Divine Card Creator

Chapter 784: The Birth of a God (Part 1)


Endless brilliance falls.

When that dazzling brilliance flashed by, Shadow God felt a chill in his heart, and thousands of shocks were reduced to one word——

day! ! !

Just this moment.

Only then did Shadow God understand.

It turned out that he had no choice at all.

From the moment Lu Ming turned into a black hole and began to absorb everything around him, he had no choice...

Either let it go and let Lu Ming devour energy, devour creatures, devour skills, devour buildings, devour everything in the shadow world!

Even the entire movie world!


Stabilize the entire Shadow World and let Lu Ming complete the summoning...


Shadow God raised his head.

This is the first time such a close contact with such an existence...


The summoned star only revealed a little...


The entire shadow world began to evaporate!


Shadow God even felt that his skin was burning dry...

Even if one is above the Nine Stars, even if one has turned two, even if one is a god, no one can withstand such a powerful and terrifying existence.

And those people of the shadow world...

Shadow God glanced back, his heart was about to burst, everything he had prepared for thousands of years, everything he had cultivated from ancient times to the present, disappeared in that flash of brilliance...



The brilliance of the stars is in full bloom.

this moment.

The rift of summoning was forcibly torn apart, and that huge star appeared in the dark shadow world just like that, at that moment, in just a possible short millisecond...


Endless brilliance swept across.

The huge shadow world evaporated in an instant.



And at this moment.

The Human Alliance is also frightened.


The dark shadow world collapsed, and when they opened their eyes, they found that they had returned.

"Are we still alive?"

"Whoa, I thought I'd be burned to death by that thing..."

"It's not our turn yet, the star appeared from the gap in the space and stuffed itself into the dark shadow world with all its strength... It turned out to be too big, too hot, too strong... The dark shadow world was blown up."

"I see."

Everyone was amazed.

At the same time, he looked at Lu Ming with some shock.


Is this also in Lu Ming's calculation?


Lu Ming is so kind, so he is already fully prepared.


Light and shadow flow.

The whole world has returned to normal.

Everyone has returned to the familiar world, the familiar Tiandu City, and everything they experienced in the dark shadow world just now is like a dream.



"Shadow God is dead?"


"I didn't hear the shadow god's voice... Don't ordinary villain bosses shout out in anger and resentment before they die?"

"Hehe, what else do you want to hear? Thank you Lu Ming for sending me the star? Double-click 666?"



The world of dark shadows collapsed.

Everyone seems to be in a much better mood.


Only Lu Ming still looked solemn.


He really didn't feel the death of Shadow God.

It has nothing to do with screaming or anything, when the stars come down, you don't have a chance to scream, let alone howl "joyful, I'll be back" or something like that.


At the moment when the stars descended, at the moment when the world of shadows shattered, in that endless brilliance, he felt a familiar sense of inversion.

If he guessed correctly...

That's the world turned upside down! ! !

It was exactly the same as when they stepped into the world of dark shadows. At that time, the shadow god directly flipped the world under their feet and forcibly sent them into the world of dark shadows.

And just now...

This feeling reappeared.


At the last moment, Shadow God resolutely gave up the entire dark world and returned to Tiandu City.


where is he?


Lu Ming's eyes scanned, and he quickly scanned all kinds of strange shapes and creatures, and finally landed on a tentacle monster covered in slime.


"Shadow God?"

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes.


All the creatures around were terrified.

Shadow God?

That guy is still alive? !


The tentacle monster fell silent for a long time before saying, "Why do you say I'm a Shadow God?"

"Because you are ugly."

Lu Ming said seriously, "It's like I'm too handsome to be ignored... As long as I show up, everyone will remember me."

"And you..."

"Same thing."

"It's too ugly to ignore."

"If I had seen you just now, I would definitely remember your appearance."

Lu Ming said lightly.


A killing intent gradually appeared in the tentacle monster's eyes, "You...damn, damn..."

"It really is you!"

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes, "Interesting, I thought about what your real body would look like, but I never thought that it would be a tentacle monster..."

At this moment, the Shadow God was covered with scars.


It's like having some terrible terminal illness...

It looked very bleak.

