Divine Brilliance

Chapter 939: Burning the world!

Zong Shou at this time, but only inside his mind, is groggy.

When Lu Tianqing spoke out, he saw that the knowledge barrier was broken. All the things of the ten days were immediately in my heart.

Mother, Lu Hanyue -

It turned out to be in front of his eyes! On the 10th, he took good care of him on the day and he treated him for his injuries and worried about him.

Zong Shou was the first time, but it was not angry. But only in the chest, an indescribable joy and warmth.

I have already seen it, it turns out that she is very good -

No wonder so close, so that he is attached to it!

After these thoughts, the only words behind Lu Tianqing were passed through consciousness.

Mother, she has been smashed into the ninth floor? Tonglian outsiders, intending to escape from prison? Is it because of yourself?

Immediately wake up again, no! If the flame is so desired, it will not cost the useless work.

Somehow, at this time, his mind was actually clear as a mirror.

Whenever the blood in the body begins to pulsate, it can be faintly gazing at the thought of Lu Tianqing.

Although it is known that this person is not true and false, it is intended to speculate. Zong Shou still only feels that the anger is hard to explain!

Fierce and sorrowful mourning, gathered in the chest. Like a sword, deep into the heart!

The demon tree is ridden! Gathering really bloody! Death imprisonment, so that even if you become a wasteful person who has no thoughts and thoughts, you must bear the pain of ruining the heart!

The gas of dying, so that the mother kissed her in this dead prison for one year, it will take ten years to live.

There is also the red-fronted bird, and only a few crickets slammed daily. Eat her flesh and blood.

Pain is not a prison ban, no difference!

It is only a private combination with a foreigner. In Lujia, even if you are guilty, it is not such a cruel punishment!

Er and so dare to do so, dare to do so!

In the mind, it seems that something has exploded. Zong Shou thought. Almost completely out of control.

The **** eyes are also shimmering! Countless runes, flash again. Colorful and dazzling.

A group of red flames shook in the air. In a flash, I swept a thousand miles.

Burn the world with the void as the carbon!

Deep inside, but slightly restored the Qingming. Zong Shou looked at his eyes again, only to see his eyebrows in front of him, a little silver thread hanging over him.

This is invisible, but it was forced out by the red flame.

It seems to be imprisoned, and what is fearing, coiled in front of the eyebrows. I dare not come closer.


A little doubt, Zong Shouxin is awakening.

Not only embarrassing, but also fatal!

Is it necessary to take his life and ask him to die?

The heart is more and more violent, and the blood in the pupil is slightly flashing. There seems to be a black and white vortex, which is now deep inside the scorpion.

Then the body of the invisible locust was forcibly twisted by a giant force and twisted into a twist shape.


With the intent of Zongshou’s thoughts, it’s only invisible. Just smashed!

Broken flesh and blood, scattered around. Then in the red flame, it burned to fly ash!

At this time, Lu Tianqing had his face muscles twisted and his hands shivered slightly.

Both eyes are crazy, looking at the opposite red eyes.

"The fire of the world? The blood of the world? How?" This is impossible -"

The mouth whispered, Lu Tianqing’s pupil was suddenly squashed.

No, it’s not just the blood of the world!

Also merged with the other!

Combine several forces that are not under the burning of the Lu's blood.

Is this his fantasy auditory hallucination? The change has not yet been completed, only by this dawn, it is possible to indiscriminately swallow this invisible swallowing of the early monks of the gods!

How can this be just the blood of Lu’s burning?

There is only one point, and there is no doubt that this is the blood of the peak of the family.

He Lu Tianqing can only look up and beyond, only a few to the holy sage.

It is the only pure blood ethnicity in Lujia at this time!

There is endless panic in the heart, and there are endless doubts. how could this be?

Is this father of the keeper not a seven-tailed fox?

At that time, he was personally arranged, and the predecessor was indeed a superior figure, otherwise it would not make Lu Hanyan enamored and desperate.

However, this person, the **** degeneration is also a fact.

Why is this sect, but it can achieve the blood of the world that Lu Jiajiu has not seen?

The body of the double veins, the body of the remnant soul, able to practice to the present realm, is a miracle!

Why do you still let this son change into a world? This heaven is waiting for him, why is it so thick?

After solving the locust, Zong Shou looked at Lu Tianqing.

Every time he pulsates, he can get some information from the opposite soul.

Therefore, it is easy to identify who the owner of this invisible swallow is.

Before 20 years, the man who counted the mother is also him?

Still do not know the specific reasons, but do not hinder the hatred of Zong Shouxin!

At this moment, even if it is the water of the Three Rivers and Five Lakes, it is difficult to ruin the anger in this chest!

The light changed again, and Lu Tianqing, who was opposite to the other side, locked the rune in the bloody, and quickly gathered at the extreme speed.

This person will die too!

