Divine Child System

Chapter 1344: One person and one beast are all foodies

Click, click!

Suddenly, a strange sound of chewing came to Ye Meng and others' ears.

Ye Meng and others turned their heads and found that the giant panda didn't know what it was chewing, and was eating with relish.

"It's a fragment of the Transfiguration King Kong, my God, what kind of panda can actually eat metal fragments."

Upon seeing this, Shen Hongye exclaimed exaggeratedly.

The Transfiguration King Kong is Mi Lianxing's top combat power, and it is second to none in the entire alliance.

They are all cast by Mi Lianxing, the most cutting-edge black technology, and the fusion of dissimilar metals from unknown sources.

The sturdiness of these dissimilar metals is not inferior to the top Lingbao.

And the giant panda in front of him was able to bite the shards of the King Kong which was comparable to the top spirit treasures, which made Shen Hongye naturally surprised.

In his impression, apart from Ye Meng, no one seemed to be able to bite the moving diamond fragments.

But now, it has added another giant panda that can rival Ye Meng.

Click, click.

The noise of chewing became louder and louder, and the panda seemed to eat more happily.

It didn't know where it hid these transformed diamond fragments, and it actually ate piece after piece, seemingly inexhaustible.

"It seems that you are also a foodie, you are one person and one beast, but they complement each other!"

Upon seeing this, Liu Feifei couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled.

After Ye Meng heard it, he curled his lips and said milky voice.

"Oh, miss sister, you really are, is this baby such a person?"

Seeing Ye Meng's denial, Liu Feifei smiled more happily.

At this time, Ye Meng was no longer reserved, and ran to the panda.

"Little guy, give this baby a piece, and this baby hasn't eaten the King Kong for a long time!"

When the panda heard the words, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, as if saying, do you like this too?

However, the panda was not stingy, and when his fleshy claws flipped over, a large number of transformed diamond fragments appeared in his hand and passed it to Ye Meng.

Ye Meng took it over honestly and unceremoniously, pinched a piece of it, and bit it down.

Click, click!

Quack, quack!

Immediately, one person and one beast ate like this, with a satisfied look on his face.

Liu Feifei almost laughed, this Ye Meng, this panda, really convinced them.

It was good before, but Ye Meng was the only foodie, but now there is an extra panda out of thin air, which may taste even more unscrupulous.

In fact, Liu Feifei and others did not know that giant pandas, nicknamed iron-eaters, are most greedy, but they can eat gold and iron, let alone other?

Of course, its favorite food is naturally bamboo.

It's just that giant pandas are generally not picky eaters, and they can be called foodies.

"I am afraid it will be interesting in the future!"

Liu Feifei secretly thought that she could even imagine that one day when Ye Meng went out to harm him, this person and beast would eat like a locust. I am afraid that few people in the ten thousand realms can bear it.



After a while, one person and one beast ate up the entire two Transformed Diamond Fragments, and immediately, each of them burped in contentment.

Liu Feifei and Shen Hongye were already numb.

You know, the two transformed diamond fragments are not just a little bit.

One Transformation King Kong is at least forty to fifty meters high. The fragments are no less than ten tons, and two are at least twenty tons.

And this is still less talking about, in fact, Ye Meng and the giant panda, this meal, is more than just eating 20 tons of transformed diamond fragments?

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