Divine Child System

Chapter 1061: Wan Jianzong was destroyed

"Sect Master, Ji Zizai came here inexplicably, why did he leave inexplicably? Is it just to come and compete with my Hundred Flowers Sect?"

After Ji Zizai and Luo Meizong were all gone, the elders of Baihuazong asked one after another.

Hua Nishang heard the words and shook his head gently.

In fact, she was stunned.

Ji Zizai brought Luo Meizong's people to visit suddenly, and just after the greeting, he proposed to discuss each other.

And it's not martial arts, it's miscellaneous.

According to the rules of Ten Thousand Realms, any sect cannot refuse any sect that is challenged, otherwise it will be despised by all sects.

Therefore, even if Luo Meizong is the power of the magic door, Hua Nishang also responded.

But after Luo Meizong won several games in a row, Hua Nishang gradually realized that something was wrong.

This Ji Zizai and Luo Meizong seemed to have come prepared, deliberately choosing these fights, making Baihuazong jump into the pit by himself.

However, what Ji Zizai intends to do, Hua Nishang still can't see through.

"Fortunately, with the appearance of Ye Meng, my sect can be considered to be back!"

Hua Nishang sighed with emotion secretly, thanking her heart.

In any case, it is naturally a good thing not to lose all.

With emotion, Hua Nishang's eyes fell on Ye Meng, but she saw that Ye Meng was surrounded by many people at this time.

And Ye Meng seemed to be sharing something with everyone.

"Come one by one, don't worry! Old Shen, this is yours!"

The childish voice of milk and milk reverberated in the hall, and Hua Nishang and the elders saw it and smiled.


With the departure of Ji Zizai and Luo Meizong, the Baihuazong quickly recovered calm.

No one will take this matter to heart.

But just a few days later, an astonishing news came suddenly.

One of the four sects, the famous and master Wan Jianzong, has been destroyed!

The news came out and shocked the entire neon light world.

Countless people were astonished, shocked!

As the Hehe Sect and Hundred Flower Sect of the last sect, it is natural that they cannot be ignored.

Soon, the Hezong Sect Master Yan Nuo and the Baihua Sect Master Hua Nishang each sent the elders in the clan to thoroughly investigate the matter.

As the investigation deepened, things gradually came to the ground, and the spear was directed at the magic door.

On the day when Wan Jianzong was destroyed, Su Hongyan, the master of the charming building of the Demon Sect, had visited Wan Jianzong with the disciples of the charming building.

Moreover, the process of the visit was almost the same as Ji Zizai's visit.

The two sides also set up ten competitions, not martial arts, only miscellaneous.

However, Wan Jianzong was not as lucky as the Hundred Flowers Sect, and Ye Meng was born.

Wan Jianzong lost all ten games, and after the match was over, Su Hongyan brought her charming disciples, Shi Shiran left.

Although the loss of the competition made Wan Jianzong feel that there was no face, but they soon left this behind. After all, they were mainly practicing swordsmanship and lost other miscellaneous skills. Fighting is also excusable.

But a few days later, Wan Jianzong was suddenly destroyed by someone. If it was said that it had nothing to do with the Demon Sect, no one would believe it.

After Hua Nishang learned the news, she was shocked and frightened.

The Ten Thousand Sword Sect, who had lost ten games in a row, was suddenly destroyed. What about the Hundred Flower Sect? Will the people of the magic door let Hundred Flowers Sect be spared?

Hua Nishang didn't have any confidence in her heart. In fact, without Ye Meng, Baihua Sect would be weaker than Wanjian Sect.

If the magic door really has any purpose, it doesn't make sense to let Hundred Flowers Sect be!

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