Divine Brilliance

Chapter 870: Rampage

The blue-fired mysterious turtle seemed to know his heart and made a loud humming sound. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

The figure is opened and swells more than a hundred times. Taking advantage of Zong Shou, heading for the mountain, the direction screamed away.

At this time, in the Zongshou sleeve, there was another thunder.

"Yes, you should wake up when you say it -"

It is a natural alien, not a genus of the beast, and it has no blood heritage.

Among the few escorts, it should be the first to wake up.

Zong Shou shook his sleeves, and it was a silver light, which was pulled out of his sleeve.

Looking at the details, but only seeing the entire body, not only swayed by the silver flame, but also hidden in a group of halos, people can not see clearly.

The six pairs of light wings, but more and more spacious, stretched a hundred feet, overflowing.

It is clearly a fierce thing, but it is a holy glory, it seems that the creation of heaven -

There is also that face, and no shells, but with humans.

Look closely, the face is actually similar to Kong Yao, and it is also beautiful.

Zong Shou tried to touch it with his finger www.7ket, feeling the touch and the human skin.


After he knew the holy fire ant, he always attached great importance to his carapace.

Keep your body firmly in the insects.

It was amazing to give up at this time.

Unless it is this little thing, there is already confidence in not relying on the thick armor.

Can't help but think deeply, this is born differently, or can't be without blood.

However, it is born in the sky, and it is really a heavenly creation. Links to the world's origins. I am afraid that I will not be under the holy order of the sacred person.

When I fell asleep, it’s really what I realized.

A glimpse of the force, spread out in the body. In the eyes of Zong Shou, there is also a clear color.

"Sure enough, it is also Cheng Dan soon --"

The infinite amount of willingness to supply, the impact of burning blood. [] Make this awkward strength, also from the middle of the spirit. Shocked into the late period of the spirit.

The progress in mastering the avenue of ‘light’ is particularly alarming.

Only half a step, an opportunity. You can go straight to the fairy.

When the doubts are solved, Zong Shou will laugh again. I feel that this touch in my hand is really good. Then I couldn't help but squeeze it.

Also curiously looked at the chest of the cockroach, there is also no carapace, and it is like a fairy, hidden in the halo of clouds.

But it doesn't stop there, it's a real feeling.

He always looked cold and let him act. At this time, I finally couldn't stand it. The silver scorpion flashed fierce light and looked at Zong Shou's finger www.7ket.

It seems to be considering, is it necessary to put this hand. Cut it directly.

Zong Shouyi smiled and quickly took his hand back.

Secretly self-deprecating, he really did not have a lower limit, even the tofu of his own spirit must eat.

It is a pity that this time it was not the first day to wake up. Otherwise it can help him -

At this time, although the battle is strong, this level of battle may not be able to get in.

Searching in the pockets of the Qiankun bag, for a long time, Zong Shoucai found a silver-white gauze and smashed the past.

"You have chosen to change the human form. There should be human shame -"

Then he refused to refrain from putting the veil on his body.

This is Zong Shou, and I don’t know where to grab it. It is a magic weapon for Chinese products, which can vary in size.

It is about the spoils at the time of the battle with Daomen, and the quality is good. It has been included in the collection by Zong Shou, but it has not been used.

It is worn on the body, in addition to the cover, it also has the ability to defend itself.

Zong Shou also no longer cares about it, and his feet are full. The blue fire turtle, immediately put twelve pairs of ice wings, one by one.

This giant tortoise looks like a huge body, flying fast, but the speed is fast.

Just a few moments, it was outside the mountain. The opposite is the place where Tianyan House is located. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

There is a ban here, except for the fire cloud. There are countless killings, dozens of times the power of the magnetic, enveloped here. Light and heavy changes, no matter people or animals, can not fly here, can only walk on the ground.

It seems that in this regard, Tianyan House is supreme in this world.

Zong Shou has come here, and there is nothing to hide. It is best to clean up the snake and put all the snakes and rats in the net. They want to use the power of the blue fire turtle to force them in, but then they will feel the heart and feel one person.

"Net Sound -"

The familiar atmosphere is thousands of miles away, under the giant mountain.

Zong Shou smiled and did not think about it. Jianqi is suddenly in the body, and the majestic idea is unfolding.

It was purely a sword, and it was forbidden in front of him, forcibly tearing open a gap.

The blue fire turtle was seen, and suddenly ‘嘎嘎’ laughed, it seemed to be the ultimate pleasure. Burning with the flames of the flames, with the body of the thousand feet, it is even more arrogant.

Flying in the air, no slowdown.

Then, like a meteor, the bang of the bang hit into the various prohibitions.

For a time, countless spiritual patterns flashed from all sides. The red fire cloud also swept through.