When Lu Tianqing was in charge, he felt that a wave of sorrows and sorrows broke into the soul like a blade. The limbs are up and down, and they are all twisted and twisted.

He first glimpsed and then reacted.

This kid is not only trying to kill himself! You have to lean over and swear in front of you!

First of all, I only felt a burst of laughter. This sect is really ignorant!

Just because of the **** level of this fairyland level, do you want to kill yourself?

Can be turned into a change, Lu Tianqing pale face.

This is indeed a matter of fact, he can not, but if it is a party, he is determined to take his life.

Then, in the burning of the Holy Court, I am afraid that half of the elders will be willing to shoot for them!

Or it is almost doomed to resolve the grievances, or to pay for the settlement. Lujia Future Saints!

It is the burning of the Holy Court, the well-deserved first Chu Jun, the burning of the Holy Emperor after dozens of years!

In the body of Wonderland, mastering the blood of the world, but not the ability to withstand the blood, the early collapse.

For this person, what is Lu Tianqing? It’s just a sacred monk at the bottom of the battle.

"Less of the Lord. The original thing is actually not what I want. It is the coercion, it is Xuanhua -"

Frightened in my heart. Lu Tianqing gradually became stunned. I didn't pay attention to controlling my body for a while, but I was forced by a force, but my body was short. In front of Zong Shou. Kneeling on one knee!

That power comes from the blood, but it is not strong. However, there is a majesty that makes him fearful and irresistible.

It seems that he is born above him, and he is proud of him!

In the body, it is also bloody. All the limbs, the blood of the burning, are refining and purifying again.

This is a retrospective of the blood, has benefited the body.

However, Lu Tianqing did not feel half happy at this time. I feel that every texture is a cold bone.

"It was Xuanhua's temptation. Lu Tianqing was involuntarily, and was blinded by the mind! Please enlighten the Lord -"

Halfway through the words, Lu Tianqing slammed into the ground.

How could this be the case, why did he think of going to this sect and bowing his knees?

After all, he is a holy sage. What is so dignity?

Pity to a backup, isn’t it a joke?

Suddenly biting the tip of the tongue, under the pain, Lu Tianqing also felt that the chaos and fear in his heart retreated.

Sure enough, it is the illusion of direct attack!

It was a time when he was shocked by his heart. It was this blood-stricken, unconsciously controlled influence on his mind.

Yes! This shougang itself has the blood of Jiuwei Xuanhu!

It seems that the illusion magical power is also integrated into this **** magical power.

The heart is more vigilant, but if these words of apology and apology can be forgiven by the prince, it is worth it.

Only when he looked at him, he sank again in his chest.

The gaze looked down on him, and there was only one meaning in his eyes.

- Go to hell! Go to hell! Give me to die!

Absolute killing, filled with ideas.

Lu Tianqing was disappointed first, then anger.

This vertical, dare to do so!

It was too late to have an episode, and then I felt a little bit of heart and looked at it all around.

In addition to the red fire, there are countless invisible flames that are burning in every space gap.

Make the source of the heavens and earth tremble. One by one, it is cracking. Let the earth under the feet, and also tremble for it -

What is this doing?

correct? How can I forget, burning the world, angering the world.

Although Zong Shou is only a fairyland, it is the blood of the top.

Once it broke out, it was enough to completely destroy this prison!

Even more serious, can spread the remaining eight dead prisons -

He is a prison guard, but he is afraid of blaming!

If it is at other times, it will be fine. It was only a short time ago that it was the flame of offense.

In front of this Lu Jia pure blood sect, the first Chu Jun, even hate him like a bone!

With this sin, he could not escape the crime of death, and he must have no life.

"Stop! Stop! Zong Shou, can you hear? Stop me! Stop me -"

The vast power of the sacred cultivator, madness spreads in the prison. Do your best to maintain this world that is smashing under the impact of the flame of burning.

When Zong Shou’s first time was not what he wanted, he felt that there were differences around him.

Just like those two times, before the coma, the pain in the eyes disappeared.

I saw it all around, and when I was in my heart, it was awkward.

It turns out that this prison is on the verge of collapse and is going to collapse.

It is because of the surrounding, from his rootless fire.

This is how Lu Tianqing called them.

Yes, it is the inflammation of the world!

Zong Shou immediately sneered out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ full of coziness.

What about this world of hell, destruction? What is it with him?

This place has plagued his mother for more than 20 years.

I really want to, let it be broken!


This idea together, the chest is not flat, full of anger, seems to have a catharsis.

The runes that flash in the **** blood are instantly condensed and gathered into a mysterious character.

Like water, it is like a thunder, and it contains the power of the end.

Vaguely, it is a word of 'dao'.

In the next moment, there were a few buzzing sounds -

The entire world of the world of imprisonment began to break like a broken glass.

Burning the world! (To be continued. Welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass,.)

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