Divine Child System

Chapter 1353: Just for a change

"Old iron, good job!"

Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction after seeing it.

Immediately, he beckoned to the giant panda and motioned to the other side to continue coming over to eat the wall.


The giant panda screamed happily, and then jumped onto the wall like flying.

Just hung on the fence like this, biting wildly.

Although the four leaders were defeated, it did not mean that the Li family had no combat power.

Several figures walked out of the gate with just a few fingers.

The leader is about forty years old, handsome and elegant, with extraordinary appearance.

Behind him, followed by several old men with terrifying aura, Yuan Zhen Yuezhi.

After seeing this person, Li Zongyi and others suddenly blurted out in exclamation.

"Second Lord, why are you here?"

When the voice fell, Li Zongyi and others struggled to get up, but they couldn't move.

This is called the second master, Li Rufeng, the younger brother of Li Rulong, the head of the Li family.

Although Li Rufeng is not the head of the family, his position in Li's family can be said to be very important.

Even his elder brother, Li Rulong, relied heavily on him and regarded him as a think tank.

"This is how the same thing?"

Li Rufeng's gaze first fell on Li Zongyi and others, then he glanced at Ye Meng and the giant panda, then frowned and said.

The Li family is famous in the Rainbow Territory. For thousands of years, no one has dared to challenge the reputation of the Li family.

But now, there are people who dare to make trouble in the Li's house. Isn't that too much of the Li's attention?

Li Rufeng secretly wiped a trace of anger in his heart, but he did not show it.

He first gestured to the elderly people behind him and asked them to check the injuries of Li Zongyi and others.

Afterwards, Li Rufeng's gaze again fell on Ye Meng and the giant panda.

The behavior of Ye Meng and the giant panda gnawing frantically on the wall surprised Li Rufeng.

But Li Rufeng's city mansion was extremely deep, but there was no surprise on his face.

"Since the two are here at my Li's house, why don't you go inside for a while?"

After looking at Ye Meng and the giant panda for a few times, Li Rufeng's clear voice rang.

Upon hearing this, Ye Meng stopped eating the wall and turned to look at Li Rufeng.

The next moment, he jumped off the fence.

After standing still, Ye Meng patted her little hand, and the milky voice replied.

"Okay, this baby is just about to enter your Li's house!"

He came this time to threaten the Li family and let them discipline Li Qiufeng, the master-killing apprentice, and he also had the idea of ​​a big meal.

Now, he eats the wall, and he is almost tired of eating, and he can just enter the Li Family Manor to change his taste.

When the giant panda saw Ye Meng jump down, it also learned everything, jumping to the ground with a bang.

"Old Tie, go in with this baby for a change!"

Ye Meng said milky voice towards the panda.

After speaking, he walked towards the door of Li's house in a graceful manner.

Seeing this, the giant panda quickly followed.

When Li Rufeng on the side saw it, he couldn't help being taken aback.

What he just said was just a temptation, but who would think that this little kid is not at all polite, so he went in like this?

However, Li Rufeng reacted very quickly. The next moment, he immediately winked at the elderly people behind him.

Soon, he slowly followed.

After entering from the gate, the beautiful pavilions suddenly jumped into Ye Meng's eyes.

However, Ye Meng's goal is not above these buildings. No matter how beautiful the buildings are, they will taste like that!

Those rare treasures are the real delicacies!

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