Divine Child System

Chapter 1085: A fiasco, worse than it was in the past

"Chong, take the Five Elements Mountain for this pioneer!"

After all the heavenly soldiers landed, the giant spirit **** waved his hand and drank loudly.

Although the magic weapon was powerful just now, the giant spirit gods did not believe that the demon kings of the Five Elements Mountain still dare to release it.

After all, they have already landed at this time. Once they have entered the cottage, can those demon kings, regardless of their little demon's life, forcefully release the magic weapon?

Regarding this, the giant spirit **** does not believe, so he only hopes that the vanguard can attack the cottage as soon as possible, and let the demon kings throw rats.

Kill kill kill!

The shouting and killing sounded loudly, and went straight to the sky.

After all, it was the heavenly army. Although it had suffered previously, its morale did not drop at all.

Many little demons in the Five Elements Mountain couldn't stop shaking.

These little monsters have a deep sense of fear for the heavenly instinct.

Just now the heavenly soldiers were far away, they could still be calm, but now these heavenly soldiers are almost close to them, how can they not panic?

"What do they look like one by one? Give me Xiong Wei cheer up!"

The Xiong Guai, who was in charge of supervising the battle, couldn't help roaring loudly.

These little demons were so embarrassed, it made him look like a thunderstorm!

He really couldn't understand why the little monsters were afraid of the heavenly army with these weapons of the great king.

"Rocket soldiers prepare-listen to my orders and shoot!"

Seeing that the heavenly soldiers and generals were already close at hand, Xiong Weiguai was angry, he took a breath and shouted loudly.

The next moment, countless rockets shot out one after another.

Whoosh whoosh!

Every rocket, with a long flame, cut through the sky!


The explosion sounded.

A heavenly soldier, in full view, instantly turned into fly ash!

Ye Meng's magic-modified rocket can penetrate the fairy body and kill a heavenly soldier without any effort.


Upon seeing this, the giant spirit **** and the rest of the heavenly soldiers took a breath.

Here comes, this horrible magic weapon has appeared again!

"Chong, charge Laozi! Charge into the cottage, these monsters dare not release magic weapons!"

After all, the giant spirit **** is the veteran pioneer of the heavenly court, and he reacted quickly after being shocked.

The heavenly soldiers around were not fools. They knew what the giant spirit **** said, which made sense, so they all rushed forward like chicken blood.

Boom boom boom!

A large number of rockets exploded one after another.

For a time, the gunfire rumbling, gun smoke filled the entire battlefield.

There are broken arms and limbs everywhere, and no heavenly soldier can survive the explosion of a rocket.

In just a moment, there were nearly seven thousand heavenly soldiers, and only about one thousand were left dead.

The giant spirit **** is also extremely embarrassed, his whole person is ashamed, and there is only one sledgehammer in his hand.

The other was thrown by him without knowing where. The explosion just now almost maimed him. In a hurry, he had to roll on the spot and lost a sledgehammer in his hand.

"Damn it, **** it!"

Seeing his own misery, the giant spirit **** couldn't help but roar up to the sky.

This time, he was actually even worse than losing to Qitian.

When he was only singled out with Qi Tian Great Sage back then, he lost to the opponent, anyway his subordinates could still remain intact.

But this time, his subordinates were almost killed and wounded!

"Big man, is it fun?"

Just when the giant spirit **** wanted to cry without tears, and was panicking, he suddenly heard a childish voice of milk and milk.

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