Divine Brilliance

Chapter 866: Only one wish

"My sword array, the name of the innocent swordsmanship, originated from the ancient artifacts, is one of the tenth secrets of the Holy Spirit that I have passed by Lujia. (Look at the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) Today I am fortunate to die under this sword, and I feel honored to be-"

A small piece of sword shadow, with Lu Xichen's voice washed down.

Thousands of swords and shadows, like a big river, fell from the huge vortex above,

Just halfway through, it ignited countless white flames, overwhelming and powerful.

The **** face on the net sound faded, and I stepped forward step by step. I just wanted to protect myself in front of Zongshou, and I was forced by the strong thoughts of Lu Xichen.

The code was cold and laughed, and the light in his body suddenly began to distort.

One side is gradually dim, the other side is bright and incomparable.

The right index finger flicks, and he wants to destroy the annoying things in front of him.

Just the next moment, I heard a cold drink not far away: "Stop! Lu Xichen, if you dare to kill me here. Even if the jade is burned, it also requires a fair."

The sword of Lu Xichen was actually a glimpse. All the flying swords suddenly stopped in the air.

A few people followed the sound, and they only saw the Xiaoyue Zen Master, who was gloomy and walked down the cliff.

Looks like a knife, looking at the green man: "I am a water moon, it is the owner's promise to be built. (Look at the novel to the leaves · You ~ You M) to live in the world, do not pass the Dharma, not I have been fragrant and have not participated in secular disputes. I have never followed the rules for 20 years. I have never been overstepped. You Lu Xichen is murdering today. Is it against the covenant of the year?"

Lu Xichen frowned and then stretched out. Look at the net sound. Coldly shouted: "The government owner promised you to build this temple in the past, but it is another intention. It is not for letting you harbor my afflicted Tiantian Fu and those who are unknown."

"Do you mean the net sound? So, today, excuses to search for the Yantianfu recidivism, in fact, is the meaning of drunkenness not in wine, but in her?"

Xiaoyue imposing, no reduction in anti-prosperity, and then step a few steps before: "The net voice she has been a few days ago. Out of the world, there is no connection with the family. The owner has no promise, just my water moon People. Nothing is wrong. You can't take a knife and add a body to the world's rules! Lu Xichen, your evil thoughts, it is better to take it up early."

Lu Xichen heard a smile but said: "After leaving the house, he jumped out of the world and had no connection with his family. Is this your rule? I will take her away today, how are you waiting?"

The face of Xiaoyue, this changed. After the 11th ceremony, the expression condensed like ice: "After ten days, it is the agreement to deliver the child. If the donor is supposed to do so, the poor can only breach the contract. At that time, please ask the owner to give an account -"

Lu Xichen’s face suddenly suddenly turned white. With a longing for unwilling eyes. Staring at the net sound.

Then I watched Zong Shou, and the eyes were murderous. [WWw.YZUU point m]

He has a scruples in his heart, but he is not allowed to be the two women. But this person is killing, but it is no harm.

It was only that Xiaoyue, and then he said: "This person and Xiaoyue Shimen. The source is quite deep. If you dare to move him, the poor ones will be better than the jade!"

That Lu Xichen’s eyes were awkward, and finally it was cold and cold: “But, is it ten days? You can only protect them for ten days. I can wait for Lu Xichen, then I can see how you can be—”

After the words, it was a cold sleeve. Go ahead and go.

Zongshou’s brows were light, but in the end he still put away the soul.

These willingness, can not be used, or not better.

And stay away from this person, far away. Just listen to the net sound, face and bitter sigh: "Let the donor be frightened! It is ridiculous, today I am full of water, but it was due to the appointment of the lord of the year. Tianyan House will select qualifications every year. It’s great that pregnant women who have been banned by the Lujia secret law in the fetus are handed over to me for a safe production. Although I am lucky enough to delay some time today, it’s really hard to be safe. Sin is very heavy, and within a few decades, no day is not tortured by conscience-"

Zong Shouyiyi looked at the mountain. It’s no wonder that there are so many pregnant women in this temple.

Peaceful production, and then the child was taken away by the day of the government, extracting the innate fire yuan marrow?

In this way, this Xiaoyue is also killable.

The net sound is not awkward. "Why do you need to be so self-sufficient? You were forced to do so at first. In the first 20 years, you will be able to save the world, save the people, and save a lot of people? That Lu Tianyan lives for millions of people. Threat, the teacher has to do this. It can protect the security of the area of ​​three thousand miles, and the master should be worthy of merit--"

Xiaoyue’s expression is still bleak, shaking his head.

Zong Shou is too lazy to listen again. There are reasons for this, but it is not what he wants to know, but it has nothing to do with him.

Only secretly, this Lu Xichen did not recognize him.

The blood of the Lu family was indeed suppressed by his willingness, and there was no white flame on his body.

However, this appearance, will not be wrong?

That Lu Wushuang and Yan Tianfu, searching around in this world, did not look like him, tell the people below to know.

And this person, the status of Lujia does not seem to be low. It governs the 2,600-order Taoist soldiers. In Yantianfu, it is the person who is in charge of power. Why do you not know?

Zong Shouzheng was strange, suddenly moved in the heart and looked down the mountain.

I saw that there were a lot of people who were holding the scrolls, and they were facing the outsiders, and they knew each other.

Zong Shou has a trick, quietly, and God does not know. Just take a picture and take it in your hand.

Just looking at it, I laughed.

This picture is really his appearance, no matter which part. Eyebrows and noses are all bad.

However, when you look at it, there is a strange feeling. The impression is completely confusing, plausible.

Obviously, this painting is not wrong, but it is impossible to distinguish his true face, and the memory is also chaotic.

If you look at it for a long time, you will feel a dizzy feeling.

"What is the law of the disorder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It turns out that it is the owner of the Yantian government-"

Lu Wushuang only hates that he is not dead, and he will not do anything in this painting.

The only thing that can be thought of is the Yantianfu.

It seems that the one is not a person in Lujia. Lu Jia’s owner in this world seems to be very reluctant to go back soon.

Zong Shou shook his head and took the picture in his hand and returned it. Then there was a shimmer in the eyes, looking at the distant sky: "Net sound, if you can complete a wish, what do you want most?"

The net sound is a glimpse. First, it only feels absurd. Then I saw the look of Zong Shou, and it was an abnormal dignity.

Then the subconscious mind wants to say that he wants the Buddha to come to this world. I can come to my lips, but I change my mouth: "The net voice only asks, all the women in the spirit world, I will not suffer from the loss of the soul of the innate fire." (To be continued. If you like this Department works, welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.) RQ

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