Divine Child System

Chapter 1309: Excalibur King Chou Ziming

Ye Meng was of course disgusted with monsters eating people, but if those monsters were eating big wicked men like brawny men, he would open one eye and close one eye, Chundang didn't see it.

"Thank you, King!"

The leopard spirit waited for the demon king to see it, and happily bowed, and immediately dragged the brawny man out.

"You... what do you want to do?"

The brawny man was terrified. He instinctively felt that something bad would happen.


The leopard spirit and other demon kings all laughed.

This time, they were really full and refreshing!

"Okay, don't worry about the pickled goods!"

Seeing Liu Feifei and the others behind him, there were some suspicious expressions on their faces, Ye Meng curled his small mouth, and said milky voice.

The next moment, he walked to Shen Hongye in a shining manner.

"Old Shen, I have suffered!"

Everything was actually under Ye Meng's control. The only thing he didn't expect was that the strong men would tortured the Jiang brothers.

However, fortunately, his **** little brother Shen Hongye did not suffer any harm.

"Little brother, you came just in time!"

Shen Hongye had completely let go of his heart at this time, and said with joy.

After rescuing Shen Hongye and the Jiang brothers, Ye Meng threw a few healing pills to the Jiang brothers, and his eyes fell on the surrounding Zhong Wugong and others.

"Who are these people? Was it also caught by that bad old man?"

"Master, it is true. These people are all famous people in the Rainbow Territory, and even in other territories, but who would think that they have been harmed into such an appearance, and they are no different from the walking dead!"

Jiang Zilan had just finished taking the pill, and the injuries he had healed immediately. Before he was shocked in his heart, he heard Ye Meng's question. He didn't dare to neglect, and quickly replied.

"So this is ah!"

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words, and said with milk.

"These guys are pretty poor, should this baby save them?"

For Ye Meng, it would not cost much to treat Zhong Wugong and the others.

It's just that if you want these people to recover, it's quite difficult.

Even if they are made to be like Wu Qingqing and other maids, it is not easy to do.

After all, Zhong Wugong and others, although they looked like walking dead, their souls had not yet dispersed, but their souls had been greatly damaged. Ye Meng had no good way to repair them for the time being.

"Fine, it's better to die than to live! My baby should get them treated first!"

Ye Meng murmured as his thoughts flashed.

The next moment, he walked to a sloppy Wu Xiu who looked not much better than a beggar and stopped.

This Wu Xiu was the Excalibur King who was recognized by the Jiang brothers.

"Haha, haha!"

Suddenly, the Excalibur King gave a smirk.

He fixedly looked at Ye Meng, the quarreling Harazi, constantly flowing down, without knowing it.

"Ye Meng, this person seems crazy!"

Seeing what the Excalibur King looked like, Liu Feifei said with some sympathy.

"Miss Liu, this person is called Qiu Ziming. He is a very famous Excalibur King in the Rainbow Territory. I think that back then, Qiu Ziming wore a blue shirt and held a long sword. What a demeanor that was, but now it has become this look, hey!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Zilan on the side couldn't help sighing and said quietly.

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