Divine Brilliance

Chapter 910: Visionary

Just four hours later, on the ruins of the broken stone tower, a red-robed old man with a sixty-year-old appearance was on his way. [WWw.YZUU point m]

Among the ruins, the letter walked on the surface, and the face was cold and ridiculous.

"Even a message, can't be sent out, it's really useless! It should be killed by the soul -"

His eyes rested on a distorted body of the head bones for about a moment.

The old man in the red robe shook his head slightly, took back his sight and looked in the other direction.

"One hit and kill ten fairy steps, six people were smashed by a flying knife. One foot collapsed the town tower. It was true, it was true! Good life is overbearing, it is worthwhile to take out the sword outside the dead prison. People! Isn't this going to cover up the traces? Also, when you get here, you can't hide it. It's quite tricky. Although this person is not a godland, the combat power is better than the monks in the ordinary world of the ordinary gods-"

If he is said to be outside the prison, he can't accurately judge the true cultivation of this person, the realm at this time.

At this time, it is already known that this will force the people of Zhenyuan Tower and 100 stone slabs to be forced to level.

I glanced at the stone platform around me. I saw that many stone platforms had been crushed, and hundreds of broken chains were broken.

The person who shot is extremely cautious. Many traces have been erased, and even more doubts.

But the breath of death here is obviously not right, too thin.

The old man in the red robe only meditation a little, it was a sneer.

"Is it saved? There are dozens of fairy steps. Actually, I also watched it. [] It’s too small to be a child! Oh, it’s used to worship the Taoist soldiers. It’s not bad—"

There are no other useful clues around, and the old man will no longer look.

Retracted the mind and fell into deep thought.

It’s obvious that you are coming to the Nine Dead Prison, and you’re well prepared.

However, it must be shallow and shallow, otherwise it will not be tempting for dozens of monk monks in this district.

Then why should you take the people who are sitting here? Search for souls.

What does this person want to know? Into this dead prison, what is the purpose?

The old man blinked, after a while. It’s a bit of a smile on the lips.

A little more killing, now on the surface.

"The technique of escape. It is really good. At least it can be moved hundreds of miles away. This is self-confidence, even if I know that you are probably there. Can't find it at one time?"

"This air machine is also familiar with people. It is a person I have seen before. Unfortunately, it is too light to distinguish -"

Deeply noticed the abyss, the figure of the old man, but did not penetrate into it.

Instead, I walked through the void and walked straight through the world of death.

In the outer side of the sparks and dust, and heavy weather. Walk by.

After about half an hour, I left the place where the prison was dead. []

In front of the old man’s eyes, there was a palace with a radius of 100,000 feet and a whole body of red jade.

Hidden in the space-time mezzanine, this is not visible,

However, the old man’s thoughts. Directly, this place named Fire Jade Palace is completely reflected in the mind.

Entering the palace gate, there are several servants of the Lujia disciples who are dressed up and blocked.

However, when you see clearly, when you come to the shape of your body, you are all looking. They have retired. Respectfully bowing.

The old man in the red robe is still eye-catching and has never looked at it. The path went straight ahead and went straight to the atrium.

But for a moment, it was before a fiery red hall.

Although it is a temple, it is more like a huge treasure.

The old man arrived, and there was a faint inquiry from the inside: "Lu Tianqing, you are not guarding in the nine prisons. Why do you go to the old man here?"

The sound is like jade, it is cold and quiet, and it is very nice.

The old man in the red robe did not answer at the beginning, but was respectful and respectful. He bowed in the direction of the temple door and performed a ceremony.

"Lu Tianqing, see the Holy Spirit."

After getting up straight, this replied: "Azure is here, for the sake of the Holy Spirit, for help!"

"Helping? Is it because I am Lujia, what is the disaster? Or is it in the nine dead prisons, what is the disorder? You know that I have long ignored the world. If it is an ordinary thing, don't come to me."

"Azure knows! This time, I want to ask the Holy Man to take the shot and take the life of a person who steals into the prison!"

Lu Tianqing’s voice has not fallen, and he feels a sense of anger and anger at his soul.

Knowing the people in this palace is obviously intolerant. But not flustered.

"If it is an ordinary person, it is easy for Azure to marry this person. Even if you don't pay attention to it, you can't do it. However, this person's instant technique is so good that it is difficult to trace the atmosphere. Azure is more suspicious of this person, There are those who are at the border and who are outside."

In his words, he is as concise as possible. When it comes to the last sentence, the sense of pressure has faded.

In this world, once it comes to the sacred sage, there is no small matter.

"To the world?"

A huge and innocent **** thought suddenly spread out in all directions. Sweep through a layer of space, one by one.

After the shackles, it was like the sound of jade.

"Why is this person entering the prison for death? Why don't you tell Lu Tianqing that he knows nothing."

Lu Tianqing’s gaze flashed, and the sneer in the middle of it was more intense.

Sure enough, there is a situation -

The Holy Spirit is inductive, and it must be aware of some traces before it is asked.

The inquiry to the people in the temple was not unexpected.

The burning of Lujia is certainly one of the top forces in this field.

There are three people in the world, but it is precisely because of this, can not be surrounded by enemy.

Especially for the opponents, it is also the sacred sacredness of the world. It is more cautious and cautious.

Even if it is a nine-death prison, if the other party's purpose, it will not damage the interests of Lujia.

Then let it be, it is impossible. One eye closed and one eye passed.

It is okay to be ignorant of each other. If it is ok, it can also make the other party owe a personal feeling.

"There are very few clues. The younger generation can only know a little about one or two. Guess this person, it should be the son of Lu Hanyan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Entering the nine dead zones, most of them come for the mother-"


The jade door opened open. A young man with a face like crown jade, red lips and white teeth, and a purple robes stepped out from the inside.

The face was condensed, not angry and arrogant, looking at the old man in the red robe standing outside the temple.

"Children with smoke, are you just joking? Is it wrong? Is there someone else helping, or is it alone?"

"There are two people in total. If another person helps, please forgive me."

Lu Tianqing smiled slightly, faintly said: "But the sacred, it is too ignorant. I smell the son of the smoke, and now I am famous for the name of the Lujia 嫡 。. If you don’t have a bit of skill, how can you do this? As for whether or not you make a mistake, Azure is not sure. You can only guess from some clues. You have never seen it, and you have no grasp, saying that this person is a child with smoke. ——”RQ

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