.

This is the so-called, is people not as good as days? All the plans are put into the water because of this burning spirit.

I am sorry that I am sorry, I am sorry for Kong Yao, and I am sorry for the weak water.

The mind was flashing, and the gun was flying, but it was unable to resist.

Zong Shou’s sly, but suddenly flashed a hint of hope,

"The power of faith? The sky is not me -"

Bihuo Xuan turtle rushed to catch up, finally at the last moment, to the periphery of that world.

Also made him sect, and finally saw a glimmer of life. (To be continued) RQ

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