Divine Brilliance

Chapter 967: Go all out?

Looking at the wind Tai Chi did not say goodbye, he left the sleeves. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

Hong Jiuchen’s eyes were gloomy and the murderous machine flashed. It was not until the wind Taiji stepped out of the hall door that it was calmed down.

In his opinion, he wants to kill this person and kill him immediately.

But I also know myself, I can only think about it at most.

After all, this wind Taiji is not the true subordinate of Zongshou. Standing behind, is the entire cloud sector Jianzong!

Just like the one who keeps everything, it is a bunch of hands and feet, countless elbows. They are actually similar here, and they are also scrupulous.

That Jianzong or Naijun can not be Jiu Xian Xian Ting, but to take the life of his Hong Jiu dust, but it is easy.

Moreover, if you want to delay the time, you can only let this person grow up.

If the two countries engage in war and do not envy the festival, they will allow this person to live longer.

Even if you want to kill, you need to give excuses for revenge on the sword.

With a snoring, Hong Jiuchen took his eyes back and moved back.

"Ancient, according to your intention, I don't know how to interrupt today. If this sin is only the next body, I am willing to accept it. Hongda is willing to accept it. The big thing is to pay for it! But this one is too Over the top!"

"It’s not just a slap in the face, it’s said that this person is out of heart and crazy!"

Na Mufang sneered: "I don't know what this sect is. What is the reliance on it? I think that having a sacred sage as a teacher can make me bow down. Although Mu has not yet returned to the Holy Court, it is expected that there will be several After the elders hear it, it will definitely be furious!"

"This person has some means, and he can’t care. The last time, you can learn from it. Since you dare to provoke me, I will be embarrassed-"

Tan Jing also squinted and analyzed: "There are also Ashulu people, and it is impossible to prevent it! A few years ago, Zhuang Yu was only a small country, but he was able to support 20,000 Xuan Duwei. [] These financial resources, in the end Whenever he came, Tan Jing always felt a little embarrassed! It was difficult to test the tiger's movements, and maybe he was already standing on the side of Zongshou. There are Axiro people for help. This guardian is really somewhat emboldened."

"Even if he has the ability to do it again. This time there is a perfect preparation! You can't fight!"

The flash of the glory flashed, all the hustle and bustle: "If this is the case, then the next time this person will ask me to cut the land, what should I do then? And maybe this person is bluffing! ”

"Really!" Mu Fang slightly decapitated: "As far as I know, the big change in the cloud world is imminent. The universe is competing for the world. At this time, no matter whether it is the sacred road. There are also swordsmen and Buddhist sects, all of which have been involved. The Holy Land is also preparing for a robbery. It is better to say that an elder in the next round of the seminar said that the sacred road may be destroyed. At this moment, there should be no effort to help him!"

"So where does this person's confidence come from?"

Tan Jing is still wondering: "It’s not a bit of a sense that there is no such thing as a sacred rhetoric.

He is quite confident in his wit, but he is too small to be limited to the Tianfang retreat.

On the well-informed. It is far from being a seated person.

Therefore, many times, it is impossible to accurately judge the situation.

The hall was once again in silence, and everyone was thinking.

In the end, it was still Hong Jiu. Hesitantly said: "When it comes to the Ashura, I heard that half a year ago, the slave merchants of the Shura family were buying spiritual slaves on a large scale. But until recently, they did not see shipments."

Tan Jing was shocked and he heard about it. This Shura family bought a batch in the heavens.

And they are all human races -

Namu is closely following: "Not only spiritual slavery, but also a large number of armor and spiritual materials. But recently. The Ashura is not much war!"

"It is easy to transport these things into Yuanlian with the Shuguang Tibetan-shaped ship of the Shura."

“I heard that the Ashura people sell at least three Taiyi Shenlei ships every year, except for the past two years.”

The four people present here are all face to face. [] Various visions. Although it is not possible to confirm the Shura, it is already standing on the side of the Zongshou.

However, only this kind of information is shocking.

"Five hundred spirits of slavery, this is the one that keeps such a mad card?"

On the face of the scatter, it is more sullen: "When it is not wrong! But beyond that. I am afraid that there is still some reliance. But the appetite is too big, may not be as good as it is! He thought this Outer domain, is the cloud world not?"

Hong Jiuchen was not picking up the words, but they all looked at the ancient moon.

This divine repairer can't decide that the war is peace. However, it can directly affect the judgment of Jiudu Xianting. Even the mysterious retreats and the extremely few squares will be involved in this battle and how much. The attitude of this person is also crucial.

"In the hands of the singer, there is a big meaning in the hands of you. Although you and I have shirked, but you can't afford to be a man of heart, you can't stand the scrutiny. You must give him some compensation afterwards to quell the matter!"

The first few words made the four people here all slightly disappointed.

Then the ancient moon, then the voice turned, the sound suddenly fell.

