Divine Child System

Chapter 1351: Dao one, you are down

In fact, in addition to these four people, there is also an outer court leader named Li Jieyi.

The names of the five people are connected to the martial arts world.

These five people are all orphans adopted by the previous generation of the Li family and cultivated them into powerful martial artists.

Today, they can be regarded as the right-hand men of Li Rulong, the contemporary patriarch of the Li family.

Therefore, when all four members of the vertical and horizontal martial arts group appeared, Li Daoyi's heart suddenly relaxed.

The next moment, he pointed his finger at Ye Meng and the giant panda hanging on the wall and shouted.

"These two thieves dare to make trouble in my Li's house, brothers, please help me!"

When the voice fell, Li Zongyi and others all looked at Ye Meng and the giant panda.

When they saw it, they were all stunned.

A good wall was broken into two pieces. What's even more exaggerated is that these two thieves were gnawing at the wall without changing their faces.

"Nima, is the wall so delicious?"

Li Hengyi, who has a slightly offensive personality, felt his scalp numb, and couldn't help but explode.

Even the most stable Li Zongyi frowned secretly, feeling absurd in his heart.

"Old Tie, someone is bothering us again!"

At this moment, Ye Meng gnawed at the wall and said vaguely.


The giant panda nodded, indicating that he understood Ye Meng's meaning.

At the moment, it let go of its paws and jumped down.


The giant panda waved its paws and roared!

But unfortunately, its appearance is so cute. When Li Zongyi and others saw it, not only did they not pay attention to it, but they laughed.

Only Li Daoyi, who had just seen the power of giant pandas, frowned and looked solemn.

"Several elder brothers, this beast is extremely weird, and its strength should not be underestimated..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Hengyi sneered.

"Dao Yi, how did I find that your courage is getting smaller and smaller? Even a small monster beast makes you nervous for a long time."

Although Li Zongyi and the others didn't speak, they all frowned.

In their opinion, Li Daoyi has been stationed in the most comfortable place of Li's house for a long time. This kind of comfortable life has corroded the tenacity that Wu Xiu should have, so that when he sees a monster beast, he is shocked. .

Yes, this monster and this child, although a little weird, can even gnaw off the wall.

But so what?

There was no horror in the aura radiating from this monster beast.

As for this child, he is even more humble and capable.

With just these two vulnerable foreign enemies, he Li Daoyi had to use flare to summon them all.

It is simply incompetence to the extreme.

"Dao Yi, you are depraved. After these two thieves are taken down, I will report to the Patriarch Ming and transfer you to the Buddha Mine!"

The boss of the crowd, Li Zong gave a faint glance at Li Dao, and his voice sounded.

As the leader of the five-member martial arts world, Li Zongyi felt that he had to take care of Li Daoyi. Otherwise, wouldn't it be his negligence?

"Brother, let me explain..."

When Li Dao heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he explained in a panic.

He doesn't want to go to the Buddha Mine, is there people staying there?

Unfortunately, Li Zongyi didn't listen at all. He waved his hand and interrupted the other party and shouted in a deep voice.

"Okay, this matter ends here, Hengyi, Wuyi, take this person and beast for me!"

As soon as his voice fell, Li Hengyi and Li Wu were flying towards Ye Meng and the giant panda.

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