Divine Child System

Chapter 1019: Top grade blue waves

"Hi, top grade seven stars, awesome!"

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath, and their hearts were shocked.

After Ye Meng heard it, he curled his lips in disdain.

It's just the top grade seven stars, what's so fuss about!

"The aroma is sweet and faintly revealing a feeling of freshness after the rain. This is the effect of the rain beaten plantain technique. Not bad! The smell is rated, the top grade nine stars!"

Duanmuyi's judgment is still extremely fair, without any selfishness.

Fang Lingqiu squeezed his fists tightly after hearing it, and his whole body trembled slightly.

The top-grade nine-star, that can only be achieved by a master of wine masters who are good at bartending, and when he only studied juniors, he actually made a top-grade nine-star wine. How could Fang Lingqiu not get excited?

Although this is just a score for the smelling step, not a comprehensive score, it is amazing enough!

"Ye Meng, Ye Meng, I see you this time, what else can you fight with me!"

Excited, Fang Lingqiu's gaze had already fallen on Ye Meng, thinking proudly in his heart.

But when he saw Ye Meng's disapproval look, he couldn't stop a surge of anger in his heart!

"Really ignorant, do you think that the top grade nine stars can be achieved by anyone?"

Just when Fang Lingqiu's heart was surging, Duanmuyi's voice sounded again.

"The taste is long, slightly sweet and accompanied by a refreshing aroma. It is a must, but the fly in the ointment is that the specific gravity of your Bi Sake is slightly higher. Therefore, in the light sip, the score is three stars!"

Duanmu Yi took a sip, and after tasting it carefully, he said slowly.

When Fang Lingqiu heard the words, he recovered, and his heart relaxed completely.

His cup of blue waves is rippling, although it is the pinnacle of brewing since he learned the wine way, but when he used the three-pointing technique to divide the wine, his wrist shook slightly unconsciously, so that the proportion of green sake appeared. A slight deviation.

Fang Lingqiu was originally worried that Duanmuyi would use this as an excuse to deliberately underestimate the score. Now it seems that he is thinking too much!

Although Duanmuyi was not a very good person before, he is one and one in the wine way, and he never cheated!

"In the light-drinking session, you added eight more changes to your technique, each of which is very appropriate and very good! So, in the light-drinking session, you scored five-star top grade!"

Duanmuyi said slowly, with a hint of admiration in his eyes unconsciously.

No matter what Fang Lingqiu was like, the blue waves he produced were really good.

"It seems that this cup of blue waves is rippling, and it has been properly rated for the top grade!"

"Yes, in the first four links, all of them are top grade ratings, and the grade is almost determined!"

"Look at the last link now. If it is still top grade, then Fang Lingqiu is awesome this time. Maybe he can make a cocktail and become a sommelier with this!"

"What kind of sommelier, no matter how powerful the sommelier is, isn't he still serving us martial arts?"

Everyone was surprised, and they started talking in a low voice.

Obviously no one thought that Fang Lingqiu would start the Jedi counterattack in the bartending session!

"After drinking it, the lips and teeth will leave a fragrance, and the aftertaste is endless. This last link is rated four stars!"

"So, this cup of blue waves is rippling, and the overall score is six stars. However, this cup of blue waves can save the drinker at least one month of mental hardening. Compared with the original 25 days, it is much stronger, so it is extra Add one star, and the final score will be top grade seven stars!"

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