The Bihuo Xuan turtle did not care about it, and ran rampantly forward.

The cold force and the flames spread, so that all the inflammatory power could not be close to 100,000 feet.

Within ten thousand feet, it is a world of ice and snow.

At the beginning of this large array, it was able to restrain it, but only for a moment, under the impact of the overbearing power of the blue fire turtle, the blockade was broken.

A thousand miles away, just a short break. In the huge peak of the pillar of fire, some people finally reacted. Thousands of chariots have been flying in succession.

"The animals are mad! Watching your intelligence is open, you should know that this is my forbidden city -"

Zong Shou is too small and these people are not aware of it. Countless spear arrows, only overwhelmingly hit the blue fire turtle.

This turtle does not care, it used to be a beastmaster, a real wild beast!

Follow Zong Shou, although the benefits are a lot of money, but the temper can not stretch, has been wronged.

At this time, the turtles and the people, knowing this world, just do not annoy the person on the back, can let it plunder.

Also knowing that Zong Shou will want to slaughter the minds here, the fierce thoughts will become more and more out of control. Make up your mind and vent your temper.

There are two giant shields dancing at the moment. The shield on the left waved and waved all the arrows and spears. The shield on the right is directly in the past.

With arrogant gravity, a full hundred vehicles, together with the people in the car, will become patties.

Then the giant shield, then differentiated. Thousands of shield wheels, and countless swirling saw teeth. A back and forth strangled, there are hundreds of air-powered chariots, broken, **** rain.

The rest of the people, at this time, also know that this turtle is not easy to provoke, hurriedly retreat, and returned to the mountains.

Bihuo Xuangui is still unwilling to give up, a pair of fierce eyes contempt in the mountains. Just want to follow the killing, chasing into the mountains. I felt on my back and wore a shock.

Knowing that the owner is dissatisfied, ask him to be safe. This stopped, not very willing, put the light down and fell to the foot of the mountain.

There are countless people here, all of them are pale and crouching at the foot of the mountain.

A rough view, there are millions of giants. The net sound that Zong Shou is looking for is also among them.

It seems that just now, the movement above the peak of the mountain is shocked, all eyes are stunned, looking at the huge turtle on the top of the head.

Zong Shou only looked at it and didn't care. When you grab it, you will take the net sound from the crowd and onto the turtle's back.

Then I saw this girl, the cheeks were full of tears, and the pears were raining, which was pitiful.

First, the face was confused, until I saw the Zongshou on the side, but there was a focal length in the eyes, but it was even more dazed.

"It's a small donor -"

Immediately, I remembered again, the following turtle, plundering in the sky. Nearly a thousand days of life in the sect of life -

Zong Shou can stand on the back of this turtle. You don't have to think about this giant beast. Who is it?

The little face suddenly became blue and white, with a slight sorrow.

"Here is Tianyin House -"

She also knows Zong Shou, and the strength must be extraordinary. Ten days before, it will be visible.

But a few days ago, she had a chance to save the one. Still seriously injured, the hands and feet can not move -

At this time, the air machine, although it has improved, is still dark!

"I know that this is Tianyanfu, the land of the landlord."

Zong Shou nodded and said that he knew, and then asked: "I just cried? So, those children have been sent?"

The net voice quickly wiped out his tears: "I want to go with the master, see if you can ask the Yantianfu, and you will be one or two. But the Master refuses to-"

The heart is anxious, how can you still ask these questions?

Escape at this time, it should be too late.

Looking up, suddenly the last trace of blood, also faded from her face.

I saw the mountainside, the flash of the road flashed, and the waves rippled in all directions.

She didn't know it anymore, and she knew that this was a sign of a big burst.

There are tens of thousands of chariots, and they are starting to rise. There are also 12,000 iron rides, flying in the air.

The net tone recognizes that this is the sixth-order road soldier who burned the red flame and Lujia.

Zong Shou seems to be unaware of it, but frowns and looks at the dense crowd under the foot of the mountain.

"Why are these people coming?"

This can be unscrupulously displayed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These people are there, but more or less scruples, to avoid hurting innocent.

It is really trouble -

"Is there still a question to ask this? The donor will not go away, it will be a disaster!"

The net sound is a bit irritating, but when it comes to export, it is seen that Zong Shou has no intention.

The turtle below is also lazy.

Seeing the thousands of six-order soldiers, they have surrounded all sides.

A layer of barrier, stacked in layers of 100,000 feet around the mountain.

The net sound is completely hopeless, and the face is pale and replied: "They are all their own children, and those who have been selected by those demons. They all come to the bottom of the mountain, holding the case, and want to ask for love. The number of people is still more. But it's getting less and less. It's useless to know that it is--" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.) RQ

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