Divine Child System

Chapter 1053: Poison King Wei Wuya

"Yeah, you little sister, it's so unreasonable! It's you who want to challenge this baby, and now you lose, but you feel that this baby is bullying you, really!"

Ye Meng said with a curled mouth.

As he spoke, his little face was full of contempt.

After Li Ruyi heard it, he didn't say much, and after a salute to Ji Zizai, he left the hall without looking back.


When Ji Zizai saw this, he opened his mouth and gave up in despair.

Although Li Ruyi worshipped Luo Meizong, his status in the clan was extremely high, and he could be regarded as a long queue of Keqing.

Even Ji Zizai, the Sect Master, did not dare to neglect her, so Li Ruyi would leave, and Ji Zizai would have nothing to do.

"I can't afford to lose!"

Ye Meng curled his lips and murmured in a low voice.

Although his voice was small, everyone in the audience could hear him clearly.

Ji Zizai was waiting for someone, and his face suddenly turned black.

This kid’s mouth is really annoying, can’t you be humble?

Although everyone knows that Li Ruyi went away like this because he lost to Ye Meng and felt that he couldn't hold his face, but is it good to say it like this?

"Well, hurry up and compare to the next one, this baby's time is precious!"

Ye Meng turned around and yelled at Ji Zizai carelessly.

Upon hearing the words, Ji Zizai only felt that an unnamed fire in his heart rose instantly.


After humming, Ji Ziqiang suppressed his anger.

He is the master of the sect, so it's not easy to care about this with a kid!

"This gambling road!"

Immediately afterwards, Ji Zizai's voice sounded.

In the order he arranged, the Poison Dao was originally compared at the end, but now he can't wait to start the Poison Fight in advance!

"In this poisonous fight, even if you can't poison you as a kid, at least it will make you hemiplegia!"

In Ji Zizai's mind, Ye Meng, who was like a porcelain doll, had long been transformed into a little devil, which made him very annoying.

"Poison fight? Are there restrictions? What if the baby poisons your people to death?"

Ye Meng muttered while holding his chin.

"Life and death are up to you!"

Ji Zi snorted coldly.

He was confident in this poisonous fight.

Because the person who is about to represent them Luo Meizong has a big background, and it is not known how many times stronger than the previous Li Ruyi.

Li Ruyi is only a genius of the Qin Dao among the younger generation, but the person who will play in the battle is already a master-level figure.

This person is Wei Wuya, the top poison king among the three major poison masters in the neon light world.

As Ji Zizai's voice fell, Wei Wuya, who was thin and expressionless, stood up.

Seeing Wei Wuya, Hua Nishang and Baihuazong elders, he involuntarily took a breath.

Although they saw Wei Wuya at the beginning, they never thought that he would be the one who played the poisonous fight. We must know that Wei Wuya is the first master of the poisonous way.

In the neon light realm, no one can compare to Wei Wuya in the Poison Dao realm.

He plays, who can be his opponent? This Luo Meizong, don't you know that he is bullying the small with the big?

"Ji Zizai, what do you mean?"

Hua Nishang's face suddenly sank, and she shouted towards Ji Zi.

Seeing Hua Nichang's anxious look, Ji Zizai always feels better.

He chuckled and said in a hurry.

"Of course it's a fight, otherwise, why should this sect bring Wei Lao? Sect Master Hua, what you asked about is really unnecessary!"

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