Divine Child System

Chapter 1176: Qin Chuanbei

"this is……"

Suddenly, Dr. Qin remembered the scene before him.

His face changed drastically in an instant, and cold sweat oozing out unconsciously on his forehead!

This is a scene from his teenage years. If there is no accident, he will come out to test and teach him when he meets his master!

It is natural and righteous for the teacher to test and teach his disciples.

But Doctor Qin couldn't help shaking violently.

After a while, he was about to be discovered by his teacher secretly practicing poison.

For this reason, his master was furious, even trying to expel him from the teacher's door.

You must know that at that time, unlike now, medicine and poison were incompatible with each other, and they were the enemy of life and death.

He secretly practiced poisoning, and naturally he was not allowed in the teacher's door, and was not allowed in the medical world.

Doctor Qin's body trembled more and more severely.

"The old immortal, don't blame me, you made me do this!"

Suddenly, Dr. Qin yelled frantically.

When he was a teenager, he was discovered to be practicing poison, and then he used poison to kill Master, and his brothers, and slaughtered the entire Qihuang Valley.

Since then, he has left his hometown and kept his name incognito, and ran to the extremely remote Rainbow Territory before evading the pursuit of the medical profession.

However, because he poisoned his mentor to death, he broke the inheritance of his medical treatment, and he was unable to improve it any more.

But this is the case. Physician Qin still relied on the medical skills he learned in Qihuang Valley in his youth, and made his way into the top three famous doctors in the Rainbow Region.

"Ah... I don't want..."

Physician Qin yelled, making the whole person crazy.

The act of killing the teacher has always been a pain in his heart forever, and now that it was revealed by Chi Guoguo again, he certainly couldn't accept it.

But perhaps because of Dr. Qin's strong rebellion, the next moment, the scene before him suddenly changed.

At this time, he appeared in an icy and snowy valley again.

Beside him, lying a very beautiful woman.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Qin immediately swept towards the back like a snake and scorpion.

"Do not……"

The scene before him was the most regrettable thing in Dr. Qin's heart.

The woman was his lover, but when the two were exploring the ice and snow valley, the woman accidentally got poisoned.

Although Physician Qin found the source of the strange poison, because of insufficient medical skills, unable to prepare an antidote, he could only helplessly watch the woman die.

In this regard, Dr. Qin regrets to the extreme, and at the same time regrets the act of killing the teacher in his youth.

Immediately afterwards, the scene was constantly changing, and every new scene appeared, representing the obsession in Dr. Qin's heart.

Or regret, or guilt, or deep hatred...

At the end, Physician Qin seemed to hear an abrupt bang in his head.

Then, all the pictures, like a shattered mirror, turned into countless fragments and burst apart!

In the room, Dr. Qin's eyes returned to normal, looking no different from before.

But Ye Meng knew that the Doctor Qin in front of him had completely lost himself.

He became Ye Meng's puppet!

"Simply introduce yourself!"

Ye Meng's milky voice sounded.

Physician Qin nodded when he heard the words and replied.

"Back to the master, my original surname was Chu, a famous disciple of Huanggu, who was originally a disciple of the Yin-Yang Realm Qi. Due to the act of killing the teacher when I was young, I was forced to flee to the Rainbow Territory and changed my name to Qin Chuanbei..."

Qin Chuanbei stated his life without reservation.

Seeing this, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

"What a powerful endless eye-catching pupil, the effect is really good!"

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