Divine Child System

Chapter 1302: Modern monster army

Just when the guards were still speculating wildly, Xiong Feng and other monsters suddenly appeared in front of them.

Upon seeing them, these guards suddenly took a breath, and a chill rushed straight into the forehead from the soles of their feet.

Poorly they have never been in contact with the outside world, and they have no idea that there will be monsters and monsters in the world.

Therefore, after seeing Xiong Feng and others who were not like humans, they were instinctively scared.

The thing in front of me is really scary.

"Gosh, what is this?"

"Is this a human? How come we look different from us?"

"No, no, they are not humans, how can humans grow so weird?"

"I see. When I was a kid, my grandfather told me that the ugliest thing in the world is the bastard. They are so ugly, they must be the bastard!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, and even more funny was that one of the guards secretly spit out the words of his grandfather Gan Yuanlin, Feng Ruo Guigao, and took Xiong Wei and others for granted as unknown creatures.

"Children, tear them up!"

In an instant, the demons had appeared in front of the guards, and the Xiong Gukai roared even more loudly.

In order to perform in front of the king, Xiong Weiguai worked extremely hard.


The eight kings of Gan are already close at hand, and the guards are no longer afraid, and instinctively withdraws their weapons and slashed towards the monsters.

The monsters and the guards fought together in an instant, mingled together, it was no longer clear which was a monster, which was a human, at a glance, it was all shemales!

Da da da!


Except for the strength of the Demon King Xiong Gukai, which can steadily surpass these guards, the rest of the little monsters are just monsters that have just become spirits.

It really had to be compared with those guards with a high level of cultivation, maybe even worse.

However, these monsters are not simple now. They are all equipped with the black technology magic modification equipment provided by Ye Meng, how can their strength be underestimated?

At the moment, the frantic blasting of machine guns, the roar of rocket launchers, explosions, etc. are intertwined.

Sweep, crush, and destroy!

These words are not enough to describe this battle, think about it, the monsters of Wuxing Mountain, relying on Ye Meng’s black technology magic modification equipment, even the heavenly army can repel, how can a few human martial arts Their opponent?

"Boss, these ugly monsters are too terrible. If this goes on, we may be wiped out!"

A guard said anxiously towards their boss.

"Retreat, retreat, defend against the blood pool!"

Hearing this, the boss made a decisive decision and gave the order to retreat.

At the moment, the guards retreated while fighting, slowly retreating towards the blood pool.

However, there were only one-third of the hundreds of guards left at this time, and almost all of the rest were shot dead on the spot by the monsters.

"Want to run? No way!"

Upon seeing this, Xiong Guai waved his big hand and directed the monsters to chase after him.

The king is watching the battle, of course he has to perform well.

Liu Feifei's three daughters not far away were stunned.

They have seen monsters before, but they have seen monsters equipped with black technology weapons for the first time.

Compared to Gu Xiqian and Lu Xiaoyan, Liu Feifei was even more shocked.

After all, Liu Feifei was born in modern society, and one can tell at a glance that the weapons in the hands of these monsters are all modern equipment.

"Ye Meng, kid, when did you turn all the monsters into a modern army?"

When her thoughts flashed, Liu Feifei turned her head and glanced at Ye Meng, her eyes flowed, as if anger was not anger.

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