"But I will wait for concessions, but I don't mean that I can let him take it for granted! This is a singularity after all. Before the death of Long Ying, I am not too good. I have to give him a place or two, but it is indispensable." Before that, you need to thoroughly conquer this ignorant kid! Let this child know, I will wait for it! I want to slap its wings and destroy his foundation. In the future, I will be restless!"

Hong Jiu Chen suddenly felt refreshed and his face was slightly gratifying.

He also listened to the ancient moon and said faintly: "No matter what kind of means, what kind of preparations are there, what kind of preparations are there. I don't need to pay attention to the nine courts of the capital. Just by being in a state of righteousness, it is OK. This person rises. It’s only a few years. I can compare it with you. I have accumulated Jiu Xian Xianting for thousands of years. I think this is the meaning of this, and it’s about the current battle. It’s still like the previous one. It’s only limited to Yuanlianjie. One place. It’s ridiculous! I’m Jiu Xian Xian Ting, but this time it’s not as good as he wished! This time I will try my best to convince the Holy Emperor and come to the strong to come! The power of the six holy people, dozens The gods. If you don’t believe it, you will not be convinced, a small and big sacred dynasty! It must be crushed and crushed to show the power of my fairy court."

The four people in the hall looked at each other and saw the excitement in the eyes of the other party.

It is full of blood and it is difficult to be yourself.

If you can really say what the ancient moon said, the Jiudu Holy Court will go all out. Then there is really no need to estimate, what kind of means of keeping the shackles in the dark force. No matter what kind of conspiracy trajectory, you can crush it!

Then I saw the ancient moon and looked at them.

Several people are also aware that this ancient month is waiting for them to express their views.

Tan Jing did not hesitate, he nodded directly: "This war I am a heavenly retreat, I am duty-bound, I am willing to attach a ridge. Tan Jing will say the ancestors anyway, to help!"

Mu Fang also said with generosity: "If I learn from some of the mysterious masters, I will definitely want to celebrate the nobles!"

The over-the-counter was lazy for a moment, only to be coldly beheaded: "Fu Yue will do his best, the Holy One may not please. Four or five gods, but will be able to!"

For the words of Fu Yue, the ancient moon seems to be careless, but laughs.

"That's the case, this is the case!"

He looked dull, as if he was talking about trivial things.

Beside the corner of the lips, there was a bit of scorn and smile.

The position of Yuanlian World is excellent, and it can control the surrounding area accordingly. As far as he knows, within this few hundred years of this world, there is even more possibility of upgrading to the world.

In any case, the Jiudu Holy Court cannot easily give up!

If this is not the case, how can it be repeated three times, for this Hong Jiu dust? Do not support financial resources.

Therefore, this battle is inevitable! The Jiudu Holy Court will certainly do its best.

That shou can say that the Axiro help, this is really good.

Unfortunately, he is too bad luck and too ignorant of his life -

If you still don't know how to advance or retreat, I am afraid that even the name can't be preserved... When the wind Taiji walked out of the giant cloud ship, it was in the void.

If you can't help yourself, you will feel awkward and cold.

Within the void of the outer domain, there is actually no concept of hot and cold. The flame of ice is only born of the monk's spiritual method.

The body of the wind Tai Chi, since the step into the fairy stage, has long been a leak.

This cold feeling is born from the heart.

Although he is trusting Zong Shou, at this moment, there is still some anxiety.

But those words have already been said, and I can't change my mouth at this time. Going back, it makes people laugh.

Even if I regret it, I can only hold my scalp and hold it. Shaking his head, the wind Tai Chi went to the direction of the Tianxian Palace.

It took three hours to travel through the void, and it was hundreds of miles away from the Immortal Palace.

When I got here, I have seen many monks in the nearby spiritual land. Practice spiritual swordsmanship. Many of them are disciples of Jianzong.

Looking at these people, the wind Taiji is a brow. I didn’t see it, how much was uneasy or dissatisfied.

Most of them are excited and excited. The rush of shapes seems to be all infused with God, ready for the next possible battle.

There is a huge array of spirits open, and the hundreds of miles here are covered with wings.

Observing its prohibition, it is clear that temporary admission is not allowed.

The wind is too confused in the heart, but it is forced to ask.

When he arrived at the Imperial Palace, he found that the vicinity was even more alert.

And just under the fairy palace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a myriad of arrogant and invincible soldiers to kill the gas, rushed into the air.

"Scorpio swordsman!"

The pupil of the wind Tai Chi, suddenly shrinks,

The army of the Dagan Army is the master of the Tianzhu swordsman and the Tianzhu Red Knights in the beginning of the Qin Dynasty.

He has naturally studied this. He feels that under the Palace of the Immortals, he is playing a tens of thousands of people in the phalanx of the formation. Compared with the past, there is obviously an increase in geometric multiples.

I don't know if it is the full version of the Shiqin era.

There are also a number of thousands of giant Xuanhu iron rides, there are also many changes.

It was too late to observe it carefully. When the view of the wind Tai Chi was over, I found that when I was standing outside the gate of the Imperial Palace, I was waiting. Immediately close all the minds and go across the empty line. RQ

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