Divine Brilliance

Chapter 920: Red bird

After Zong Shouyi’s sword, he felt a little angry and calmed down a little, and gradually adapted to the ban. m[ww.RaN]

After the shackles, they laughed at themselves.

"If you don't want to be born, you can't wait for yourself. If you die immediately, you can't do it."

At that moment, I really want to blow my head!

He sighed, and Zong Shou remembered the land and smoke.

His mother, who has lived here for 20 years, can she endure such a time, can she endure?

However, this is nowhere to be, it is really abominable!

In the eyes of the murder, Zong Shou looked at the iron frame where the endless.

Just looking at it, he gave up his intention to kill him.

There is really no need to take the risk of breaking this ban, and it is better to let this person suffer here than to kill it.

"The fire of burning, you are the descendant of Lu Jiaxun -"

This voice came from another direction and was bleak.

Zong Shou followed the sound and was slightly contracted by the eyelids.

Where it is seen, it is a refined middle age on the right iron frame.

Here, the two gods are at the peak, and there is no one. This person in front of me is another.

"When you are young, you have a high degree of swordsmanship. The blood of the burning is extremely pure. I have seen many people of Junjie, who may be compared with you, and none of them. [] I want to come to Lujiazhong, should be in the position. It’s not low. But why did you steal into the prison? What can be in this prison can attract you to the pride of this day-"

Zong Shou shook his head. His business has nothing to do with this person. Why bother to talk to this?

When he arrived in the prison, he did not want to delay for a moment.

But then I heard the middle-aged man chuckle.

"With your strength, Lu Jiazhong is at least one of Chu Jun. To be in prison, it is a bright and straightforward one. It is not unreasonable to want to burn the Holy Court. Why do you need to ask for the innocence? Yes, you are the son of Lu Hanyan. This is to find the mother can be right? It is really extraordinary, only the song for more than 20 years. About the cigarette that the **** will not think. For only 20 years, her son has the ability to enter the eighth floor of the prison Looking for her-"

See Zong Shou's eyes, the wrong look. The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head: "I know with your mother, some involve it, but it is not close, I don't know the whereabouts of the smoked princess at this time. But if you are willing to take it for me, I can stand by the heart! Help you Until the death of the prison. Everything is over!"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and watched this person's speech as a faction, but it was more credible than that.

Just after a moment of meditation, I still shook my head: "The younger generation still needs time, consider one or two."

The middle-aged man heard the words and knew this sentence, and he refused.

The moment is no longer open, sighing and closing again.

Zong Shou did not care much. [New] It’s gone away, only a few moments, it’s just over a dozen miles away.

Continue to spread the mind. Search around.

All the way, like the cross-iron-like things, also found a lot.

However, the ban on the Lu family is not static.

The cross iron frame is actually not common. The lockers on the top are often monk monks.

The total number is also more than one hundred and ten people, distributed in the north and south, the location is very particular.

There are still a lot of stone platforms like the previous ones. It is also useful to suppress the tower, or it is simply a metal cage that traps people.

Although these people are not trained in the realm of the gods, they are also extracted from the real blood.

Most of the expressions are painful, compared to those of the gods. It is more difficult.

Most of them are wind and candle, and they have not been supported for too long.

There are even some that there is no protection at all. It was thrown here and was directly treated as a food of different origins.

The more you look at it, the more you feel the cold. It is also anxious.

I don’t hesitate to consume the real yuan. In the midst of this dead prison, I walked through the whole prison and looked tirelessly.

From the south to the north, from east to west, every inch is not allowed to let go.

But on the 14th, Zong Shou was completely desperate.

"Why can't I find it?"

"This 30,000-mile world, I have searched twice. Every inch of the region has not been missed, even the bottom, never let go -"

“Is it true that there is no place to say that the mother has been pushed into the ninth floor?”

Zong Shou stunned, looking at his sleeve, there are dozens of mutant beasts.

They are all harvested at this level of death, and they have gone through dozens of sinister fights.

Even a few times, I almost fell into a strange spirit

Innateness above the gods, wisdom is no different from human beings.

Although it is still driven by the fierce atmosphere, it is known to cooperate with other animals.

Therefore, these natural births are not as good as him. However, the danger made Zong Shou, to the scene of death. I also tried my best to get rid of it.

These mutant beasts are the harvest of Zong Shou.

You can use it, but it is a few.

However, these beasts above the gods, but they can be like the instant dragons and dragons, into the soul of the sea, become one of the stars of the Tao.

In the past, there is such a harvest, Zong Shou must be inexplicable.

But at the moment, my heart is low and my chest is cold.

There is also the eye of the gods, as time goes by, the episodes are more and more frequent, and the pain increases.

Make him faint, stunned, and walk in the void.

When I waited to wake up again, I was already standing in the middle of the prison.

Unconsciously, it has already arrived here.

There is a black mist in front of you. Not only can you not see it, but you can't even see the mirror.

The rich spirit of time and space, the tide in the fog.

In addition, it is more perceptible, and there is a strong cross-air machine.

Zong Shou gaze shrinks, this place, he has been here dozens of times in the past ten days.

Most of the guesses are the ninth-level gates, which are solid and never entered.

In the vagueness of the mind, it is mostly from his subconscious mind that he walks here.

Then Zong Shou was laughing again, and he seemed to be walking to the ninth floor.

Under the mind, Zong Shou is not arrogant and is sitting beside the dark fog ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sitting cross-legged.

These dozens of days have not hesitated to spend all of the search, and have gone through dozens of hard battles.

He has already made his source of deficiencies, try to break into the nine layers, and fight with the one in the black fog, you need to restore your best state.

Swallow a few Ling Dan, endure the pain of the bones, and close your eyes.

After a full twelve hours, Zong Shoucai regained consciousness.

Again, use the magic mirror to replace the witness. Then I felt a little in my heart, and I controlled the magic mirror, and I watched it.

I saw a few hundred feet away, a woman with a white hair around 30. It is tied to a giant tree by a tree vine with a thick arm.

Hundreds of red hummingbirds came here and fell on the woman.

With a bird sniper, every time you scorn, you can tear off a piece of flesh and blood. (To be continued.)


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