Divine Brilliance

Chapter 913: Horizon pressure

Three days later, Zong Shou was sweating and walking on the blue sea rising from the raging tide. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

The seventh floor is called Linghai Death Prison. Looking at it, I saw all the blue water.

It makes people feel awkward, but the dark blue pure water is poisonous.

In addition, the world is not just a distortion of the avenue of the road.

Walking on the surface of the sea, there are always more than a thousand times or even thousands of times the power of the metamagnetic.

It's not just the body, it has to bear more than a thousand times the weight of the past.

It is the thing hidden in the Qiankun bag, and it is also not immune.

Everyone is always in danger of falling into the sea, and there is no place to rest.

The ban here is also different from the previous layers.

It is the wind! The hurricane is smashing, and it never stops.

Not only the above-mentioned blue sea, but also a wave of waves. More countless negative forces, straight through the depths of the human bone marrow.

Not only does it have the pain of being inferior to the punishment of the ice wheel, if it can not resist, it will directly destroy the human blood and blood, destroy and slay the Shouyuan.

Just one day ago, Zong Shou saw it with his own eyes. A monk in the middle of a fairyland could not support it in this raging wind and wave, and fell into the sea.

Only sixty years of time, there is no bones, even blood and blood do not exist.

I don't know what kind of toxins are in this seawater. Even the monks of the Xianxian are completely unable to resist. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

At this time, Zong Shou is also exhausted and sweating. Every line of a hundred miles, you need to stop breathing.

This bleak wind is endless. It also made the blood in his body retrograde, never stopped.

I don't know when to wait until it is over.

In the Qiankun bag, everything that can be thrown away has been emptied.

But the body is still as good as lead, heavy and incomparable. It can still be supported at this time, but I can't wait for it to be transferred directly into the sea. It’s good to die.

Its practical blue fire turtles can be a lot easier.

However, it is necessary to move from time to time, but it is somewhat inconvenient. Instead, it increases the burden.

On the contrary, there is no disease next to the land, and the situation is much better than that of Zong Shou.

The air is flowing smoothly, and the mask does not show its expression. But that's in the eye. It is also slightly ambiguous.

It may be that Zong Shou, indeed, has reached the limit, and he persuaded: "Why is this so hard?" Xuanyan Shengzun, I am afraid that I have already been aware of where I am. Now how can I rush, it is useless. If you are sinister, it’s better to stop and take a break, and then recover and do something about it -"

Zong Shouqi’s voice was indifferent. Lu did not know what he said.

At this moment, there is a strong tyranny. The idea of ​​letting Zong Shousheng bow down and admire is in his soul.

That is more powerful than the power of the world's magnetism, but also makes him feel the power of the gods.

It is Xuan Yan!

Somewhere within this dead prison, even the nine dead prisoners, condescending. [Ye * Zi] [Yu * You] cold eyes and quiet view, there is no cover.

However, it is only the power of oppression that comes with this kind of soul, which makes him feel unbearable.

The man didn't seem to want to shoot at him, but he was on the top, with a sense of play.

The feeling of giving people is like a noble king. Watching a mouse that slipped in front of him.

A rat that makes him a little interested -

There is no killing, but it has never recovered the soul. With a cold and cold heart, it was so quietly pressed. But almost made him, overwhelmed.

Or this one is waiting to see him, when will it collapse, when will it be transferred into the sea, as in the previous person, the soul of the bones will be completely removed.

There is even more looming coercion, wanting him to bow down.

That idea seems to be saying that he can let him go if he only confesses his mistakes.

"No problem!"

With a deep breath, Zong Shou laughed and was very bright.

It may be that I am used to it, or it may be a distraction. The burning of the blood spell and the pain of blood and blood can no longer affect his mind.

Under this oppression, the heart has an unprecedented suffocation in the chest.

I don't know why, in short, I don't want to, I am embarrassed in front of this person, and he is jokes.

He never knew his own bones, so he was so stubborn. It’s good to be honest and persistent. The hard part is that I don’t know how to live and die -

However, he is now in this desperate situation, and why do you need to bow to this person?

It seems that I have noticed the thoughts of Zong Shou, and that the soul of the soul has suddenly increased.

Zong Shou's body shape, immediately swaying, his feet squatting, almost fell into the sea.

After a long while, it was finally stiff.

The land next to the disease is unaware of it, and the eyes are full of gloom.

How is this to the extent?

At this time, he also knew that the situation in Zongshou was different, and most of them were affected by the Burning Blood Curse. How can it be that this seems to be going to collapse?

Zong Shou did not pay attention to it, then God read the moment of pressure. He burst into a burst of bones, and his soul was almost crushed, but he still supported it.

Then, under the tremendous pressure, step forward step by step.

The world is changing again, and the eyes are far away. It can be seen that there is a huge whirlpool in the sky and clouds, which is filled with thousands of miles.

Surrounded by violent storms, countless thunders, constantly flashing in the storm.

"This is the door to **** you said?"

The seventh floor is the Linghai death prison, with two entrances.

There is only one place in the space between the seventh and eighth floors, and the position is no longer moved.

Just in the middle of Linghai.

With the star of Zongshou, the power of instant air. It took me more than three days to get here.

But when I felt myself, I couldn’t hold it, I finally saw this entrance that could reach the eighth floor.

Lu Wu did not answer, but his expression was slightly awkward.

Zong Shou knew it well and knew that he was saddened by his parents.

After meditation for a moment, I faintly said: "You can stay here, don't have to follow it! If you are alone, you can make a living. If you are lucky enough to get out of trouble, you must try to meet you!"

After that, I will throw a jade plate and throw it away.

This is a space magic weapon that was won in the world of the gods on the same day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only slightly stronger than the spiritual mustard ring, far less than the Xianbao Temple in the goddess of the gods.

However, at this time, there are more than a hundred strong powers in this space magic weapon.

They were temporarily banned and hidden in this jade plate.

In this jade plate, Xian Xiu repair, always need people to suppress. Once on the eighth floor, Zong Shou may not be able to take care of it.

It is better to hand over to Lu Wu disease, and to be infinitely close to the cultivation of the gods, when innocent.

That land has no disease, and it seems that he knows that he is not enough to do it. Forcibly following it will only be cumbersome.

So I did not refuse, I took the jade plate.

"Chen knows! It must be supported by the king!" RQ

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