Lu Ming knew that this was the result of the destruction of the dark shadow world by the stars. The shadow god and the dark shadow world merged into one, so naturally it was the first one! ! !

at the moment……

It was the moment when Shadow God was weakest! ! !

There is no dark shadow world, the body is severely injured, and the real body is exposed! ! !


Lu Ming had to force him out.

Because Lu Ming knows very well that once the Shadow God is allowed to leave and the Shadow God recovers again, the Shadow God who already knows Lu Ming's routine will definitely kill them!

Therefore, Shadow God must be killed now!


Pay any price!


"I know why you created the Dark Shadow World."

Lu Ming glanced at him, filled with emotion, "Your body is really... ugly!!!"

Shadow God: "..."

"Tsk tsk."

Lu Ming was amazed.

He had thought about it before, what would happen if the Internet keyboard warriors and those trolls who pointed out the world had the ability to create the world? Hmm...maybe create a keyboard world.

There is no face here.

There is no sound here.

Everyone talks about talent by hand speed.

In the future, you can also go on a blind date through the keyboard——

"My keys are thick and long, and they feel great!"

"Hehe, you rubbish white axis, I am a noble colored axis!"

"You two get out, when it comes to blind date, our Green Axis has the most advantage, it is crisp and powerful, it feels bursting, and the clacking sound is louder when typing on the keyboard. People call it the pile driver in the keyboard!"


You feel this picture.


And the shadow god in front of him is like this.

Create such a mysterious world of dark shadows with one's own strength, and speak with words. Everyone doesn't look at the appearance, but only the shadow...

There is no talent, only shadow.


Too childish.

Do you think that the pure dark shadow world is absolutely fair?


The length of the shadow.

The thickness of the shadow.

The size of the shadow.

Is the shadow dark enough...

and many more.

Even in the world of dark shadows, there are countless ways to judge good or bad! The so-called fairness is just the fairness created by Shadow God for himself!


"You are courting death."

Shadow God's tone no longer had any warmth.

He considered himself an elegant god, but unfortunately, he was offended by Lu Ming again and again.

The collapse of the dark shadow world made him angry and mad, but his reason told him that leaving here at this moment and going back to re-condense the dark shadow world is the best choice.



He decided to go another way.

"I didn't want to destroy this world!"

"Because this world is really suitable for nourishment! Only a complete world can allow me to reunite the world of dark shadows, but you..."

"Lu Ming!"

"You made me change my mind."

The shadow god's eyes flickered coldly, "I feel like destroying the whole world, exterminating all creatures, and let a new world be redeveloped here. I want to personally watch the world grow... grow into the world I want! It's no longer that shadow world , but the real—the real world!"

His original plan was to flip the world of Dark Shadows into reality.

And now...

Since it's gone.

Why not just build a real world? !

Cultivated from an early age.


He has an endless lifespan.

He has the ability to reproduce.

There are countless genes in his shadow memory.


He can completely clone himself into tens of millions, and use the best genes to interbreed to create the strongest and most loyal nation, or even a world! ! !


Lu Ming took a breath of energy.

What the hell...

This guy really wants to create the world! ! !

And the way...

Inbred from X.

"Bring me one?"

The summoner's eyes lit up.


The dark Duma, who was lying on the ground with salted fish, jumped up and dunked the head of Duma, and pressed it back alive.


"Since you want to create the world, you are useless."

Shadow God sneered.


After saying a word, its body gradually grew larger. Its body, which was originally the size of an ordinary person, became crazily larger, and finally became the size of Tiandu City! ! !


"It's my body!"

Shadow God responded with an indifferent voice.


A tentacle fell down.


A street was destroyed on the spot!

Everyone was terrified.




"No wonder he created the Dark Shadow World! With a body like his, in the Dark Shadow World that only looks at the size and thickness, he is indeed at the level of a god..."

People panic.

This body type...

What the hell? !

"do not be afraid!"

Hammer repair was the first to stand up.

As a former member of the Nine-Star Alliance, as a former MT, he had to fight against this kind of moment.

"pass it to me!"

Hammer repaired bravely and rushed forward.


A black, thick and strong tentacle flew past, and Hammer Xiu's body flew back upright, and then entered the square of the Sword Card Masters Association...


