Divine Brilliance

Chapter 947: Hard to make

"I don't know the saint, can you explain one or two for me? Who is this Lu Shou? This person has no size for my Lu family. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] How can I steal this first treasure? ?"

This statement speaks, attracting dozens of sharp eyes in the air, and sweeping through the past.

But the voice of the person, but also calm. Watched by dozens of holy people, and did not show a half-point.

In the eyes of Lu Yunge, the color of appreciation suddenly appeared.

The five arguments of Lu Jiajun’s name are the most disgusting.

No matter how many achievements he made, how many powerful enemies were defeated on the battlefields.

In the end, in the ranking competition, it always suffers slightly. Sometimes, with a lot of credit, and not with others, a small increase in blood purity -

Today, all kinds of things, but also make him Lu Yunge dissatisfied!

The burning woman who stood before the ancestral temple, under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of people, was silent for a moment before she finally opened her mouth.

"The burning of the Lu family inherits the order, and there are five theories. On the blood, on the merits, on the merits, on the situation, on the pro!"

The sound is ethereal and passes through every corner of this side.

"On the pro, this Lu Shou, is the son of Lu Hanyan, the only grandson who burned the Emperor today! On the blood, he has been burned out, and the two saints of the Yuan Dynasty have confirmed. It is true that I have the pure blood of Lujia, burning the world. On the talents, more than 20 years have entered the immortal ranks. Lu Jiazhong has been forever, and there is no such thing as the ancients. On the basis of this situation, this person has the sacred sage as the teacher, and is the sage of the dragon shadow of the cloud. ”

The voice was a meal, but the saint did not speak again. The cold eyes, but a faint glimpse of the four.

Everyone here knows what they mean, and they all look calm.

On merit, this person is promoted to pure blood. The bloodline is reversed, so that all Lu's children can be purely burned. It also makes Lujia, within a few thousand years, no longer need to worry about the degeneration of this burning blood.

There are countless gods in the sacred environment of the Lu's strong, because of this retrospective. It is possible to get another chance.

If you say merit, this is great!

More than the Luke, it is more beneficial to the whole family. [WWw.YZUU point m]

What's more, since thousands of years ago, Lu’s territory has not grown any more in many years.

Above the attic, Lu Dao whispered softly: "Yun Ge cousin, if you look at me. Or take away your care and think better. Your meager merits, if placed thousands of years ago, nothing. Actually, I am also eager to voluntarily grievances? It’s ridiculous! If it’s the Xuanhua lord’s special photo, like your fiancée, you can abandon the waste like a squat, and you can become the second in my family’s battle. Nothing, but climbed out of the mire, so that the whole family can benefit the children. You Lu Yunge, what is it?"

He hated the previous threats of Lu Yunge, and spoke at this time. There is no scruples at all. How to listen, how to say.

Don't even cover the sound and let the people around. Can hear.

Leading a lot of sight, they all looked over to Lu Yunge.

It is a pity that you have a gaze in your eyes, or a schadenfreude, or a joke.

In the chest of Lu Yunge, the growing resentment is uncomfortable. There is a thorn inside, and it is a sin, and the pity of these people is contemptuous.

Fortunately, before the holy monument at this time, I only spoke to the person. Open again.

It also attracted everyone’s attention again.

"Then the land is full of smoke, why can it be the second highest in the reserve? The holy woman has to tell me, just because of the smoked princess, gave birth to a pure blood descendant?"

Still not afraid. The gaze of these holy saints in the air,

And the burning of the Virgin, also raised his eyes at this time. A pair of scorpions like chilly jade are shining.

"Mother factor is expensive, why not? Lu Shou is the only pure-blooded person in the family, then the mother's identity. Naturally is the second person under the sage, also has great merits in the whole family. And the smoked princess is in prison After that, the day of practice has not been exhausted. About half a day before, it has been robbed under the protection of the flames of the Holy Spirit, and has entered the state of the gods! The burning of the Holy Spirit is the life of the gods, the ancestors set up. Tens of thousands of years, judge ranking There is absolutely no unfairness. No need to worry!"

In the latter case, no one in Lu’s children noticed. All those who have some knowledge are attracted to the sacred sacred words of the sacred sacred words.

Is the flameless holy guards help? In other words, this flameless holy deity is a position that has been made clear. []

Is this intended to join hands with the Qianyuan Holy Spirit?

It is not just a matter of two sacred sacred priests, but two Orthodox sects in the Holy Court. There are more than a dozen elders, and at least two kings, the power of the two temples merge!

At this moment, even Lu Yunge, the face is also white. Lu Xuanhua, who was only in the air, still looked calm and did not move.

