Divine Child System

Chapter 1162: The layout of the Bull Devil

Hearing Niu Devil's slightly ridiculous words, Monkey King suddenly became a little upset!

Seeing this, Ye Meng on the side interrupted quickly.

"Brother Monkey did this not only to protect himself, but also for other reasons."

Hearing this, the cow devil had a look of surprise on his face.

"Oh? I would like to hear the details!"

"Isn't everything Niu has done in the past five hundred years is similar to that of Monkey?"

Ye Meng didn't answer directly, but said something speciously.

When the Bull Demon heard this, his eyes widened instantly, his eyes were directly at Ye Meng, his eyes full of alertness.

"Jilei Mountain, Huoyan Mountain, Cuiyun Mountain, Hao Mountain, Luotai Spring, Brother Niu is really such a big hand!"

Ye Meng suddenly stretched out his small hand, and began to calculate with his fingers.

The muscles on the Cow Demon King's face jerked a few times unconsciously, and he smiled strongly.

"Little brother Ye Meng, why don't I understand what you are saying?"

Although the Bull Demon King was frightened, his tone was extremely tight and he denied it in every possible way.

"Well, Lao Niu, you shouldn't pretend to deny it. The little brother has already seen through your layout!"

Monkey Sun still bears grudges. The ridicule that the Bull Demon King just made made him not completely angry, so he now reduces the title of Bull Demon King from Big Brother to Old Bull!

"Sure enough, I still underestimate the people of the world, even a child can see through my layout, let alone those great powers!"

Thinking in his heart, the Bull Demon didn't deny this time, and nodded slightly.

"Yes, these are the sites I secretly laid out and beaten down. I don't know how little brother Ye Meng knew about it?"

"This baby is naturally calculated!"

When Ye Meng heard the words, he said milkyly.

The Bull Demon suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. The child in front of him was only six years old after all. He looked so old and old that he could not accept it for a while.

"Well, this baby won't tell you much, everyone knows it!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved his hand, still an adult, making the Bull Devil smile bitterly.

He is also well-informed, but he has never seen such a strange child.

Compared with the child in front of him, his son, the well-known Red Boy, was obviously not worth mentioning.

"Brother Niu, let me tell you the truth..."

Ye Meng immediately stated Heavenly Court's plans and his own intentions.

He wasn't afraid that the Bull Demon King would turn back, because judging from the layout of the Bull Demon King, he had obviously anticipated that the battle between Heavenly Court and the Four Sects was about to come, so he made this layout.

Regardless of the Bull Demon King, he seems to go to banquets everywhere all day, but in fact he is secretly accumulating contacts in order to keep his current position.

Therefore, the plans of the Bull Demon King and Ye Meng are quite similar.

"That's it!"

After listening to the bull devil, it suddenly became clear.

It's just that, in his eyes, the look at Ye Meng became more and more awed.

It is really shocking to have such a vision at a young age.

"Little brother Ye Meng, since you told me the truth, I won't hide it anymore!"

At the moment, the Bull Demon King also expressed his worry in his heart.

At the end, he smiled and said.

"However, compared with my little brother's calculation of heaven, my layout is far from it! My little brother has such ambitions, my Bull Demon King would like to help you!"

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