There was a muffled sound.

The world fell silent.

ah this...


"Lu Ming!"

"Look carefully..."

"I'll make you feel what I've been through..."

"I'll let you watch how the world you want to protect...is being destroyed step by step...how the human world is dying!!!"

The shadow god has a hideous face.



Large areas of buildings are being destroyed!

"Hao Ran."


"People here..."

"It's been transferred a long time ago, but it's useless."

Li Haoran smiled wryly, "If he dismantles it like this, Tiandu will be finished in a few minutes, and other places can't stop him from destroying it like this..."

"I see."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.

What he hates the most in his life are these demolition parties! ! !


Xiao Xiaojian glanced at him, but said nothing.



The tentacles flicked.

Countless buildings were reduced to ruins.

The shadow god's body appears, and no one can stop it anymore!

General Niutou, Dragon King, and even many giant dragons shot at this moment, but unfortunately, countless tentacles flashed by, and all creatures flew out...


Like a family.

The combat power of the shadow god's body is so terrifying! ! !


Another building was destroyed.


Shadow God has been demolished all the way to the gate of the Sword Card Master Association.

There is no way back! ! !


What to fight with? !

"You can continue to summon star cards."

Shadow God's thoughtful suggestion, "I'll help you do it this time too."


Lu Ming was expressionless.

Shadow God's purpose is to destroy the world, if he summons the stars to come over, it will really help Shadow God destroy the world... He really can't use it!

other cards?

Lu Ming calculated carefully, and there was really nothing to use! !

no use!

Also unusable! ! !

The cards he can use have already been used. Although Shadow God has changed from a shadow to a real body, he still knows all of Lu Ming's cards! ! !



It's all useless!

"Is there no other way?"

Shadow God grinned.


Tentacle shake pot.

Most of the Sword Card Masters Association—collapsed! ! !

Lu Ming's office, his and Xiaobai's room, Miss Tian's room... even Zhang Yang's VIP medical ward collapsed...

"How does it feel?"

Shadow God is full of pleasure of revenge.

Ha ha.


You know how I felt just now, right?

Ha ha ha ha ha.


Lu Ming was silent.

after all……

Still gone.

hole card?

He turned it over and found a snowflake in his hand.



He put it back silently.

after all……

You can't let people come to die.


He clenched his fists tightly, feeling that he was still at the limit of six stars. He thought that one day he would be able to break through to nine stars, but now it seems...

That's the only way.


"here I am."

"Implementation plan."


Xiaobai looked serious.

Her delicate little face was full of seriousness.

"come on."

Lu Ming looked at Lu Yan, "Sister?"



"rest assured."

Lu Yan stood up lightly, and the little blue bloomed in her hand, which turned into a blue mysterious crystal signal tower, which was used to transmit massive energy signals.


"Senior Qiu?"



The super signal tower has been established.

The live broadcast room is established.

The scene of the scene was once again broadcast live to the whole world.


Shadow God sneered, "This method is useless to my body!"

Thought he was still a shadow?


Without the world of shadows, without those, it has now completely integrated into this world, and has no plans to leave here!


"It's the Shadow God of this world!"


"It is also the future creator of this world!"

Shadow God laughed.



Another building collapsed.

live streaming?


It's all a joke!

It is willing to stay in this world, so the live broadcast will naturally have no effect.

It lost everything!

Only in exchange for invincibility in the world!


Lu Ming ignored him, but looked at Xiaobai, "How long will it take?"

"three minutes."

Xiaobai said seriously.

"it is good."

Lu Ming nodded slightly.

three minutes……



Shadow God suddenly frowned.

It is still invincible today!

However, thinking about Lu Ming's various coquettish operations, he finally felt that it was not very good...

Just now.

is also like this.

Although he didn't believe that Lu Ming could come up with any special means to defeat him, but considering the various tricks of B, he made a decisive move.




A tentacle flung it over.


To his surprise...


With a crisp sound, someone actually blocked his attack!

He stares at...


Suddenly a cat appeared.

A black cat with fried hair all over its body, soft hair but with corners like crystals, and its tail standing up like a flag...

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