The burning of the saint, then the voice again. It seems that the heart is hesitant. After a while, he still said: "The two holy sages have also said that Lu Hanyan has been subjected to extreme bans for 20 years, and is stimulated by his son's blood, and there are signs of promotion. Although not pure blood. The situation, but it can also help my Lu Clan pro, and there is one thing, the nine imprisoned prisoner Lu Tianqing, because of negligence, the imprisonment is destroyed. After the murder of the first Chu Jun, sin is extremely evil. Respected and stunned, the temple has been notified. Another family member, also entered the prison of death!"

The sound of the crash, the instant once again spread to the entire white jade square.

Hundreds of thousands of people are all in vain.

It’s not like the land road, the person with a close blood, who looks calm and not surprised.

The incitement of the martyrdom of the retrospective force after it subsided was originally due to this.

The rest of the people, but most of them are misunderstood, but also with some expectations.

Pure blood is not easy, and a land guard is already a miracle, and everyone does not expect it.

However, the power of the blood can reach the point of going back to the whole family. The promotion must also be small -

No wonder! This burning of the monument, will be imprisoned for 20 years of Lu Hanyan, designated as the second Chu Jun!

At this time, no one cares about it, the Lu Tianqing thing that was said after the burning of the saint.

Only Lu Yunge’s heart was amazed, and he remembered the day.

At that time, Lu Tianqing was clearly aware of it, but he was unfortunately not alert.

Looked up again and looked at the sky. I saw that Xuanhua and Xuanzang both looked cold and calm. On the former side, it is more full of haze.

However, the eyes of both of them are all a bit of a killing. Looking at the crowd, the one who asked loudly and questioned the saint.

Lu Yun Ge is extremely smart, just a slight flaw, it is known.

This person seems to be dissatisfied with the inquiry, but it is intended to speculate!

In this vast audience, asking these words is really a mystery! There is a suspicion of shaking people's hearts.

For the mother and son? This person can kill!

When he thought of this, he heard the sound of the sky and the sound of a majestic sound.

"Twenty years ago, because of the private combination with the foreigners, I was found guilty by my family. Now it is my Lujia Holy Court, the second Chu Jun. That is considered to be the child who contaminated the blood of my Lujiamen. At this time, among the descendants of Lu family, the only pure blood outside the country! At this time, I thought about it. At that time, the head of the temple was not sloppy?"

Lu Yunge followed the sound and his eyes were suddenly drawn.

This is the absolute, now the master of Cangyan!

The heart is irritated and cold.

Twenty years ago, the principal of the temple was Xuanhua. The spearhead of this sentence is directed at Xuanhua’s improper handling in the past!

Is this going to reverse the case?

Xuanhua’s gaze, cold and sharp, also looked over there.

The party is absolutely stunned, but it is sneer.

"Only because of this ridiculous punishment, I am a pure-blooded prince, and the future sacred sacred priests are still living outside and cannot return to the Holy Court. It is also an open-eyed sacred man. He has never died early and struggled to this day. Otherwise I will burn the land. Home, the loss is a measure of the country and the country?"

Xuanhua raised his eyebrows and seemed to want to talk, but he accepted it. It seemed to be dumb.

Looking around, I clearly saw dozens of gaze gazing around, complaining, and warning.

The moment is no longer justified, only a sigh of relief, sneer a sleeve.

The words of this party are totally unreasonable and go away.

And Xuan Zang, who is still standing in the air, sighs slightly. I don’t know what to think about.

Lu Beiwu also had a faint gaze, still looking at the two names at the top of the stone monument.

It seems that through this name, I can see people -


"What do you mean to be loyal to me?"

In addition to the broken hollow of the prison, Zong Shou looked up and looked at Ye Xuan.

It is deceptive to say that you are not interested. This man's swordsmanship, although he has not seen it before.

However, the person who is in the position of repairing the sword, the induction between each other, is extremely sensitive.

This one in front of you is the purest swordsman.

The sword is absolutely top, and it should have reached the peak level of the soul. Only half a step, the sword can enter the gods, the gods will be clear, so they can join the road -

The combat power is only afraid of the law that has not yet existed at that time, and the Qiankun before the promotion of the holy world is still several times stronger!

He is not the enemy of this person.

There is this person who works hard, it is just a super strong beater.

See who is upset, who can fix it. Just don't meet the sacred sage. It is the general sacrament of the Holy Land, but it can also provoke a counterbalance.

However, he has a self-knowledge ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his own small temple, afraid that it is impossible to accommodate this great god.

Like this kind of tyrannical sword, may you be in your own pool? It is also true that this person is not really loyal.

Meditation for a moment, Zong Shou still shakes his head.

"If you want to work, it is to burn the first prince of the Holy Court, and the landlord of the Lu family. Then please forgive the sect, you can't answer it. If you want to rely on the lonely sage, you can't afford to be a lord. This kind of peerless swordsman."

Just kidding, there is still a jade plate in the hands of Lu Wu, and there are more than a hundred immortals.

His little site, it will be very difficult to raise these people in the future.

At least 20 or more small worlds must be laid in at least a short time. This is enough.

There is another strong man in the peak of the gods who can't afford to sell his sect. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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